A red sun rose slowly from below the horizon, first half, then three-fifths, until the last fifth was fully up.

The morning light is brilliant, the clouds are shrouded in mist, and there are birds flying in the sky against the rising sun, making a loud chirping.


Tang Ming murmured to himself a little intoxicated.

This is the first time he has watched the sunrise seriously since he came to this world. For a time, he felt a deep emotion in his heart.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was beside him, seemed to be caught in the beautiful scenery under the rising sun, with colorful brilliance flashing in his beautiful eyes.

The two of them didn't say anything, just sat quietly, watching the sun exude endless brilliance, the clouds and mist lingering in the mountains, and the breeze was outlining the style of nature.

When the sun fully rose, Tang Ming stood up and pulled Zhu Zhuqing on the ground with a smile.

"Come on, let's go back."


When going down the mountain, Tang Ming was surprised to find that his spiritual power had grown a lot without knowing it, and he had risen to the thirty-sixth level.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power has also improved, rising to the twenty-ninth level.

This is simply a surprise.

"Look, this is what I call the combination of work and rest."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, just stared at Tang Ming who was smiling.

When he returned to the academy two days ago, he met Dai Mubai at the gate.

He seemed to have just returned from Soto City, with a refreshing look on his face and a strong scent of perfume on his body, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

However, when he saw Tang Ming and Zhu Zhuqing returning from outside the academy together, the happy smile on his face disappeared instantly, he frowned slightly and looked at the two of them.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

Tang Ming smiled, "Morning run."

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, "Really?"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't look at him, and naturally he wouldn't answer his question, and walked directly towards the academy. .

Tang Ming smiled apologetically and followed Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mubai frowned, looking at Zhu Zhuqing's back, his fists clenched, and the original good mood instantly disappeared.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The seven-day break passed quickly.

During these seven days, Tang Ming always accompanied Zhu Zhu to run in the early morning. On sunny days, the two would watch the sunrise on the top of the mountain. On cloudy or rainy days, the two would rest on the top of the mountain for a while before going down the mountain.

After breakfast, when the familiar class bell rang, Tang Ming and eight people came to the playground on time.

After yesterday's rain, the weather was exceptionally good today.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

The master stood on the playground with his hands behind his back, his shadow stretched by the rising sun.When everyone stood in line, the master nodded and looked at everyone and said:

"I've been training you for three months. With the help of your teachers, your body has laid some foundations. But it's not enough to become an excellent soul master."

The crowd listened quietly.

"So, starting today, I will teach you the second stage. Listen to Flender, you have been to the Soto Arena. That's good."

"Next, there will be the second stage of teaching. There is no limit to the teaching time this time. When will the Silver Battle Spirit badge end, and when will the training end."

"During this period, I will arrange for you to live in the hotel closest to the Great Soul Arena, and you will take care of all the food and lodging. As long as you have the ability, the income you will get from the Great Soul Arena will be very considerable."

After listening to Grandmaster's words, Dai Mubai and the others let out a sigh of relief and went to the Great Soul Arena to participate in the Soul Battle, which was much easier than Grandmaster's devil cultivation.

The master continued with his hands behind his back: "However, you have to remember that this time the silver fighting spirit badge must be obtained not only in one-on-one, but also in the group battle spirit. You will use the Shrek Seven Devils' Team name to play."

"What? Seven monsters?"

Dai Mubai was a little strange, "But Master, there are eight of us."

The master glanced at Tang Ming and said, "Tang Ming won't join you. He joins you in team battles, and fighting spirit team battles will not have the effect of cultivation."

The others bowed their heads and thought, that was indeed the case.

In the past three months, the seven of them fought with Tang Ming in dozens of battles, and they lost every time. This was because the Grandmaster restricted Tang Ming's various spirit abilities.

Tang Ming's strength alone is stronger than the seven of them combined.

If Tang Ming participates in their teamfight, as long as Tang Ming takes action, they will have nothing to do.

Then what is teaching?

Teaching how to shout 666 teaching?

It was out of this consideration that Grandmaster did not intend to let Tang Ming join Tang San and the others in their teamfight.

"Okay, Tang Ming, I have other arrangements at that time. When you are fighting in the Great Soul Arena, I have a few restrictions, you should pay attention."

"First, don't tell your opponents your names and your looks during Soul Fighting. All fight with code names. Second, no one, including Tang San, is allowed to use hidden weapons. Third, no matter the outcome, everyone will fight every day. At least twice."

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