After closing the door, An Zhiyuan came up from the stairs and walked to the port.

Tang Taizhu, Master Su and Odin are playing Fight the Landlords on the port...

An Zhiyuan blinked, and walked over, the three little guys didn't seem to notice An Zhiyuan, they were fighting landlords in a serious manner.

"To three!" Odin played a card.

"No." The Tangerine shook his head.

"Wang Zha!" Master Su threw Wang Zha.


Three is the king bomb, An Zhiyuan went around behind Master Su, looked at Master Su's cards, the rest should be some straights and the like, and there are other bombs, right?

But as soon as he arrived at Master Su's side, An Zhiyuan blinked when he saw the cards in Master Su's hand... You... there is no bomb in this bunch of singles, so you should lose the king first?

Are you going to win by momentum?

Sure enough, Master Su didn't know how to play the cards after blowing up the king... But Master Su turned his head and saw An Zhiyuan, and jumped up as soon as he threw the card away, and jumped on An Zhiyuan, "Admiral, Admiral !"

An Zhiyuan didn't know for a while whether she didn't want to fight because she didn't know how to fight, or she was too excited to see him... But he still put his arms around Mr. Su, "You are fighting the landlord here while staring at the big sun! ? Go to your secret base."

"Actually, we planned to go fishing. We were just waiting for Xiao Zhai. Xiao Zhai hadn't come over for a long time, so we started playing cards." Odin put away the playing cards and said.

"Is that so? What did Xiao Zhai do?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"I don't know, she asked us to bring it over first, but she didn't come over after we waited for half an hour." The Tangyu shook his head.

An Zhiyuan's expression was a little weird when he heard that, "Isn't she letting you go? Come on, let's go find her."

The little fellows looked at each other, suddenly realized, and then followed An Zhiyuan to find Xiao Zhai.

An Zhiyuan didn't even need to think about it, Xiao Zhai must be hiding in the room to play games, so he brought the three of them to the secret base. Sure enough, Xiao Zhai was lying on the sofa, hugging her sister Meow's pillow, while playing with the controller What about games?

An Zhiyuan put down Mr. Su, and then knocked on the glass door. Xiao Zhai looked over immediately, saw the admiral, Mr. Su, Odin and Tang, blinked, and then slowly came over to open the door.

"Admiral? Why are you here?"

An Zhiyuan bent over, put his hands under Xiao Zhaidi's armpits, and raised her high, "Didn't you promise Mrs. Su and Odin and Tang Yu? Why did you let them go?"

"Oh? Did I promise?" After Xiao Zhai was lifted high, his calf swayed twice, and he was stunned for a moment when he heard An Zhiyuan's words.

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan looked at Lord Su, Odin and Tang in confusion, and found that the three of them were also stunned.

Master Su said: "Didn't you ask us to go fishing together? It was while we were having lunch."

Xiao Zhai thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered..."

An Zhiyuan raised his brows when he heard this, "Did you forget what happened at noon? Are you a fish? The memory only lasts seven seconds?"

"Hee hee..." Xiao Zhai quickly pretended to be cute.

An Zhiyuan put Xiaozhai down, and then said: "Then hurry up, pay attention to safety, don't go too far away from the town guard's mansion, or I will spank your ass if your sister's carrier plane can't see it."

"Don't worry!" Master Su quickly assured, in fact, An Zhiyuan is not too worried about their safety, Master Su and Odin can transform, although it only takes half an hour, but the company's carrier aircraft can also notice In addition, Xiaozhai is also a full-scale battleship, and Tang Yu is a modernized refit.

The strength is very powerful, and the carrier-based aircraft of the enterprise, as well as the carrier-based aircraft of CV16 and Jiaozi are flying in the sky. Once a battle occurs, they will be able to notice it immediately.

After the little guys left, An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin. Speaking of which, Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Jiejie and Xiao Beifa are close. The little Guanghui and the little Purification will usually keep up, right?

An Zhiyuan looked for these two little fellows in the town guard's mansion, but he couldn't find them, so he went to Guanghui, and found that little Guanghui and Xiao Jiejing were both here.

Guanghui was teaching them something, but as soon as An Zhiyuan walked in, Guanghui closed his mouth, looked at An Zhiyuan, and then blinked.

"Go on, why did you stop when I came?" An Zhiyuan asked in confusion.

"That..." Guanghui blushed a little, "The admiral is here, there are some things that are hard to say..."

"?" An Zhiyuan was a little surprised when he heard that, what are you teaching them, why is it hard for me to say it here?

Xiao Guanghui looked at his father, his face was rosy, even Xiao Jie's relatives were the same, both of them seemed very awkward, a little afraid to look at An Zhiyuan.

That shy little look is so cute.

"Admiral, go find Kewei and Shengli, don't stay here, you're very shy..." Guanghui said with a blushing face.

How could this be heard by the admiral? I heard that the admiral didn’t accept his other two daughters, Mia and Funo, so I can’t tell the admiral now. It is enough to make the admiral regret it when he is mature.

If the admiral is really unwilling, they don't actually force it, but... Guanghui thinks that the admiral is not unwilling, and probably even has lust, even if they don't have the guts, they definitely won't marry their daughter. In that case, the status of the daughters is actually very embarrassing, how can the fat water flow to outsiders?


An Zhiyuan thought to himself, you are not teaching your daughters how to reverse me, are you?

This...isn't great?

No, no, no, no, I'm not a P club player, I can't accept the behavior of my daughter's daughter or my daughter, strongly demand that I do it, ahem...

An Zhiyuan didn't bother them either, and went to play with Kewei and Shengli.

My wife is not free, my sister-in-law is with my brother-in-law, what a normal thing, half of my sister-in-law’s ass belongs to my brother-in-law, and Shengli and Kewei have their right buttocks. When the two sisters are combined, it is equal to the combination of the two Everything is my own~

Speaking of sister-in-law, An Zhiyuan misses his own Saratoga...

I have many sisters-in-law, An Zhiyuan touched his chin, when will he put all the sister-in-laws together and compare their body data, who is bigger, who has the longest legs, who is the most upturned, who is the tallest, who is the deepest, who is the tightest, cough cough ...

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