Tang Ming tactically leans back, this is the title of my idol!

The master looked at Tang Ming's proud appearance, and nodded helplessly, "Well, your name is Monkey King."

After speaking, Grandmaster looked at Oscar and Dai Mubai, "Xiao Ao is called Sausage Monopoly. Mubai uses his original title Evil Eyed White Tiger. As for Xiao San"

"It's called Qianshou Silver Grass. What do you think?"

"This is not good, let's change it."

Before Tang San could object, Xiao Wu said firstly, "This is not at all tempting. Silver Grass is too ugly."

Grandmaster looked at Tang San, seeing that he didn't express his opinion, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, Grandmaster was extremely satisfied with his own disciple.

"Then tell me, what should it be called?"

Tang Ming touched his chin and said, "Thousand-hand Guanyin, how about this?"

Tang San frowned slightly, Guanyin?How did Brother Ming know?Could it be that I was talking in my sleep at night, and Brother Ming heard it.

It should be so.

Otherwise, how would Brother Ming know about Guanyin?

"Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara sounds a lot better than just now. But it still lacks the taste." Xiao Wu pondered.

Dai Mubai said, "Little San usually looks like the best teacher, but he really is more aggressive than ours. I think it's better to be called Qianshou Shura. Shura means to kill the devil, and it can also give opponents a certain shock. effect."

The master looked at Tang San, "What do you mean by yourself?"

Tang San shrugged, "I don't care, teacher, you can decide."

The master said: "Then Thousand-handed Shura. Ma Hongjun, I also gave you your title, how about calling it Evil Fire Phoenix?"

Ma Hongjun smiled, "Thank you, Master, this is good. After all, he is also a phoenix."

At this moment, Xiao Wu approached the master and asked, "Master, what do you think my name is better? You have to pick a nice one for me."

Tang Ming smiled and said: "I think you can be called the Yaoyao Yutu, hahaha"

"You are the only one who makes the medicine! You are the only one who makes the medicine!"

Seeing Tang Ming's complacent laugh, Xiao Wu was so angry that she beat him a few times.

The master smiled slightly and said: "Don't make trouble, I got the soft-boned charm rabbit for Xiao Wu, what do you think?"

Xiao Wu stopped beating Tang Ming's fist, tilted her head to think about it, and smiled happily, "It sounds good."

"Rongrong, just use the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass. This can help you hide your identity. As for Zhuqing, I think it's very suitable to be called the Nether Cat."

Neither Ning Rongrong nor Zhu Zhuqing had any opinions.

As a result, everyone in Shrek had their own titles.

Night Demon is coming.

Soto City still repeats the liveliness of every night, and the bustling crowd pours into the battlefield from all directions.

Tang Ming and the others followed the crowd and slowly entered the battlefield.Many people cast curious glances at them.

Because among them, except for Grandmaster, Flender, and Zao Wou-Ki, everyone else was wearing a mask, and the mask was green and looked very funny, and everyone else laughed when they saw it.

After entering the Dou Soul Arena, everyone first changed their real names to nicknames, and after changing them, they started to line up and wait for Dou Soul.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong chose to participate in the two-on-two soul battle first.

The others went to the one-on-one first, and Flender and Zao Wuji followed Dai Mubai and the others to the first area.

The master stayed behind to watch Tang Ming and their two-on-two fighting spirits.

First of all, Tang San and Xiao Wu entered the battle spirit first, and the opponent was the cat and mouse combination, one Catwoman whose martial spirit was a cat, and the other was Rat Man whose martial spirit was a mouse.

I don't know how the two people who exist as natural enemies are combined together.

This cat-and-mouse combination looked a bit funny, but its strength was good, and it caused a lot of trouble for Tang San and Xiao Wu in Soul Fight.

But in the end, it was Tang San and Xiao Wu who were even stronger, slaying the cat-and-mouse combination and winning today's first victory.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu finished fighting, it took two fights to arrive at the combination of Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong.

Forgot to mention, the name of the combination of the two is the "jewelry" combination, and the two-character combination in the martial arts is obtained.

"Next, let's invite two pairs of two fighting spirits to play, first of all, the very strong sword combination. With their strong strength, they have won ten consecutive victories in the fighting spirit arena."

Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong were standing in the waiting area. He hugged his hands and tapped his fingers, his expression suddenly changed, and a familiar system voice sounded in his mind.

Mission: The sword is like a dream.

Description: Please assist Ning Rongrong, let Ning Rongrong defeat the sword combination alone, complete the task, and get the classic Divine Comedy Sword Like a Dream.

I'm coming!

The battle sound tune is finally here.


Assist Ning Rongrong and let her defeat the opposing sword combination alone?

She is just an auxiliary soul master, how can she have any combat skills?

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