Then, An Zhiyuan's heart was filled with ecstasy, and the company actually agreed?

This is obviously not what An Zhiyuan could have foreseen. He originally thought that the two of them needed some kind of opportunity to get closer, such as holding hands, then kissing, interlocking fingers, wet kissing, etc., and then the company suddenly agreed. , this was a situation that An Zhiyuan could not have expected at all.

It even made him feel a little unbelievable...

However, An Zhiyuan was still an old admiral after all, and an admiral with hundreds of boats on his feet quickly accepted this situation.

An Zhiyuan asked: "Have you talked to... Bilan Academy?"

"No, no...Because, after all, I haven't settled down with you yet...So I haven't said it yet...I'll just go back and talk...Since I joined your tutelary fort, I will completely leave the current Bilan College, I am still very clear about this..." the enterprise said with a red face.

Good guy, you are obviously a royal sister, but she is so cute, what's the matter with you?

An Zhiyuan touched his nose and said, "Then, it's settled now...?"

"Hmm..." The company responded with a voice that was not much louder than a mosquito's. Thanks to An Zhiyuan's good hearing, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to hear...

An Zhiyuan let out a sigh of relief, and then said, "Do you want me to pack things with you?"

"No need, I'll go back and pack my things after the dessert is finished, I'll talk to Shangri-La, and then... I'll go to your tutelary mansion." The voice of the enterprise raised a little, and said.

"Or 'your' tutelary mansion?"

"I...our town guard..." The enterprise's face became more rosy, and he lowered his head and said.

Hiss...this woman...Although An Zhiyuan has always wanted to make money in business, the reason why he was attracted by the company is because she is beautiful and has a heroic personality.

But now An Zhiyuan realized that this woman is so cute!God, An Zhiyuan found himself liking the company more and more...

An Zhiyuan decided that although the enterprise has joined the tutelary government, it does not mean that his pursuit is over, he wants to give the enterprise a romantic love!

The two ate desserts in silence, An Zhiyuan was thinking about how to continue pursuing the company, but the company was shy, so he didn't speak...

However, this is much more relaxing than when she and An Zhiyuan came to the dessert shop together. When you make your next decision but haven't implemented it, no matter whether it is good or bad, you will always feel a little uneasy in your heart. After implementing the decision you made, you will naturally feel much more relaxed.

After eating dessert, An Zhiyuan returned to his tutelary mansion, ready to welcome the company's arrival.

The enterprise also returned to Bilan College and began to pack its luggage.

Both Shangri-La and Richelieu noticed that the company was packing up, and Shangri-La asked a little strangely: "Where are you going to pack up? Is there another transfer?"

"No..." Enterprise blushed and shook his head, folded his clothes and put them in the box.

"Then this is...?" Richelieu was also a little surprised. Neither of them thought that the company was preparing to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion. Obviously, the two of them had the same idea as An Zhiyuan, and they would not come so soon. of.

"I... have already told Dean Washington that I will completely withdraw from Bean Blue Academy starting today." The enterprise said after taking a deep breath, then stood up straight.

"Huh...? Uh... wait, agree with An Zhiyuan's pursuit?" Shangri-la was taken aback for a moment, but immediately came back to his senses and asked.

"Well... I'll go back to his tutelary mansion later." Enterprise nodded, and after saying that, she wasn't so shy.

Richelieu had a strange expression on his face, so fast...?

"Don't be so anxious, right? At least, let's have a farewell party...?" Shangri-La said.

"No need, it's not like I won't see you again in the future. Even if I join Anzhiyuan's tutelary mansion, I can still see you in the future." The enterprise packed up its bags and said, "Then... Shangri-La, Richelieu, we ...see you later."

Shangri-La and Richelieu sent off the company, both of them had complicated expressions.

"Is it too sudden...?" Richelieu asked.

"It doesn't count, the two have been dating for so long..." Shangri-La sighed, and said, "Really, this guy from the company doesn't even give you time to say goodbye..."

"But what the company said is right, it's not that we won't see you later..." Richelieu said after hearing the words.

"See you next time, the status will be different..." Shangri-La said: "And...the company joined An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, I always feel that this is just the beginning..."

"...Do you also want to join his tutelary mansion?" Richelieu looked at Shangri-La, blinked, and asked.

"Compared to me, don't you think so?" Shangri-La rolled her eyes.

" might be..." Richelieu looked at the figure of the company going away, and thought of Jean Bart and Gascogne...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The company carried its suitcase and sailed to the island where Anzhiyuan's tutelary mansion is located...

Along the way, she was somewhat uneasy, because from the moment she set foot on Anzhiyuan's tutelary mansion, it meant a brand new life.

But the tension is the tension, the speed of the enterprise has not slowed down at all.

On An Zhiyuan's side, standing on the port, he had already prepared a banner saying that enterprises are welcome to join the tutelary mansion.

Everyone came out to welcome them, and so did the three glorious sisters.

Kewei leaned close to Guanghui's ear and whispered, "Sister, the admiral didn't welcome us so much when we came..."

Guanghui clapped his formidable hands, and said: "We were different at that time, we were all familiar with the admiral, and it was normal to get together. Agree?"

Shengli said: "We were not warmly welcomed too? How many people were there that day..."

It's scary to think about it, how could they have been welcomed by several people when they joined the tutelary mansion?Although there is indeed a welcome banquet at night, is there a welcome like this?

Then Kewei saw the strange expression on Shengli's face, and suddenly realized something, she was talking about the day they had their first time, right?

There were indeed several people together, including Hood and the Duke of York... Terrible's face was reddish, and Glory's face was also rosy, that kind of welcome...

Xi Li, who was the secretary ship of the tutelary government, stood beside An Zhiyuan, and on the other side, the enterprise and New Jersey also stood with An Zhiyuan.

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