Then he stood up, and after taking two steps, his feet gave way and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Belfast reacted quickly and quickly stood up and used his plumpness to touch An Zhiyuan's head, which prevented An Zhiyuan from falling .

Hitting his head on that kind of soft ground, of course he wouldn't get hurt. An Zhiyuan coughed quickly and stood upright. Belfast didn't laugh at his master, maybe he wanted to, but how could it be possible for a perfect headmaid? It showed on her face, she said softly: "Master, let's rest for a while, I'll clean up and serve Master to take a bath."

Enterprise also sat up a little lazily... his body was a little soft, and he felt as if his strength had been taken away. Maybe this is the only way to make the powerful ship girl appear like this. Super Debuff..

"Me too...I'm here to help too..." Enterprise said.

"Miss Enterprise, please rest for a while. If you want to come and wash with the master, it's fine, I will serve you." Belfast said softly. And the company has already been on the battlefield twice in a row, so I have to take a break... It’s true that the ship girl has strong physical strength, but when she used the power that belonged to the ship girl at that time, generally speaking, it was difficult to do this kind of thing. Will not use that kind of power.

The company wanted to say something else, but An Zhiyuan took his little hand, and said with a smile: "You can't take the job in Belfast, can you?"

The company just gave up, but I still plan to learn later to see how Belfast serves the admiral...

If Noshiro knew that his idol had become like this, he would probably hold his head and sigh...

The company has been broken, from the president of the company who likes TTK, to a little ship girl who is full of heart to make the admiral happy...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan got up and had dinner, it was already noon.

Greeted everyone in the cafeteria, you can push, and the way to say hello is kiss, of course, some people who haven’t given the ring don’t need to push, you can’t push, rub your hair, after greeting, An Zhiyuan left the cafeteria and came to Detention... well, the exclusive education basement for the Arbitrator.

It's been a while since I came to see the arbitration... I don't know how she is...

An Zhiyuan came to the door, took out the key, opened the door, and turned on the light.

The smell inside the door is very strong, but it's not greasy. You can smell it as soon as you smell it. It's the scent of those unknown liquids on the ground...

Obviously, because of the airtight basement, the speed of drying is not as fast as the speed of running water...

From the looks of it, Arbitration Pro is also full of juice, almost the same as a company, tsk tsk tsk.

An Zhiyuan's shoes stepped on the water, making a piapiapia sound, but the arbitrator obviously couldn't hear it.

Because the arbitrator has a pair of earmuffs on his ears, the sound insulation effect is excellent...

Let’s talk about the layout of the room. When you come down from the stairs, you will find the door to the basement. After opening the door, there is only one bed in the basement space. There is nothing else. The computer installed before was taken away.. .Because the arbitrator wanted to secretly contact other people, although they couldn’t be contacted at all, Belfast found out. In addition, the room was too humid, so they took it away...The walls and floors are black , Even the bed and sheets are black, if the only one with other colors is the arbitration kiss herself, but obviously the arbitration parents can't see it, because her eyes are also covered with blindfolds.

The door of the room was facing the bed, and the arbitrator was tied to the bed in a new posture.

The posture of the arbitrator is that her legs are on the ground, her hands are pulled apart by the rope, and her legs are actually in a kneeling position, and her knees are wide open, because they are also tied by the rope, and the original intention is not to let her pinch her legs. too elegant...

Of course, the arbitrator's body was almost stripped of his clothes, why do you say almost?Because the pair of stockings that An Zhiyuan left for the arbitrator...

An Zhiyuan still likes silk stockings, although bare legs are also very good, but... how should I put it, bare legs are full marks, and stockings are extra points...

There is a small water channel under the crotch of the arbitrator, in case she wets the bed, so that the water can flow directly to the ground along the pipe...

In the room, apart from the sound of "piapiapia" that came out from An Zhiyuan, only "buzzing" and "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooire .

An Zhiyuan walked to the side of the bed, squatted down, and carefully admired the beautiful picture, then took over her own cock that the arbitrator had stuffed in his mouth, and turned off the switch for her by the way.

The arbitrator was gasping for breath, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, "Who...?! Who's here?!"

An Zhiyuan took off the earmuffs on the arbitrator's ears, and then said with a smile: "Who else? Of course it's me~ my lovely arbitrator."

"An, An Zhiyuan?!"

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound from inside the room, and the round surface of the white ground turned a little red... The arbitrator trembled all over, "You... you bastard...!"

"Crack!" There was another sound, bowing left and right, which is more beautiful...

"You?! You court death!"

"Crack! Crack!" This time it was two times in a row, and Arbitration Qin was shaking violently, creaking and creaking non-stop...

"Do you still want to continue fighting?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

" this pervert..."

"Crack, crack, crack!" This time it was the Three Gorges Consecutive, the arbitration pro finally couldn't stand it this time, why did this guy keep increasing, she quickly shouted: "Don't...don't hit..."

"Do you know why I hit you the first time?" An Zhiyuan sat on the edge of the bed with a smile on his face, looking sideways at the arbitrator. The arbitrator was able to turn his head and see the devil who caught and tortured him...

Humans like to rumor that sirens are all demons, but the judge personally thinks, demons?Are they worthy?This guy is the real devil.

"..." How could the arbitrator know, could it be that he was scolding him?But you didn't scold before you were beaten?

"It's because you called me by my name." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, while speaking, he reached out and touched the arbitrator's back lightly, as if to comfort the arbitrator...

But An Zhiyuan's warm hand will only make the arbitrator more nervous, "Then...then what should I be called?"

Arbitrator is really a little scared now...

If you lose your strength alone, although the Arbitrator will feel very uncomfortable, but you can barely accept it...

If he just lost his strength and was locked in a small black room alone, then the arbitrator would also be able to bear it...

But she has also lost her eyesight and hearing, and she can't move. She is tortured by that feeling every day... The worst thing is, she doesn't feel that feeling boring at all... On the contrary, she is a little addicted , This makes the arbitration quite scared... This... If it is addictive, then wouldn't she not be able to resist in the face of such a life? !

This makes the Arbitrator feel very scared...

Feelings won't be numb, but emotions will be...

The Arbitrator is really worried that if he continues like this, he will become a puppet with only this kind of thing in his mind...

She doesn't want this to go on... She hopes to see the sun, hear the voices of others, and hope that she can leave this place!

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