Therefore, there is only one chance, so An Zhiyuan doesn't want her to refuse. Of course, the company's decision is not something that An Zhiyuan can control by saying he wants it or not, of course it still depends on her own wishes.

"I's time for us to end this relationship..." Enterprise flicked his side hair and said softly, there was no coldness or familiarity in his voice.

This is very similar to the character of the enterprise. Even after the two started dating to a certain extent, the enterprise still kept a proper distance. She always gave them a way to retreat, and did not step in with both feet.

The vague sense of alienation wandered between the two of them. After getting this answer, An Zhiyuan pursed his lips. How should I put it, it felt a little... weird.

Perhaps the first attempt to salvage the boat failed?Or something else?This kind of mood is very complicated, and it is difficult to express it in a few words. Then, what kind of expression is it like to reject your own company?

An Zhiyuan raised his head, looked at Enterprise, and found that her face was very red, and her eyes moved outside. Her hands seemed to be clenched into fists, and they were placed on her lap... Didn't you reject me?Am I the one who should blush with embarrassment?

An Zhiyuan let out a sigh, then, since the company has already rejected, then he shouldn't pester her anymore, An Zhiyuan said: "Then..."

"In this case...from...from today...from today..." The enterprise's face was extremely rosy, and she couldn't say that sentence. She was very anxious, but the more anxious, the more It's hard to say.

"From today onwards, I won't bother you anymore." An Zhiyuan still added this sentence and said.

"Oh...?" He was blushing and looking at the company next to him, and was stunned when he heard the words, and then turned his head to look at him, "You...what are you talking about...? ..."

Is it because you feel surprised at how decisively you gave up...?There was a forced smile on An Zhiyuan's face, but he suddenly realized that something was wrong, if he was only surprised by his decisiveness in giving up, the complexion of the enterprise wouldn't suddenly turn pale...

But didn't the company's words just mean rejection?What did An Zhiyuan think?

The so-called ending this relationship... no matter how you think about it, it means that the relationship between the two is over, right?

However, the company's face turned from rosy to pale, which made An Zhiyuan feel very strange... Starting today... Could it be that he completely misunderstood it?

Could it be that the end of the relationship that the company refers to ends this ambiguous state and officially becomes a boyfriend and girlfriend?

An Zhiyuan didn't know whether his guess was accurate, but the pale face of the enterprise made him feel bad, so he should take it as his own guess, it doesn't matter if he misunderstood, anyway, he has a thick skin...

An Zhiyuan immediately adjusted his expression, and then said: " are already a member of our tutelary mansion, right?"

The enterprise has also experienced a lot of psychological activities...

After chatting with the chaser that day, she returned home and thought about it for a long time...

The chaser told the company that if he didn't have this plan, he should have given up earlier. The chaser didn't say too many good things. Instead, he told the company that if he was not sure about his feelings, there was no need to procrastinate. People cut ties...

That's right, the chaser chatted with the company for a long time that day, and kept trying to persuade...

The company was taken aback by what she said, she had no way to be sure of her feelings for An Zhiyuan, but now that the chased one came, she became even more suspicious that she actually didn't have a good impression of An Zhiyuan...

Then the chaser asked her to go back and think about it, think about it seriously, what she hoped to be like...

The company went back that day and thought about it for a long time, thinking about it for a long time...

She suddenly discovered that her feelings for An Zhiyuan, which the pursuer had always denied, were not as unreal as the pursuer said...

The chaser told her that you definitely don't like An Zhiyuan, otherwise you wouldn't have hesitated for so long, the chaser told her that you don't want to join the tutelary mansion, otherwise you wouldn't be so dawdling, the chaser told her , In fact, you hate An Zhiyuan, otherwise, why would you ask others to remind you, and you are unwilling to face this relationship?

No... no, I don't hate An Zhiyuan, she has a good impression of him, it's not that she doesn't want to join the tutelary mansion, she already has this idea, the first point is the same... then, in this case, it's already One took over, she wants to join the tutelary mansion, doesn't she?She has a crush on An Zhiyuan, doesn't she?So why hesitate?Yes, why hesitate?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The last sentence of the chaser to the company is that she is actually afraid of giving, so she is unwilling to face her heart...

Am I really afraid to give?

Am I afraid of not being rewarded after giving, or am I afraid that I will be severely hurt after giving?

She's not that vulnerable, she's not afraid of being hurt, and she doesn't try to get something in return, which tarnishes the relationship between the admiral, the commander, and the ship's wife.

She is not afraid to give....

Then, since she is not afraid of giving, has a good impression of An Zhiyuan, and has the idea of ​​joining the tutelary mansion, why is she still hesitating?

Is this what the chasers want to express?

Through the aggressive way, let herself understand, let herself deny her doubts, let her face her true thoughts...

The company made a decision, but the company found it difficult to open its mouth. It suddenly changed from the victim to the attacker. This kind of role change was a little uncomfortable for the company, so she was waiting for An Zhiyuan to take the initiative to find she.

That's right, she didn't have deep feelings for An Zhiyuan, but the enterprise found that if she didn't really join the tutelary mansion, the relationship between the two would always be limited to this, because this was the end of her current relationship with An Zhiyuan. In the end, it was decided that such an ambiguous relationship could no longer bring the two of them closer.

Enterprises are not like brilliance, victory, and awesomeness. As two hearts get closer, some intimacy happens naturally. She knows that she is alienating An Zhiyuan as much as possible, and deliberately maintains a sense of distance. She knows that , she couldn't control herself, so she simply made the relationship less than she couldn't refuse. The company didn't know whether she would regret it, but if she had to think about whether she would regret it in everything she did, That life would be too depressing.

Since you can't refuse, and you don't want to refuse, then don't refuse.

The enterprise opened its mouth, saying that it wanted to end this relationship with An Zhiyuan, and then...become the real admiral and ship's wife, but the latter sentence, the enterprise couldn't say anything...

Because it is too shameful, if you can say such things calmly, the enterprise is not an enterprise.

She can face enemies that are several times her own, and dare to challenge the opponent's fleet alone, but in this battlefield that does not belong to her at all, the enterprise loses her courage.

Therefore, she hoped that An Zhiyuan could understand what she meant, and then complete this passage... An Zhiyuan would definitely understand, right?

The company and An Zhiyuan have already made many appointments. Many times, An Zhiyuan can accurately grasp her thoughts and needs. He also has a strong ability to adapt to changes. This is definitely An Zhiyuan's advantage.

But... I won't bother myself... What do you mean?

The face of the enterprise is pale. I just... just mustered up the courage to speak out my thoughts, and I got this kind of words and this kind of fate?

Fortunately, An Zhiyuan immediately added: " are already a member of our tutelary mansion, right?"

Only then did Enterprise realize that she was in a hurry... This was obviously the answer she wanted... Her somewhat pale cheeks turned rosy again, and she clamped the palms of her hands between her legs... Twist Twitching and humming softly...

An Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he... almost made a mistake... he is usually so clever, how could he almost be stupid in this matter...

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