The awareness of the girls in this aspect can be said to be very strong, and An Zhiyuan will never forget them.

In the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan is the only man, so Xili doesn't have any problem if he doesn't wear a bra, because An Zhiyuan is her admiral, even if he goes away, it will only be cheaper for his own admiral, in that case, although Xili will be shy , but is obviously perfectly acceptable.

"Admiral, are you ready? I'm going to serve." Standing opposite An Zhiyuan, Xili waved and shouted with a smile.

"Ready." An Zhiyuan replied with a smile.

Then Xili threw the tennis ball upwards, pushed the tennis racket and hit the tennis ball with a "snap" sound...

An Zhiyuan has experience in playing tennis, but he really can't say he is strong. He is an amateur player. He was often pulled by girls to play tennis together. After playing a lot, he is more familiar with the rules. He has not yet practiced his skills.

But Xili was obviously letting the water go, she hoped that the admiral could play tennis with her for a while and spend more time with her.

So the two of them were playing quite leisurely, An Zhiyuan said: "Xi Li, I'm really sorry I haven't been with you for so long..."

Hearing An Zhiyuan's apology, Xi Liyi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "No, no, no! Why did the admiral apologize to me? I know that the admiral is very busy, and every once in a while, new sisters will join. To accompany your previous wedding ships..."

While saying that there is no need to apologize, but the tone is sour...

An Zhiyuan's expression was a little weird, but Xili is really cute...

"You are also the daughter-in-law of the guardian mansion, and you are also my daughter-in-law. I shouldn't neglect you..." An Zhiyuan shook his head and said, "I made you the secretary, but I seldom get along with you. It's all my fault anyway..."

Xili bit her lips, and then said quietly: "Actually, when you first appointed me as the secretary ship, Admiral, I was a little uneasy. I hope to have more contact with Admiral, but I'm afraid that I will make you angry... "

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to do the job of the secretary ship, so I'm serious about learning how to deal with the affairs of the tutelary mansion from the sister of the enterprise... I hope I can perform well enough to satisfy you, the admiral..." Xili While waving the tennis racket, he said: "Because I have never had experience in this area, I hope that Yu Du will praise me after seeing my performance... But I don't know when it started, and I will still stare at it at the beginning. My admiral, suddenly stopped coming to the office...Although I can handle these things well, I always feel very lonely, admiral, I don't blame you, I...I just hope to get your praise, and It's just your love, I hope to get your that okay?"

"Of course, these are the things I should have given you, because of my negligence..." An Zhiyuan said apologetically.

Xili put down the racket and let the tennis ball fly to the corner. She looked at the familiar man opposite, she could feel the sincerity in his tone, Xili blushed slightly, and then said: "Admiral, can you praise Xili now?"

An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I know that Xili has always done a good job, managing the tutelary mansion in an orderly manner, and Xili is a great secretary ship."

Hearing An Zhiyuan's praise, Xili showed a satisfied smile on his face. She put down the racket, and then ran up to An Zhiyuan with small steps. With a ruddy face, she put her hands behind her back, and first glanced sideways at An Zhiyuan. But as if turning his head away because of shyness, Xi Li said in a soft voice: "Well... since Xi Li... did a good job... can the admiral reward Xi Li?"

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand, rubbed Xili's hair, and asked with a smile, "Okay, what reward do you want?"

Xi Li's face turned even redder when she heard this, she finally turned her face around, then stood on tiptoe, pointed to her forehead with her finger, "Um... can the admiral kiss here?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Xili's words, An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then without hesitation, he lowered his head and kissed Xili's smooth forehead.

Xili immediately showed a bright smile, her eyebrows were a bit thick, and she felt a little simple and honest when she smiled. Besides the fox ears on Akagi Kaga's head, Xili also has a pair of dog ears...

Does Xili have the attribute of a loyal dog?I haven't been with him for so long, and it turned out that what he wanted was just a reward, and the reward was just to kiss her forehead... She didn't look really angry at all... and she didn't feel that Xili was angry, but Xili seemed to have something in her heart. sour...

What a good girl, why did I neglect her? An Zhiyuan couldn't help but put his arms around Xili...

Xili is a young girl, and looks relatively petite. If An Zhiyuan hugs her, Xili's height only reaches about An Zhiyuan's chest.

Xili was taken aback by An Zhiyuan's actions, but quickly got used to it, and then buried her head in An Zhiyuan's arms...

When she first became the secretary ship, Xili was very worried that An Zhiyuan would make such a move. It wasn't that she hated the admiral. As his wife, how could she hate the admiral? Time can't adapt to such an intimate action with the admiral, no matter how you say it, you need to get more familiar...

But after really getting to know the admiral, I wish the admiral would do the same, but the admiral is no longer around...

The admiral is such a villain...I can't accompany me, and let myself be the secretary...I'm not by my side, but I already feel good about him when I look at his back...

Who made herself the Admiral's ship's wife...

Fortunately, the admiral is finally here to accompany me...

A bright smile bloomed on Xili's face, and even the tail behind him began to shake wildly, like a cute dog yearning for the owner's love...

"I will definitely accompany you well from now on..." An Zhiyuan said softly.

Indeed, there are a lot of people who need company, but it’s not to the extent that it’s impossible to chat with other people...

"Hmm~" Xili nodded vigorously, expressing her trust in her admiral...

The two hugged each other tenderly for a while, Xili finally left An Zhiyuan's arms reluctantly, she returned to her own side, picked up the tennis racket and tennis balls on the ground, "Admiral, do you still want to play tennis?" ?"

"Okay..." An Zhiyuan said with a slight smile.

Let Barr stand not far away and look at these two people, a little dazed, Gascogne also appeared behind her at some point...

"...Sister, what are you thinking?" Gascogne's voice, although there is still some mechanical sense, but just like what An Zhiyuan felt before, there are already obvious emotional fluctuations.

"Huh? It's Gascogne... I was just thinking, maybe I will be like Yudachi, and one day, be as close as they are..." Jean Bart didn't notice because he was too engrossed in watching Gascogne came behind him.

"As long as there is love in my heart, it's only a matter of time..." Gascogne said softly, maybe she didn't even think that she would say such things to others, after all, she didn't understand before What is love... Well, it is called and love should be viewed separately.

"Really..." Jean Barr smiled, and said that Dafeng, who was built together with her, has now become the admiral's marriage ship. It's not that he is in a hurry, but there is always someone who walks ahead of him. People, this feeling is so subtle...

But if now... the admiral wants to have some very intimate behaviors with me... I guess I can't accept it... At least I have to pursue myself, and then give myself a wedding ring... Only then can I do these things Bar?If she dared to attack her secretly, maybe she would beat someone up...well...she would be careful and forceful...if she really wanted to hurt the admiral, let alone other people, she couldn't forgive herself...

"Speaking of which, it seems that Richelieu hasn't been here for a long time..." Let Barr look in the direction of the port, and said softly. She is not used to calling sister Richelieu. One of the reasons is that Richelieu is not yet the tutelary. The sisters should be called sisters when they are sisters of the same tutelary mansion. Second, although the two have communicated several times, the relationship between the two is not that good...

Of course, both Richelieu and Jean Bart hope to have a good relationship with each other...

"...Sister Richelieu came just now..." Gascogne's calm eyes fell on the port, and a small dot was rapidly approaching on the distant sea.

Let Barr also feel Richelieu's aura, but she was a little surprised that Gascogne called Richelieu sister Richelieu, "You call her... sister?"

"I believe she will become a member of our tutelary." Gascogne said softly.

"Why are you so confident? Because the two of us are in this tutelary mansion??" Jean Bart asked strangely.

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