The company has always been in charge of most of the affairs of the tutelary mansion. Although the company seldom took care of things in the past, it doesn’t mean that the company can’t take care of things. It’s just that her rotation time is very short. In addition, the affairs of the tutelary mansion are often handled by Lexington, Three people from Missouri and Washington will handle it, and no one else is needed.

However, after coming to this world, the enterprise has been responsible for this area, and the enterprise has done a good job.

After Xili became a secretary ship, she helped the company share some of the pressure. After all, the company used to be not only responsible for the work of the secretary ship, but also the core of the patrol. After New Jersey came, it helped the company share a large part of it. Xili was unable to help. Enterprises can focus on fighting more.

As Yudachi became more and more excellent as the secretary ship, and the things that New Jersey took over, the company naturally became more and more relaxed. However, now, before Missouri and Lexington came, the company did have a kind of big woman. a feeling of...

No matter how you say it, it's all American... I can only say that American is really popular, such as Lexington, Missouri, and enterprises. The lights will flash when the lights are on. One is gentle, the other is caring, and the other is calm and harmful.

Of course, the tutelary mansion has never had a big woman in the actual sense, unless the admiral expresses his opinion which ship girl he likes the most. However, their admiral will not say such a thing. He must have a favorite in his heart. But he certainly won't say it.

"I thought it would take a while." Enterprise said, "It's faster than I thought, admiral."

An Zhiyuan touched the back of his head and said: "It's also faster than I imagined...To be honest, I didn't expect it at all..."

New Jersey leaned forward a little, then turned his head and said to An Zhiyuan: "I remember you and the company...uh, Yinye, it seems that you haven't had any particularly intimate contact yet, right? Is it really okay like this?"

"Well, even though she plans to join the tutelary mansion, I still think that I should continue to pursue her and give her a more romantic relationship." An Zhiyuan said: "It can be regarded as making up for the current shortcomings."

"What are you talking about that is enviable..." New Jersey rolled her eyes coquettishly when she heard the words, "Speaking of which, you said before that there will be a huge wedding, have you forgotten?"

"No, at that time I thought it would be after this trip, and then I would have traveled over here? Then everyone will come over, and we will hold a huge wedding together..." An Zhiyuan blinked Blinking, said.

"It's good for you. When others hold a wedding, there is only one bride. When you hold a wedding, there are hundreds of brides. Will you finish the bridal chamber?" New Jersey said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan touched his waist, was silent for a while, and said, "I will try my best..."

Xi Li on the side blushed when she heard this, she thought to herself, she also wants to be the admiral's bride, and then she will have a bridal chamber with the admiral...


A small black dot appeared on the sea, and the enterprise that had been staring at the sea said, "Here she is."

Although An Zhiyuan's eyesight was good, but because he was too far away, he still couldn't see clearly, but Yinye himself at the other end could see clearly...

She could see An Zhiyuan and his sisters...that is, her future sisters standing together, and behind her, there was a banner...Welcome the enterprise to join the tutelary can see that it was hasty Prepared... An Zhiyuan never thought that he would agree to her request so quickly, right?

However, since the idea in my heart has arrived, there is no need to continue.

Enterprise took a deep breath and continued sailing forward.

Until she got close, An Zhiyuan could see her clearly. She saw An Zhiyuan raised his hand and waved at her. The closer he was, the hotter the enterprise's face became... until she stepped onto the town guard's mansion beach...

The company has been here before, but at that time, it indicated that it was the retired dean of Bilan College, but now, it is completely different. The company knows that the moment its feet step on the land here, it is An Zhiyuan. The enterprise of the tutelary government.

An Zhiyuan walked up alone, but the others didn't follow, because, right now, it's best to leave room for the two of them to talk.

"You're here..." An Zhiyuan exhaled and said.

"...I am coming..."

"You shouldn't have come..."

"...?" A question mark appeared on the head of the enterprise.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I'm playing tricks." An Zhiyuan laughed, which dissolved the subtle and somewhat stiff atmosphere between the two of them.

" are welcome, Enterprise." An Zhiyuan took a deep breath, and then said solemnly.

"Well...from today, I will be your ship's wife, An Zhiyuan...admiral." Enterprise pressed down his navy cap, covering his eyes, not wanting An Zhiyuan to see her almost because of Shy and almost crying, but An Zhiyuan twisted his waist and saw...

Hiss...this woman!Why can it be so cute!

An Zhiyuan didn't know if it was because the company left him with a chic and brave impression, but now that the company showed such a shy look, it directly gave him a critical blow...

Enterprise noticed An Zhiyuan's behavior, bit his lip, and turned his head to the side.

An Zhiyuan almost laughed out loud, but he couldn't tease the company too much.

An Zhiyuan stood up straight, coughed twice, and then said: "Well, although it's a bit rushed, there's still time to prepare for the orientation meeting, so..."

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand, palm up, "Enterprise..."

Enterprise heard the words and raised her head, her face was rosy, her eyes were moist, she saw An Zhiyuan's hand, she gently raised her other hand, and placed it on An Zhiyuan's palm...

This is the first intimate contact between the two after they met... The company joined An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion without any intimate behavior. An Zhiyuan really didn't expect it...

He sighed a little, then held the hand of the enterprise and walked towards everyone.

Seeing the company walk in, everyone was smiling and saying welcome. Although the company was blushing and didn't want to raise its head, but with such a warm welcome from everyone, it is impossible for the company to be like a piece of wood without any expression. She can only He nodded shyly towards everyone.

An Zhiyuan led the company to another company, and said, "From now on, one of you will be called Gold Industry, and the other will be called Silver Industry..."

This title has never been brought up on the table, it's just that An Zhiyuan would think so in private, and he only said it now...

Jin Ye's expression was a little subtle, what kind of title is this?Gold and silver?It's really you, Admiral...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the end, Jinye still didn't complain about her admiral's naming ability. She welcomed Yinye, and then went to prepare for the welcome dinner with everyone.

An Zhiyuan and Yinye were left alone...

"Let me take you around the tutelary mansion to get acquainted with where you will live in the future." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"I'm quite familiar with this place..." I don't know if it's because of holding hands with An Zhiyuan, the heat from An Zhiyuan's palm made the company less nervous and shy, and gradually got used to it .

"That's different." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "The identity is different, and the feeling of seeing things is also different. Besides, you haven't been here for a long time. Some changes have also taken place in the town guard's mansion."

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