It's a bit unbelievable that the relationship between the two of them just happened now...

Hmm... It seems that Yudachi, who is currently serving as the secretary ship, is not much better than Gascogne... Fuso knows that Yudachi belongs to the kind that the admiral thinks can push the ground...

Speaking of Xili... Fusang thought about it, hesitated for a while, and then leaned in front of An Zhiyuan, "Admiral, wouldn't it be better for you to pay attention to Xili recently?"

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan looked at Fusang upon hearing the words, and blinked.

Speaking of's true that I haven't paid attention to Xili for a long time. Before that, I thought about making Xili a secretary ship, so as to cultivate feelings...As a result, I was often away from the office due to various reasons Therefore, there is no way to develop a relationship with Xili...

However, Xili's affection for her seems to have already been picked up, because after being set as a secretary, Jianniang can feel her trust in her, and then her affection will naturally begin to rise...

But thinking about it now, I guess Xili also has some resentment in her heart... After all, after I regarded it as a secretary ship, I didn't care much about her... Thinking about it this way, An Zhiyuan felt a little ashamed...

Yudachi... sorry!

An Zhiyuan nodded and said, "I'll talk to Xili later, it's indeed my negligence..."

Seeing An Zhiyuan's reply, Fusang nodded with a smile. Although she is R's ship girl and Xili is a B-line ship girl, both of them belong to the Japanese ship girl, so it is very necessary to help Xili.

Although he agreed to Fusang, An Zhiyuan didn't rush to find Xili, because no matter what he said today, he had to stay with Gascogne. Doesn't it mean that I have failed Gascogne?

So An Zhiyuan can only say sorry to Xili in his heart, and then prepare to go to accompany Xili tomorrow...

After breakfast, An Zhiyuan took Gascogne's hand and walked on the stone road of the tutelary mansion. The two of them interlocked their fingers and walked slowly forward.

An Zhiyuan smiled and said: "In addition to the ways we expressed love this morning, I told you that company is also a way of expressing love. Isn't it also very happy to hold hands and walk together on the path like we are now? What do you think? Gascogne."

Gascogne's face was reddish, she turned her head to look at An Zhiyuan, then nodded lightly, "I also feel...very be with the master, no matter what you do... Gascogne feels very happy..."

Girls are always very easy to satisfy, even Gascogne who has just learned to love, An Zhiyuan tightened Gascogne's hand, you always move me so much, I should show up at this time What's good?

The two hadn't walked far when they met the company and Xili.

Enterprise's word is Jinye, the two looked at An Zhiyuan and Gascogne holding hands, Enterprise smiled and greeted them both, while Xili's expression was a little subtle, but she quickly greeted them both. Say hello.

"Good morning, Enterprise, Xili." When An Zhiyuan saw the enterprise, his expression was somewhat subtle. After all, the matter that Fusang had just told him before, he immediately met Xili...

Gascogne also greeted the two of them very politely. Gascogne used to be very dull, and would not take the initiative to say hello when he met people, but now Gascogne understands the concept of emotion. Be very polite...

An Zhiyuan looked at Xili, and found that Xili was also staring at him. He hesitated and said, "Xili, you're not busy with work recently, are you?"

The enterprise rolled its eyes upon hearing this, please, you are the admiral, how long has it been since you went to the office?How could such a question be asked?

Xi Li shook his head and said, "It's not busy, Admiral."

Xili did have some resentment, because she felt that she had done a good enough job, but her performance was not appreciated by the admiral. Although her efforts were not in vain, she still helped the tutelary mansion. If you can't see your hard work...

"That's good. Tomorrow, let's play tennis together, just the two of us..." An Zhiyuan said.

There is a tennis court in the tutelary, but it is rarely used.

When Xili heard An Zhiyuan's words, there was a trace of surprise on her face, but she soon realized that she shouldn't express her thoughts so clearly, she quickly tried to cover up her surprised expression, and she tried her best to control herself The face is muscular, but it puts on an expression that makes people laugh and cry, which makes people laugh...

"Okay...ok..." After a while, Xili replied softly.

Seeing this, the company looked at Xili with a smile. She was the one who gave the position of the secretary ship to Xili at the beginning. At that time, the admiral said that he wanted to have a good relationship with Xili, but now he didn't know why Xili was left out in the cold, but fortunately, the admiral Already aware of this problem, she walked up to An Zhiyuan's ear, and whispered to An Zhiyuan, "Admiral, it's not okay to hang on to a girl who likes you..."

An Zhiyuan patted the back of his head, but he didn't explain, just nodded, and there was nothing to explain, because he was indeed the one who snubbed Xili.

No matter what the reason is, it's because of his dereliction of duty as an admiral, and he didn't accompany Xili who was set up as a secretary ship by himself. Speaking of which, if he spends some time with Xili every day, maybe Xili has already put on the ring. ..

Gascogne was also listening and did not speak. She could see that Xili also seemed to love her master. Did she also wait for her master like herself before?

The master loves everyone, and everyone loves the master...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Beloved by all...

Using this sentence to describe An Zhiyuan couldn't be more appropriate.

But being loved by everyone also has troubles...Because there are too many people who like him and the people he likes, sometimes he may not be able to accompany the person who likes him, or the person he likes...

For example, Xili...

It was indeed An Zhiyuan's fault for neglecting Xili, he had to find a way to make up for his mistake, so he invited Xili to play tennis with him.

Of course, playing tennis together was just a reason. In fact, An Zhiyuan wanted to chat with Xili, at least he had to apologize, after all, he had neglected Xili for so long.

After having fun with Gascogne for a day, An Zhiyuan just woke up the next day to find that Xili was already waiting by the bed...

She was wearing a loose tennis suit, holding a tennis racket in each hand, and the girlish aura on her body was very obvious...

Xili's figure is no different, it can be said to be a girl's figure, but Xili has a baby face, like a cute little lolita, which sometimes makes An Zhiyuan feel a little guilty, but although Xili is long She has a baby face, but she is not really a loli, Xili can definitely be called a girl.

Seeing that An Zhiyuan woke up, Xi Li excitedly waved the tennis racket in his hand, "Admiral! Admiral! Are you awake? Hurry up and have breakfast! After breakfast, let's play tennis together..."

Xili didn't seem to understand that An Zhiyuan said that he wanted to play tennis with her. She seemed to be looking forward to playing tennis with An Zhiyuan. After all, the admiral had very limited time to interact with her.

Of course, An Zhiyuan would not be so stupid as to dampen her enthusiasm, he nodded with a smile, then got up, rinsed his face, went to eat breakfast, took the tennis racket from Xili's hand, and walked to the tennis court with her.

The tennis court is actually rarely used, but with the maid team headed by Belfast, there is no need to worry about the maintenance of the tennis court.

Speaking of which, when he and Xili walked side by side just now, An Zhiyuan had a vague feeling that Xili wasn't wearing a bra?Standing opposite her now, An Zhiyuan looked at the loose sportswear on Xili's upper body with a slightly strange expression.

Did Xili not wear it on purpose...or is she just like this?

An Zhiyuan remembered that when he first built Xili, the clothes Xili was wearing could clearly see Xili's southern hemisphere from below, but Xili seldom went out, and the reason for going out was almost always to attack. Well, or if you go out to buy something, Xili will change clothes, so you don't have to worry about Xili running out.

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