"Because I trust the master, I believe the master will bring sister Richelieu back." Gascogne's tone revealed a hint of pride.

Barr was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, she didn't think about it, but thinking about it, it seems that the corporate dean of Bilan College was brought back by the admiral, and Richelieu was brought back to the tutelary mansion by the admiral... It seems that it is not the case What an unacceptable thing... right?

If that's the case, maybe I won't be so resistant to calling her Sister Richelieu anymore...

"We should also help the master, although maybe the master...doesn't want us to help..." Gascogne said softly.

"Are you referring to let us influence Richelieu and make her think of joining our tutelary mansion?" Jean Bart looked at Gascogne and asked, her expression was a little hesitant, "This will really not let Does the admiral feel unhappy?"

"Probably, so we can't go too far. Well, if we let Richelieu notice the charm of the master, then the master should not be angry. The master just thinks that if sister Richelieu is If you join the tutelary fortress because of the two of us, you will feel a little uncomfortable... So we just need to let sister Richelieu discover the charm of the master..."

Jean Barr's expression was a little subtle, she thought about it seriously, and then nodded, "Then let's do this, if Richelieu really joins the tutelary mansion, maybe it's okay to call her Sister Richelieu ..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Richelieu also saw Jean Bart and Gascogne from a distance, she smiled and waved at the two, and they waved at her too, but the expressions on their faces are so strange...?

Richelieu didn't think too much, and soon approached the port, where Jean Bart and Gascogne were already waiting for her.

She has been here many times, and not only can she talk to Jean Bart, but even Gascogne.

This is the only Jean Bart, the only Gascogne in the world...

There are quite a lot of low-rarity ships in the legal system, but very few high-rarity ships. There are a lot of white and blue Blue Academy, and there are quite few purple and gold ships, and they are basically not repeated. The Blue Academy has been open for so many years, and there are not many. , French purple and gold are almost as rare as fishery ships.

Maybe over time, there will be a duplicate or two?

Richelieu didn't know.

Jean Barr is fine, but Gascogne is a special ship built by strengthening the construction core. Can another Gascogne really appear?The ship girls that can be built by strengthening the construction core are not the kind of ship girls who will naturally wake up at sea, it is too difficult...

Not to mention Gascogne, even if it is even slightly possible to let Bart, how many years did Richelieu wait for?

Wait for the next Jean Barr...?And it's Jean Bart who wakes up naturally...?

Richelieu felt that it was very possible that Jean Bart and Gascony would no longer appear in this world, just like she had been around for so long without a second Richelieu.

I didn't have a chance before, so now I have to wait for the opportunity to slip away?

Of course Richelieu knew that it was not right for her to communicate with the admiral's wife like this, and even called her a sister, but who would she tell her guilt and desire to get back together?

Richelieu was also very conflicted. On the one hand, she wanted to have a good relationship with Jean Bart and Gascogne, and to be a competent sister. This meant that she almost had to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, but , if this is the case, then she joined the tutelary for the sake of Barr and Gascogne, which is obviously not acceptable. Richelieu himself cannot accept such a strong intention to join, and I believe that An Zhiyuan will also find it difficult. accept...

A ship girl joins the tutelary mansion or the headquarters only because she has a good impression of the admiral or commander, or simply falls in love.

In other words, if you want to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, you must fall in love with An Zhiyuan... But her purpose is to have a good relationship with Jean Bart and Gascogne, not to fall in love ...

There is another way, that is to let Barr and Gascogne leave the tutelary fort, but this is completely impossible, the former two are possible, this one is completely impossible, with the tutelary fort or command headquarters Ship girls, they will never betray their admirals or commanders, forever, even if they want to make them do wrong things, that's why there are many requirements when selecting commanders, and the commanders selected are all heart-to-hearts. A man of righteousness.

Because the ship's mother's loyalty to the commander is unshakable.

If she wants to become sisters with Jean Bart and Gascony, it means that she must join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, and if she wants to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary uniform, she can only choose to fall in love with An Zhiyuan.. .

If Richelieu is willing to give up Barr and Gascogne, of course there is no need to make such a choice... But it's okay if you don't come to contact in the first place, contact... Even Gascogne even called her sister , how did she leave these two people behind?

Remembering that I ran over with a feverish head, Richelieu is still a little dizzy now...

But if you really want to say you regret it...Richelieu actually doesn't regret it...because she really wants to talk to her sisters...

Now that's the thing... knowing it's quicksand, knowing it's a swamp, but still stepping in.

Richelieu knew very well that she couldn't pull out, the more she pulled out and the more she struggled, the deeper she would appear, but even if she didn't struggle, no one would come to save her, she would still sink slowly, just That's just slower.

If there is a person who is willing to save people, it probably means falling in love with An Zhiyuan in the true sense. If that is the case, the quicksand in the swamp is no longer quicksand in the swamp, and he is rescued naturally.. .

Richelieu shook his head and took a deep breath, not wanting himself to think so much.

"Sister Richelieu." Gascony called softly after seeing Richelieu come ashore.

Richelieu rubbed his white teeth on his thin red lips. Why did this sister hear it so unpleasantly... This reminded Richelieu of the things he had just thought about, and for a moment some distraught...

Let Barr not call her sister, but it is not good to directly call her by the name of her sister, it is fine to call her Richelieu in private, but Barr can't call her in front of Richelieu, so He just nodded silently.

Richelieu came back to her senses, and then smiled at the two of them. She suppressed the thoughts in her heart again...

The three walked together, chatting without saying a word. Richelieu was not surprised by this situation. In fact, the three of them had always been like this.

Jean Barr always seemed very silent, and Gascogne was also very silent because of his personality, but recently, Gascogne has talked a little bit more, but most of them are related to An Zhiyuan.

Richelieu didn't know why Gascogne often mentioned An Zhiyuan, was it because she wanted to exert a subtle influence on herself, but she did hear a lot about An Zhiyuan from Gascogne's mouth... .

For example, An Zhiyuan's height, who cut An Zhiyuan's hair, An Zhiyuan's usual meal time, etc... some very daily things, Gascogne didn't disclose the specifics, and Richelieu did not disclose the details about it. A little curious, but she wouldn't take the initiative to ask, these are private affairs of An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, she shouldn't have asked.

Seeing Gascogne talking about An Zhiyuan with a slightly mechanical voice and a happy face always made Richelieu feel a little... how should I put it, a kind of complicated and indescribable emotion .

Most of the time, it was Richelieu who opened his mouth and raised a topic, and then the three of them might be able to chat for a few words, and then there was nothing left after that. Richelieu had to think of a new topic and raise the topic again...

Although it may seem embarrassing at times, it's better than not being able to communicate, right?At least two more words...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The three of them walked on the stone road and met the enterprise.

Yinye, the former corporate dean of Bilan College, was a little surprised when she saw Richelieu, "Captain Richelieu."

Richelieu also saw the enterprise, and subconsciously shouted: "The president of the enterprise..."

The enterprise shook his head when he heard the words, "I'm not a dean. I retired before I joined the tutelary mansion, and now I've joined the tutelary mansion, let alone the dean. You can call me an enterprise."

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