This task seems impossible.

Tang Ming glanced at Ning Rongrong and had a headache.

At this time, the host finally finished introducing the sword combination and began to introduce the jewelry combination of Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong.

Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong slowly walked from the waiting area to the Soul Fighting Stage during the host's introduction.

Standing on the Dou Soul Platform, Tang Ming saw that the sword combination opposite was also a man and a woman.

The man's face was stern, like a big knife.

The woman's eyes were like swords, and the sword light flashed in her eyes.

It seemed that the opponent's strength was not a mess. How could Ning Rongrong be able to fight alone.

Tang Ming sighed in his heart.

Some helpless.

It seems that you can only try the one the master said.His Chaos Orb is very special. It seems to be a versatile martial arts. In the research of the master, in addition to being able to perform martial arts fusion with Zhu Zhuqing, he can also perform martial arts fusion with other people.

In order to complete the task, I just hope that when the martial soul fusion skill is performed, Ning Rongrong can inherit the attacking soul skill from him.

Tang Ming counted the opposing groups and whispered to Ning Rongrong, who was a little nervous beside him, "Rongrong, I'll fuse your spirits with you later, and it's up to you to defeat them. I won't shoot."


Ning Rongrong was taken aback, looking at Tang Ming through the mask with shocked eyes. .

Let her do it alone?

She is an auxiliary spirit master!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Ning Rongrong was still surprised, the host announced the start of the game.

Following the host's order, the combination of swords and swords instantly filled the whole body with soul power. A thick heavy sword and a light sword appeared in the hands of the opposite men and women in the shadow of the sword, light and sword.

At the same time, three yellow, yellow and purple spirit rings rose from the feet of the sword combination and circled up and down around them.

Tang Ming is a [-]th-level Battle Spirit Venerable, and the opponent he faces is naturally a Battle Spirit Venerable.

Ning Rongrong looked at the spirit ring opposite, feeling a bit of a toothache.

She is an auxiliary spirit master, and she is only level [-].

Tang Ming can let her deal with them like this?

Isn't this a free gift?

"Rongrong, get ready!"

At this moment, Tang Ming's voice sounded in his ears.

Ning Rongrong had no choice but to release his martial spirit.

"Seven Treasures turn out with colored glaze!"

Along with the colorful light, a pagoda appeared in front of Ning Rongrong.

The appearance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda surprised the audience and the sword team.

The sword girl said in surprise: "It turned out to be a member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

The knife man's cold eyes were also a little surprised, and he muttered to himself: "I didn't expect to meet people from the seven major sects in this city of Soto"

The sword man said, his eyes became cold again, and he said coldly to the sword girl beside him: "Just to let these big sect disciples see how good we are! Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, the knife man went straight to Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong with a thick and heavy knife.

The Sword Maiden is close behind!


The body of the blade reflected the light of the Battle Soul Arena, the sword man turned the big sword in his hand, suddenly changed direction in the air, and slashed Tang Ming straight.

This knife is heavy, with a violent momentum.

At the same time, there was a "hum" sound in the air, and a light sword, like a poisonous snake, stabbed Ning Rongrong behind Tang Ming at a tricky angle.

The two cooperated extremely well.

The timing of the attacks one after the other was very precise.

If Tang Ming was an ordinary soul master, he could only be injured at the same time as Ning Rongrong under this sword.

Unfortunately, he is not.

Just when the knife is about to hit, the sword is about to stab.

With a thud.

The knife slashed in the air, and the sword pierced the air.

Tang Ming and Ning Rongrong used teleportation to dodge the extremely clever attack of the combination of swords and swords!

There was an exclamation from the audience.

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