"Call me master, my little arbitrator." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Of course, this is not the master between the master and the maid, but..."

An Zhiyuan leaned closer to the arbitrator's ear and whispered, "It's the master between the master and the slave~"

The arbitration pro trembled, "You...! Don't even think about it!"

What's the difference between that and sinking into this kind of feeling yourself?

An Zhiyuan didn't spank her again, he just chuckled, "I asked the Purification and Observation to convey a very interesting message back, you know?"

"What? What information?!" The arbitrator felt that something was wrong in her heart, and she asked in a trembling voice.

"That is, the Arbiter seems to be about to betray the Siren. She seems to be sinking. For safety, she will ask the Sirens to come and pick her up. As for you, you will be regarded as the Siren's traitor and stay forever." Here." An Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Forever, from now on, the Siren will not care about you being such a traitor, you, just stay here and have a baby."

"You?! No! They won't believe it...!" The arbitrator's face changed and he shouted.

"But only the third-level siren can know what the observers know. Purification pro told the dream weaver the 'information' I've 'set' out. Tell me, will the dream weaver believe that you have already Betrayed?" The arbitration pro opened her mouth, yes... If the observer also betrayed, she knew it, and she knew it too...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Then such a case... such a case...

Of course, it is impossible for the purification pro to know these things that the third-level siren knows. Then, in the case of the observer's betrayal and not being discovered by the dream weaver... who can tell An Zhiyuan and the purification pro the knowledge of the third-level siren, Naturally, there is only the Purification Kiss. ​​If An Zhiyuan is performing a play with the Purification Kiss at that time, the actor confesses to the Purification Kiss, and the Purification Kissun joins the Siren...will he not be able to cleanse himself anymore? !

And, most importantly... once there are two traitors in the siren camp... one is a second-level traitor and the other is a third-level traitor... then it may only be a matter of time before the sirens are wiped out!

It’s okay to purify the relatives, but observing the relatives can really determine the movements of the sirens... When I was in the sirens before, even if the observers tricked them, they would have at least two third-level sirens and a bunch of land The two-level sirens, not to mention defeating An Zhiyuan, would definitely have no problem escaping. They knew these commanders, and would never let their ship girls take risks, especially An Zhiyuan...

But...if the third-level siren is lost, and the observer betrays, then the only siren on the side is the dream-weaver, a third-level siren...With the strength of An Zhiyuan guarding the mansion, it is impossible to catch them all in one go question...

Thinking of this, the arbitration pro's heart sank...

An Zhiyuan saw the expression on the arbitrator's father, and knew that what he wanted to accomplish had been achieved, so he smiled slightly.

Of course he won’t let the evolution pro go back, just kidding, it’s very difficult to convince the siren that the arbitration pro has betrayed, because the observer has not betrayed, and what he knows from the arbitration pro is very limited, so it’s a show, the siren Most of them wouldn't believe it. On the contrary, there would be a danger of purifying their relatives and being imprisoned. That's his wife. How could she be allowed to lurk back?What about playing Infernal Affairs?

He did this only to cause psychological pressure on the arbitrator. The arbitrator can only stay in this room and can't get out. She has no idea what's going on outside...

Therefore, this also means that the information about the relatives of the arbitration must be completely provided by them. Does it mean that the relatives of the arbitration can only know what he said?

Of course, the arbitrator may not believe it, but in this environment, it is difficult for the arbitrator to think calmly. As long as An Zhiyuan presses on, the arbitrator will panic and start doing wrong things.

Of course, pushing too hard is not good for her.

Because if it is too exciting, the Arbitrator may rebound.

So you have to relax properly, the strength must be deep and shallow, so that you can completely grasp the little heart of the arbitrator.

Then, in this way, it's time for An Zhiyuan to instill his own ideas into the arbitrator.

An Zhiyuan said: "Actually, I know that you don't want to exterminate mankind, but want to put pressure on mankind and make mankind progress. However, your method is not right..."

The arbitrator heard An Zhiyuan's words, and thought of the scene where the sisters were wiped out, and was so flustered that he couldn't even hear An Zhiyuan's words clearly, and his eyes seemed to lose focus. Seeing this, An Zhiyuan frowned, and the arbitrator If you don't listen to it, doesn't it mean you say it for nothing?

An Zhiyuan slapped him with a "slap".

The arbitrator didn't know if it was pain or something else, his eyes were a little blurred, but he immediately came back to his senses, "What, what's wrong?"

An Zhiyuan heard a trace of fear from the tone of the arbitrator...

He blinked and said, "Listen to me carefully..."

An Zhiyuan repeated his own words, and told the arbitrator his thoughts...

The ship girl and the siren can live in peace, as long as they turn off the switch of the siren armor and those unconscious siren armor fall into a deep sleep, the ship girl and the siren will have no reason to fight anymore. Of course, An Zhiyuan can come forward and make it clear.

Although there have been some tragedies in the past, they were all caused by the Siren Armor, and the Siren Armor's awakening was not done by the Siren Armor. Not to the siren's head.

As for stimulating human progress, An Zhiyuan has too many ideas that can help human progress, there is no need to use force to deter...

In this way, the ship girl and the siren don't need to fight anymore, and their goal of promoting human progress has been achieved. Since it has been achieved, why do they keep the siren armor?

If it was changed to the past, this set of theoretical arbitrators would certainly not be so easy to accept. Even now, the arbitrators just listened silently and didn’t say anything, so they could understand that the idea that I had insisted on for so long was actually a change. Can it be changed?

However, she would certainly be able to accept giving the arbitration a little time, because she has to face too much pressure...

The arbitrator will think about it "clearly", but it just needs a little time and help.

An Zhiyuan patted her on the buttocks, and stood up in satisfaction, "Think about it, I don't like to use force against sirens, if you can accept my ideas and concepts, I hope you, Purify, observe Go and convince them together... Otherwise, they can only be like you... After receiving this kind of education, you can't wait for their rescue. Even if you can escape, you are still a traitor, understand? "

The arbitrator bit his lip and said nothing...

If the sisters really thought she was a traitor... what would she do?

Thinking of what An Zhiyuan said, the arbitration body became a little confused, but it stopped immediately, because An Zhiyuan put on the eyepatch and earmuffs for her again, and stuffed her own fat into her mouth again, Turned on the switch.

"Woo, woo~!" The arbitrator struggled for a while, but couldn't let go, so he could only accept his fate. How can you make me think about it?

An Zhiyuan never thought about asking the arbitration pro to think about it...

Letting the arbitrator calm down will probably make her think of the loopholes in these things, so it is correct to keep the arbitrator in a hot-headed state all the time.

The arbitrator couldn't hear the sound, couldn't see the picture, only the feeling on her body was very clear, she was a little discouraged, she didn't know why An Zhiyuan would come back...

What he said...if...if it's true...

Arbitration pro was a little confused, and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't concentrate on thinking about the problems, and left those small problems behind him after a while...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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