Oscar asked with some complaints: "Master, Rongrong and I are both auxiliary spirit masters, do we also have to get the silver fighting spirit badge?"

The master glanced at him indifferently and replied: "Or, you can choose to train as before until others get the Silver Fighting Soul badge."

"Uh master, I suddenly found out that it was a very wise decision for you to let us go to the Soul Arena for a test and improve our combat experience. I didn't say what I said just now."

Oscar smirked and retracted his question.

The master has always acted resolutely. After speaking, he asked everyone to return to their dormitory and pack their luggage.After finishing packing, I took everyone all the way to Soto City.

The academy left three teachers on duty, while Flender and Zao Wou-Ki went with them.

After arriving at Soto City, everyone found an ordinary hotel near the Battlefield and stayed there.Although this hotel is ordinary, the price is still a lot more expensive than ordinary hotels because of its proximity to the Battlefield.

However, everyone is a subsidized soul master, and there is still some money to live in a hotel.

After arranging everyone to stay, Grandmaster called everyone to Tang San's room.

"Now you can make free combinations to decide which kind of fighting spirit to participate in. However, remember what I said, you must participate in the team fighting spirit every day."

As soon as Grandmaster finished speaking, Oscar looked at Dai Mubai pitifully, "Boss Dai, why don't we participate in two-on-two together. Although I've just reached level [-], my supporting abilities should be able to help you. Otherwise, I don't know when my points will be able to accumulate to the level of the Silver Fighting Soul badge."

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment. His original intention was to participate in a two-on-two soul battle with Zhu Zhuqing, but when he thought of the previous scene where he was ignored and Oscar's plea, he nodded slowly.

Among them, Tang Ming was the strongest, Dai Mubai and Tang three times.

Oscar chose Dai Mubai because he was close to Dai Mubai.Otherwise, Tang Ming is the best choice.

However, after Oscar chose Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong turned his attention to Tang Ming and said gruffly, "Brother Ming, are you willing to help me?"

Tang Ming was stunned for a moment, "However, when I came to the Soul Arena, I had already formed the Breeze and Bright Moon with Zhuqing."

Ning Rongrong lowered his head in disappointment.

Ma Hongjun came over and said, "Rongrong, what do you think of me? I'd like to participate in a two-on-two with you."

Ning Rongrong glanced at him and pouted, "You? You'd better forget it. You are too busy to take care of yourself, so why don't you help me."

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "Tang Ming, go and help Rongrong, I don't plan to participate in two-on-two, I want to participate in one-on-one alone."

Tang Ming looked at her curiously, "Why?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"Always relying on your words, I"

She spoke too lightly, almost only her lips were moving, but she couldn't hear her voice. Even Tang Ming only heard a few words vaguely.

"What?" Tang Ming leaned over.

Zhu Zhuqing turned his head and replied coldly, "It's nothing."

"Qingmei, you are so kind!"

Ning Rongrong was in disbelief when Zhu Zhuqing said that he would not participate in the two-on-two, and then hugged Zhu Zhuqing happily.With Tang Ming, she doesn't have to worry about the points of the Silver Dou Soul badge!

Tang Mingdao: "Then I will take Rongrong to participate in two-on-two."

Faced with such a situation, Ma Hongjun lowered his head in disappointment.

The master said: "It is up to you to decide how to participate in Soul Fighting. This is for you, one piece per person, and wear it during Soul Fighting. At the same time, remember to speak less when you are on stage, and try not to let your opponents know your age."

As he spoke, the master took out seven masks that had already been prepared from his soul tool bracelet. .

The appearance of the mask is very familiar to everyone. It is the symbol of Shrek, the image of the green monster Shrek.

Tang Ming took a mask and put it on his face. The craftsmanship of the mask is very general, but the feeling of wearing it is not too bad.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"When you participate in the team battle, you will participate under the names of the Shrek Seven Devils, but when participating in other fighting spirits, you cannot use your own names. I have thought of a nickname for each of you.

Everyone nodded and listened.

The master looked at Tang Ming first and said, "How about Tang Ming using the lucky son?"


Everyone was taken aback. They thought that the master would give Tang Ming the title of "Monster Emperor", but he didn't expect it to be "Lucky Son", a title that had no idea where the logic was.

"Tang Ming's luck has always been very good, so the lucky son is very suitable for him." The master explained.

Tang Ming shook his head, "This doesn't sound good."

The master frowned: "Then what nickname do you want to use?"

"I've already thought about it. I think Monkey King is very suitable for me." Tang Ming said confidently.

Sun Wukong is his idol.

It shouldn't be a problem to borrow the title of the Great Sage in this world, right?

"Great Sage Monkey King?"

The master frowned.

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up and said, "This title is good, domineering!"


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