The owner always seems to be like busy...

Even if there are no new sisters sometimes, he will go to accompany other sisters...

Master... It's been a long time since I found myself...

Gascogne was in his room, putting his right hand on his heart, feeling slightly sour for some reason... Did the master forget himself?

Gascogne, who just now understood what love is, needs An Zhiyuan to thoroughly clarify and practice what love really is...

At night, Gascogne was tossing and turning, and as a ship's mother, it didn't affect her if she didn't sleep for two nights, but if she didn't sleep, such a time would be too difficult...

The next morning was finally ushered in. Gascogne was about to go out, but after hearing a sound of footsteps, there was a knock on the door of his room.

Gascogne stretched out his hand and was about to open the door, when he felt a familiar aura outside the door, it was the master...the master is here!

Gascogne hurriedly opened the door, and sure enough, An Zhiyuan was standing outside the door.

"Good morning, Gascogne." An Zhiyuan smiled brightly.

"Morning...good morning...Master..." Gascogne's expression was a little subtle, she seemed very happy, but for some reason she didn't want to show herself too happy...

"What's the matter? Doesn't Gascogne welcome me?" An Zhiyuan noticed Gascogne's expression and asked with a smile.

"Master...Of course it's not that you are not welcome..." Obviously Gascogne welcomed An Zhiyuan very much, but she just didn't know what expression she should show...

Gascogne now knows what kind of expression he should show under what circumstances, but if he encounters a situation where he doesn't know what mood he is in, Gascogne still doesn't know what to do. What kind of expression is showing... like now...

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand with a smile, raised his index finger, and scraped Gascogne's nose with his index finger. Feeling the intimacy of the master, Gascogne's expression gradually relaxed... Her face was slightly red, and now Feeling shy... so Gascogne blushes...

"Master, master..." Gascogne couldn't help approaching An Zhiyuan, and stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around his waist. She hasn't been intimate with the master for a long time...

The master made her understand the meaning of love... let her know what love is...

Then, no and then...

An Zhiyuan also put his arms around Gascogne's waist, he could feel the rich emotions in the heart of the expressionless, robot-like Gascogne in the past...

Gascony is no longer the girl who didn't understand what emotion is at all. She not only understands what emotion is, but also understands what love is...

An Zhiyuan walked into the room with Gascogne in his arms, and then closed the door...

Then it's time to mark this humanoid computer angel heart with your own symbol.

Gascogne also noticed An Zhiyuan's movement to close the door. Although she already understood what love is, she still lacked a little understanding of the expression of love...

This cannot be blamed on Gascogne, because the person Gascogne loves, that is, her master An Zhiyuan, only taught her to kiss, but did not tell her about some ways of expressing love afterwards...

But it's okay, An Zhiyuan came to teach Gascony those ways of expressing love today. An Zhiyuan lowered his head and kissed Gascogne's thin red lips. Gascogne not only did not resist, but even stood on tiptoe , so that the owner can kiss himself more easily, this is the only way Gascogne understands to express love, so Gascogne is very enthusiastic.

Gascogne thought to himself: Great, the master has not forgotten himself, he still remembers himself...

She responded enthusiastically to An Zhiyuan, hoping to fully convey her love to her master...

On the one hand, An Zhiyuan kissed Gascogne passionately, on the other hand, his hands were not honest. Gascogne only wore a thin casual dress, and to An Zhiyuan, it was almost like a lamb without any defenses...

When the kiss was enough, An Zhiyuan put his mouth close to Gascogne's ear, and said softly: "My Gascogne, the master is going to teach you some other ways to express love now, you have to work hard to learn it well. ~"

"" Gascogne nodded shyly, feeling his master's fiery hands, and his face was rosy, "Gascogne will definitely study hard..."

Gascogne's voice still had some robot-like feeling, but it also contained rich emotions, and it was this robot feeling that had not completely subsided, which made An Zhiyuan feel more satisfied. The robot-like Gascogne finally revealed her heart like a normal girl, and the sense of accomplishment is self-evident...

Gascony is not only a good ship girl, but also a good student. She listens carefully to An Zhiyuan's teachings...

Step by step... step by step, stepping into the abyss...

Is understanding love really a good thing for Gascogne?

Of course, the current Gascogne does not think this is a bad thing at all. Her concept of love was shaped by An Zhiyuan. For Gascogne, the word love is almost equivalent to her love. An Zhiyuan, the owner.

An Zhiyuan taught Gascogne many ways to express love, including the fact that he can better express his love for the other party under negative distance contact. Gascogne also listened very seriously and said that he Got it down.

Of course, Gascogne will only love her master, her admiral An Zhiyuan...

The robot girl of the past had a shy face, moist eyes, and an extremely seductive expression because of some strange feeling, which is simply not too cute.

"Lord, master, it turns turns love a verb...?" Gascogne asked while panting.

"Love is a noun, but expression is a verb..." An Zhiyuan was also panting slightly, the temptation Gascogne gave him was stronger than he imagined, which made An Zhiyuan a little bit uncontrollable.

The main thing is that Gascogne blushed in a hurry, and from the expression, there was still a trace of seriousness, An Zhiyuan couldn't stand it, just like he liked Richelieu very much when he used the bishop's serious face Identity does that kind of thing like...

Doing so would be too lethal...

"Master, master, I think Gascogne has already understood how to express love...Master, take a break, let Gascogne express my love to you..." Gascogne held his hand With a little force, he pushed An Zhiyuan onto the bed, and said softly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gascogne not only learned how to express love, but also learned to invert it...

Well, this is normal, after all, if love is expressed in this way, then An Zhiyuan was expressing his love for Gascogne just now, and Gascogne has not had time to express his love for An Zhiyuan...

After spending nearly two or three hours expressing their love for each other, An Zhiyuan and Gascogne left the room together and came to the cafeteria.

Fusang smiled and prepared two breakfasts. Neither Gascogne nor the admiral showed up in the morning. It's normal for the admiral not to show up in the morning. He usually doesn't have breakfast until ninety o'clock, but Gascogne It's a little strange that he didn't show up in the morning. There is only one possibility, and that is that the admiral went to find Gascogne.

And seeing the spring in the corners of Gascogne's eyes, Fusang, who has been there, knows what the two of them are doing in the morning...

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Gascony was built by the Admiral...

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