An Zhiyuan thought it's okay, you will be sisters in the future, Gan sisters.

Richelieu also sent a message, wishing that An Zhiyuan's relationship with the company would get better and better, saying that he would ask An Zhiyuan to invite her to be a guest when he waited for the day when he married the company...

Don't worry, you won't be able to leave either...cough cough...

The enterprise joined the tutelary mansion, which finally reassured An Zhiyuan. The pursuers on the other side are still waiting for a suitable ship girl to take her place and continue to operate the dessert shop. An Zhiyuan knows that as long as When the chaser hands over her dessert shop to another ship girl, the chaser will join the tutelary fort...

That's pretty much a done deal, and then there's... three goals now.

Shangri-La, Richelieu, and Noshiro.

It's almost impossible for these three to finish before the girls come...

Richelieu may still have a slight possibility, and although An Zhiyuan and Shangri-La have known each other for a long time, she has been walking away from An Zhiyuan. As for Noshiro, it seems that he doesn't like the flirtatious commander, which is more troublesome Woolen cloth...

In addition, An Zhiyuan can be busy now, because he decided to give the company a romantic love process, of course An Zhiyuan will do what he said, and the next main arrangement is this, and then adjust... um, education The Arbitration Pro-Area Program is also going on...

Speaking of which, I haven't visited the arbitrator for quite a while, and the education of the arbitrator has to be put on the agenda.

After all, the arbitrator has to cooperate with his work...

Also, there's a new girl coming over there...

This time it's... Nagato and Mutsu.

This was not appointed by An Zhiyuan, but everyone introduced it themselves, which confused a lot of people when An Zhiyuan heard the names of these two people...

Although Nagato and Mutsu are very good, very good, but haven't these two people been treated as cowards all the time?Why did you suddenly decide to let these two people come over...?

In fact, this is the result of many girls' discussions, because everyone found that B's ship girls seem to be very good at seducing the admiral, and they can't be left behind. Although they don't want to argue, they can't be left behind, so Nagato and Mutsu two vixen were sent over, and the two who had been excluded for a long time finally got a chance to be reused...

Only the vixen can defeat the vixen. Therefore, the task of Nagato and Mutsu is to deal with those ship girls who seduce the admiral and squeeze the admiral. As long as they squeeze the admiral first, then other vixens will not be able to squeeze the admiral dry!

This proposal was put forward by Missouri, and everyone agreed, but Missouri's real idea is... a big sleep together!It's a lie to say that you can't squeeze the admiral first, and then you can't squeeze it. Of course, Missouri's idea is to squeeze it together!

Both Nagato and Mutsu have already completed the modernization with the help of Yubari. In fact, Yubari plans to modernize and refit a batch of ship girls before crossing over to ensure that they will not be lost when An Zhiyuan's plan fails or the time is up. If you fail, you can use force to turn off the switch of the siren armor. In that case, you will naturally have the power to fight for a long time at sea and defeat other sirens.

Then, naturally, it means nuclear power and modernized ship equipment.

A two-pronged approach can ensure the smooth development of the admiral's travel plan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You have to bring everything... This sexy outfit is a must..." Mutsu was packing up and counting his belongings...

"You have to bring too many things..." Nagato looked a little overwhelmed.

"Since we are going to pass, of course we have to bring everything with us." Mutsu said seriously after hearing this.

"Even if you don't take it now, they will take it later." Nagato said as he reached the bedside.

Although the two sisters have always been referred to as coquettish hoofs, in fact, only Mutsu is the one who is coquettish, and Nagato is just a victim of wind reviews, but it is a sister ship, and it is nothing to be killed by wind reviews. Moreover, the so-called ostracism cannot really be It's considered exclusion, but the intimacy with the admiral is a little less on the surface, and more intimate time with the admiral in private than other ship girls and admirals, after all, cheating.

"I didn't bring all of them, I just brought some things to enhance the taste." Mutsu closed the suitcase, and then said, "Have you packed your things?"

"Well, but speaking of it, we only went there tomorrow, and we had to pack up today." Nagato said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Is it wrong that the ship's mother can't wait to see her admiral?" Mutsu tidied up, sat next to Nagato, and said with a smile.

"Of course, I miss him so much. Although I can see it in the video call, it doesn't feel real. I want to reach out and touch his face..." Nagato said softly.

"Me too, I don't have any real feelings at all. I want to be severely beaten by him..." Mutsu said a word, which made Nagato blush, "It's all because of you that we are treated as a show hooves..."

"Don't you think it's exciting, sister? Secretly have an affair with the admiral behind everyone's back? Use obscene and vulgar words to describe the admiral, and then enjoy being the admiral..." Mutsu heard the words and moved closer to Nagato's face, with a smile on his face With an ambiguous smile, "Sister doesn't like that exciting feeling?"

", I don't like having an affair with the admiral, I just like the feeling of being with the admiral, I'm not like you..." Nagato almost slipped the tongue, and quickly changed his words .

However, Mutsu already understood what Nagato wanted to say at the first time, she showed a smug smile, "Don't pretend to be a sister, you also think it's exciting to come secretly with the admiral, right?"

Nagato blushed and muttered in a low voice that he was not a showy hoof, he was not a showy hoof...

"Well... we can think about how to play with the admiral before we go..." Mutsu obviously didn't care about her title of flirting. In her opinion, a ship girl was mad at her admiral , what's the matter?It's a matter of course!

She wouldn't do the same to anyone else, and the only person who could see her like this was the admiral.

Nagato blushed and did not answer.

But she remembered that when the admiral was crossing, she had talked about role-playing with them, oh, yes, it seemed that they were asked to play the female ghost in the haunted house, and then the admiral wanted to be a sleep tester in the haunted house , that is, the kind of personnel who are recruited to live in the haunted house for a period of time to ensure that there is nothing wrong with the haunted house.

Of course, both Nagato and Mutsu knew that what a sleep tester in a haunted house, he was here to sleep with these two female ghosts...

Think about it, the admiral is really heavy taste, the female ghost can figure it out...

When encountering this kind of person, ghosts dare not come to the door.

Oh, by the way, Nagato remembered that the Admiral also had a setting about the female ghost, saying that although the female ghost can touch the entity at the beginning, in fact, the entity can only kill people or do something to murder people. Appeared, and then the admiral set one, as long as the female ghost is filled, the female ghost will truly condense the entity, and then turn back to become a real human being...

Thinking about it, it actually seems to be quite logical. After all, they are all things with a strong breath of life. If they are filled, there is indeed a possibility of returning Yang...

Then naturally after returning to Yang, I will be very grateful to him, and then I will spend the rest of my life happily as a matter of course.

cough cough...

The admiral's gameplay and ideas are always emerging in endlessly, most of the admiral's mind is HS...

Nagato shook her head, temporarily forgetting the blushing and heart-pounding images in her mind, and she said: "After we pass by, we still have to fight... It's been a long time since I fought, I don't know if my skills are rusty. ..”

"Oh, yes, we still have to go there to fight, but didn't I hear that the admiral has transformed a siren? Just like he transformed those deep seas?" Mutsu said after hearing the words: "In this case, do we still have to fight? "

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