In An Zhiyuan's pocket is not only a rubber band, but also a small pink toy, isn't this convenient and can be taken out to play with the girls at any time?cough cough.

An Zhiyuan went around to the back of the enterprise, wrapped the silver hair flying all over the sky of the enterprise, and then tied it into a low ponytail with a rubber band. Although it would still be slightly blown by the wind, it would not fly all over the sky like before.

After tying it up, An Zhiyuan took the company's hand again and said, "Well, to continue our topic just now, my idea is that even if you agree to join my tutelary mansion and become my ship's wife, I still want to Continue to pursue you, but now our identities are different, now I am your admiral, you are my ship's wife, you can lower your standards a little bit."

The enterprise smiled shyly when he heard the words, " problem..."

Is it too brazen?An Zhiyuan thought to himself, that's not right... Now that the company is considered his mother-in-law, why is it called brazen... Ahem.

"I will, give you a romantic love process." An Zhiyuan tightened Enterprise's hand and said, "When we date, we spend more time chatting, and we haven't done anything else. ..."

"Hmm..." With a ruddy complexion, Qiye brushed her hair by the side of her ear, because of the sea breeze, it was blown up and scraped across her face.

Enterprise found that she did not hate contact with An Zhiyuan.

In the past, it was because of their identities, and the relationship between the two of them did not allow them to have too close a relationship, but now, the boundary that has always been in front of the two of them has been eliminated, and it has become the pure and pure relationship between the ship's mother and the admiral. In terms of relationship, they will not be entangled anymore...

She began to enjoy the feeling of An Zhiyuan holding her hand...

If there is a numerical value for the degree of favorability, the company now has about sixty to seventy favorability for An Zhiyuan.

"Okay, then it's time for us to go back. Maybe everyone should be ready?" An Zhiyuan said.

Enterprise's hand tightened, and then said in a low voice: "I want... to stay here with you for a while... is it okay?"

"Well, of course..." An Zhiyuan nodded, not in a hurry, it's still far away in the evening, although the welcome dinner is about to be ready, but it's okay to go back later.

The enterprise smiled sweetly when he heard the words, and his expression returned to the usual feeling.

An Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, let go of Enterprise's hand, then circled around, hugged Enterprise from behind, and said, "I've wanted to hug you like this for a long time."

"Did you... think about it before?" Enterprise blushed again, and she seemed particularly shy.

"Well, if you say you don't want to, it must be a lie." An Zhiyuan said, he gently sniffed the fragrance of the enterprise, and said, "You don't even know how attractive you are."

Of course, for An Zhiyuan, although the previous company was very good, obviously, this company that has become super cute after joining the tutelary mansion is more attractive to him.

Hearing An Zhiyuan's words, Enterprise's face turned red again, An Zhiyuan thought, since Enterprise blushed so easily, wouldn't it be possible to tease her?Praise her fiercely when doing that kind of thing, I'm afraid she will be ashamed on the spot.

Think about that scene, hiss...

The company didn't take up too much time. Although she enjoyed being alone for a while, she also knew that everyone was waiting for them. They couldn't stay here for a long time, and the time was still long. Since She has already joined the tutelary mansion, so naturally, she will stay here for the rest of her life... until the admiral's life span is exhausted... I will be with him...

Thinking of the theory of longevity, the company feels a little uncomfortable. No matter how beautiful it is now, will there be a day of parting...?

An Zhiyuan just forgot to tell the company about his immortality...

You shouldn't think so much, enjoying the present is the most important thing, isn't this something you have decided a long time ago?It is precisely because, compared with the life of the ship's mother, human life is too short, so it is necessary to enjoy life more and not regret it.

However, it seemed that the company knew that the company was worried, or felt that the company was a little disappointed that it could not continue to be alone. An Zhiyuan said: "Our time is still long... We will see the vicissitudes of the world together and spend the long time together Look at the rise and fall of the universe, oh, yes, I haven’t told you yet, the enterprise, in fact, I have already lived forever, so things like longevity theory can’t trap you and me. "

"...Huh?" Enterprise opened his mouth and looked at An Zhiyuan.

"Well, do you find it hard to believe? Don't be so surprised, you'll know when you see Yubari." An Zhiyuan squeezed the hand of the enterprise and said, "Besides, don't you believe me?"

He won't lie to himself, because he is his admiral, Enterprise pursed his lips, really, what he has been thinking for so long is nothing...

"I believe you."

The [-]st chapter is to use the vixen to defeat the vixen

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Everyone opened the champagne and shouted enthusiastically: "Welcome the company to join the tutelary palace~"

Everyone didn't have the habit of calling Jinye Yinye, just like the two Hoods, only An Zhiyuan would call them Hood and Dedejiang respectively, and everyone else still called them Hoods.

"Thank you everyone..." The company said to everyone with a smile. The company that didn't hold hands with An Zhiyuan, or stay with An Zhiyuan, was the same company as before.

That soft-spoken and very shy company may only be seen by An Zhiyuan.

Of course, just because the company joined the tutelary mansion on the first day, it doesn't mean that An Zhiyuan will share a room with the company.

The news that the company has joined the tutelary palace has not been concealed by Beacon Academy, and there is nothing to cover up. This is the company's own choice. Beacon Academy has always respected individual opinions. Dean Washington said that as long as they are willing, they will feel tired. Yes, even if you want to leave Beacon Academy and join someone's headquarters.

Therefore, it spread naturally, causing a big shock.

Although the company has withdrawn from the Academy of Academic Affairs in name, but strictly speaking, it is still a ship girl with the position of dean. Secondly, she is also a full-time ship girl, and besides the ship girl who is guarding the mansion of An Zhiyuan, she is recognized The most fully trained ship girl.

A headmaster of Bilan Academy joined a one-person command?

This is a precedent, it has never happened before... Does this mean that they can also pursue the dean of the Bilan Academy?

Although there are quite a few commanders who want to recruit the deans of the Bilan Academy, no one has ever tried... First of all, there are very few commanders who salvage the boat, and most of them are those who are better at communicating with them. The ground ship girl started, and the dean of the Bilan Academy was designated by them as a ship girl who was difficult to communicate with, or on a ship girl who was not easy to communicate with in terms of dating. Naturally, there were no commanders who would go to these Bilan Academy the dean.

However, now that there is this precedent, some people will naturally start to be tempted...

Think about it, the deans of Bilan Academy are all full-fledged ship girls, that's for sure, and as ship girls, they are beautiful and have a high rarity. Yes...

In addition, An Zhiyuan, another protagonist of the incident, is also a very topical character.

An Zhiyuan is very low-key, this is for sure, the other party seldom shows up on social media, and rarely sees him at parties, he looks relatively withdrawn, but because he is not a seal, everyone still has a good relationship with him I like it, but this time I took home the dean of Bilan College, which still makes people feel sad. Damn, there is such a powerful headquarters in itself, and the dean of the enterprise was also brought in...

Of course, the commander is not an ordinary person after all, if he is sour, he will be sour with wine, so he won't feel any imbalance in his heart.

First of all, Jiang Wanqiu sent a congratulatory message, saying congratulations to An Zhiyuan for successfully fishing the boat. Speaking of it, Jiang Wanqiu seems to be a pure constructionist who does not fish the boat...

Then An Zhiyuan received the news from Shangri-La, "It's all about the company if you give me a good one. That's my former sister..."

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