"Didn't the admiral say that if the sirens haven't been dealt with by his means after the ship's mother passes by, we have to use force to capture those sirens? If that's the case, of course we We must make comprehensive combat preparations. After all, if we are going to start a travel plan, it is not suitable to have so many siren armor and siren armor in the sea. Speaking of which, the siren armor is still different from the mass-produced deep sea. The mass-produced deep-sea Primarch Admiral can still have it, but this kind of tin can can only be eliminated." Nagato said.

The two were chatting when there was a knock on the door of the dormitory. Nagato got up and opened the door, only to find Missouri standing outside the door, "Missouri? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to give you some advice." Missouri said with a smile, "Where's Mutsu?"

"I'm here..." Mutsu also got up and came to the door.

Missouri motioned for the two to stick their heads over and whispered something in their ears.

"Is this...is that so?" Nagato blushed, a little shy, but Mutsu's face was also rosy, but his face showed excitement and anticipation, "It's you, Missouri!"

Missouri smiled brightly, then patted the shoulders of the two of them, and said: "I will leave this matter to you. In addition, you should also hand this over to the admiral to prevent the admiral from being squeezed dry by you."

Missouri took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and said, "This is a medicine made by Yubari, which can further strengthen the admiral's physique. This must be handed over to the admiral. I don't think I need to say more about its importance, right?"

Nagato took the medicine bottle, then nodded, and said very seriously: "Of course."

No matter what, both Lexington and Mutsu know that the admiral's health is the most important thing, and everything they do is done when the admiral's health is fine.

Including squeezing him dry.

PS: I can't post Mutsu Dapo, it's too perverted, Nagato, because I like it better, so I put a few more pictures on it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mutsu dragged his suitcase, Nagato carried his backpack, and the two set off from their room to Yubari's laboratory.

On the way, both of them were visibly excited.

To be able to return to the admiral's side, for them, for a ship girl, is really very happy...

After the two came to the laboratory, Yuzhang didn't say much, just reminded him as usual, and then said: "Then, you go into the machine, remember to close your eyes, otherwise when you travel through, your eyes will see you. Strong light may cause dizziness in the future, although I can cure it, but I still have to avoid it..."

Both Nagato and Mutsu nodded, then took their own things, stood inside the machine, and closed their eyes.

There is no great feeling in crossing, just close and open the eyes, and then arrive.

Nagato and Mutsu were very lucky, and traveled to an unexpected place.

Although the time-traveling machine can send them to the Admiral's vicinity, there will still be some differences due to luck. Some people travel to the other side of the island. To the sea not far from the tutelary mansion, and some people crossed to the port yard.

And Nagato and Mutsu belonged to the very lucky category, they directly crossed into the admiral's room...

It just so happened that it was Fusang who spent the night with An Zhiyuan last night, so Fusang went out early to prepare breakfast, and now An Zhiyuan is still sleeping in bed alone.

Nagato and Mutsu looked at each other, and then Nagato quickly whispered: "Don't..."

It's a pity that it was too late, Lu Ao directly put down the suitcase in his hand, threw himself on the bed, and pressed on An Zhiyuan's body.

Although Mutsu has not turned on the weight adaptation to become her real weight now, the pressure from such a big beauty is also very strong, and An Zhiyuan was woken up by the impact.

"...?" He opened his eyes in a daze, and found a familiar figure on his body. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then rubbed his eyes and found that it was Mutsu...

Am I dreaming or am I hallucinating?

Oh... By the way, it seems that Nagato and Mutsu are coming over today... An Zhiyuan gradually came to his senses, he blinked, and saw the smiling Mutsu on his body, and the helpless face on the side holding his forehead Nagato, then lifted his own quilt, hugged Mutsu, hugged him in his arms, and planned to continue sleeping...

He even kissed Mutsu on the mouth.

But Mutsu doesn't plan to sleep together, how can such a good time be used for sleeping?Even if it is sleep, it is sleep in that sense, not sleep in the real sense.

So Mutsu whispered: "Admiral, we miss you so much."

"Well, I miss you too, Nagato, you can come up too." An Zhiyuan said with his eyes closed.

"No, no, Admiral, we all need a reasonable way to express how we miss each other." Mutsu quickly said: "The admiral must want to know, how deep do I miss you? I also want to know, how much the admiral misses me Is it hot!"

"So, let's exercise in the morning! Admiral, the plan for a year lies in spring, and the plan for a day lies in morning, the time in the morning should not be wasted!" Lu Ao gently rubbed his face on An Zhiyuan's chin said.

An Zhiyuan opened his eyes, and then his expression was a little weird, and Mutsu's movements were more than that...

An Zhiyuan turned over and pressed Lutsu under him, and then said viciously: "Disturbing the admiral's sleep is not just to express how much you miss me, how much I miss you, and I want to punish you severely This naughty guy."

Mutsu winked a few times, "Admiral, people like you to punish me~"

This little goblin...Mutsu is called a show hoof, not for nothing...

An Zhiyuan dragged the quilt over to cover the two of them, and then the clothes of the two inside were thrown out one by one, An Zhiyuan waved to Nagato standing beside him with a red face, "Come in, too, Nagato. What are you doing standing there?"

Nagato twisted his body a little awkwardly, and then got under the quilt...

The welcome party belonging to the Nagato Mutsu two sisters, just like that, started hotly inside the quilt.

Fortunately, New Jersey was still waiting at the port early in the morning, but there was no one waiting all morning. At noon, I found that Nagato and Mutsu were already beside the admiral...

"...When did you two come here, why didn't I see you?" New Jersey said with some puzzlement, why did this sneak to the admiral?

And seeing the hickey marks on the admiral's neck, Nagato Mutsu's neck, and the strawberries on the upper hemisphere of Mutsu, you know that they have not only arrived long ago, but also fought with the admiral...

I the fuck... I worked so hard to wait for you there, and you ended up fighting the admiral?

"I arrived very early, and I traveled to the admiral's room." Mutsu said with a smile.

"Huh...?" New Jersey was a little surprised when he heard the words. Can this go directly to the admiral's room?As expected of you, Sao Hoof...

However, as an Iowa class, New Jersey does not exclude Nagato Mutsu like other people. Of course, other people's exclusion only refers to monitoring the two of them not to have any weird sexual fetishes with the admiral, because these two people , if you don't control it a little bit, you may see the Admiral and Nagato Mutsu appearing naked anywhere in the tutelary mansion, which is not acceptable!The ethos of the tutelary mansion has been brought down by two people (although in fact there is no ethos.)

The ship girls were reluctant to punish An Zhiyuan, so of course they could only punish Nagato and Mutsu.

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