Dai Mubai, the bait, was directly surrounded by a school of fish!


In desperation, Tang San could only call for Ma Hongjun, hoping that Phoenix Fire Line could help Dai Mubai break through the enemy's siege and return to the team first.

Ma Hongjun understood as soon as he heard it.

Immediately, a purple flame spewed out of his mouth and shot at Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng turned his back to Shrek at this time, his back was completely undefended, Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire shot, and it was about to hit, but Shimo suddenly left the battle circle with Dai Mubai and flashed behind Yu Tianheng , holding the tortoise shield, blocking Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire!

Dai Mubai finally got a chance to breathe, protruding the encirclement from the flank.

But a bigger crisis is coming!

Yufeng, who had been flying in the air looking for opportunities, without Ma Hongjun's threat, spread his wings and swooped towards Oscar and Ning Rongrong at the back of Shrek's formation.

At the same time, Oslo and Dugu Yan also moved!

I saw Dugu Yan spewing poisonous mist, and the green snake venom rushed towards Shrek like a tide, while Oslo's figure was hidden in the poisonous mist, rushing towards Shrek like black lightning.

Seeing Yufeng swooping in, Tang San's eyes flashed, and he raised his hand and threw a ball of green light!

Yufeng didn't know what kind of soul skill this green light was, so he didn't dare to touch it lightly, his speed decreased slightly, he rolled over, and the green light flashed across his eyes.

at this time!

Tang San shouted loudly, "Cobweb restraint!"

The green light that was about to pass Yufeng suddenly spread out. Yufeng didn't expect it at all. The strong cobweb covered it, and instantly fell from the air with momentum.

"not good!"

Oslo, who was going to rush to Ning Rongrong, saw that Yufeng was trapped, so he could only give up his goal and dodged from the poisonous fog to Yufeng who was about to fall to the ground, trying to save him!

"Duman is here, little San!"

Xiao Wu originally wanted to stop Oslo from saving Yufeng, but the poisonous fog of Duguyan had already spread over.

"Look at me."

Tang San didn't panic at all, took out two bags of water bags from the soul tool, and said to Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who had returned to the team, "Boss Dai, Fatty, break the water bags I threw out!"

The voice fell, and the water bag had already flown out.

"White Tiger Lie Wave!"

"Phoenix FireWire!"

The two long-range attacks hit the water bladder with precision. With a snap, a pungent smell suddenly erupted from the strong snake smell. At the same time, Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire was burning, and the poisonous mist of Dugu Yan slowly dissipated. .

Duguyan's eyes sank, and he said, "You can actually break through my poisonous fog. Teacher Qin is right, and no spirit master team can underestimate it! However, Yufeng was also rescued by Oslo. ."

That's right, when Tang San and the others broke through the poisonous fog, Yu Feng, who was bound by Tang San's spider web, was also rescued by Oslo back into the formation of the Imperial Fighting Team. .

The scene suddenly quieted down again.

The two sides returned to the state of confrontation before the start of the fight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Tang Ming looked a little anxious in the corner.

Not only him, but Flender and Zao Wou-Ki in the spectator seats were also anxious.Only the master's face was stiff, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry, but from his eyes, he could see a faint look of worry.

"Little San and the others had a good plan at the beginning. But the Huangdou team played too cautiously!" Flender said in a deep voice.

Grandmaster looked at the two sides who were confronting each other in the arena and didn't dare to take another shot, and said, "Little San and the others originally planned to use Dai Mubai and Xiao San as bait to lure Yu Tianheng, the strongest fighting force on the opposite side. At the center of our own side, at the same time, through the connection of the Blue Silver Grass, it instantly forms a double-team siege.”

Having said that, Grandmaster shook his head regretfully, "Unfortunately, the Imperial Fight team played too cautiously. Yu Tianheng wasn't fooled, he saw the blue silver grass that Shrek wrapped around everyone from the very beginning. The effect, the lone army just went straight in, just took advantage of Xiao San's strategy! This trick is very good to use against the customer and the main!"

Zao Wou-Ki asked with some doubts: "The strength of this Imperial Fighting team is stronger than our Shrek, why are they playing so cautiously?"

Flender glanced at the two people in the corner of the Soul Fighting Stage and said, "I guess it has something to do with Xiao Ming?"

Zao Wou-Ki was surprised, "It has something to do with Xiao Ming?"

The master said indifferently: "At the same time that we got the other party's information, the other side must have also got our information. Xiao Ming's performance in the battle field this month has already attracted the attention of many forces. Fortunately, Xiao Ming is low-key enough and did not Your three ten thousand year spirit rings will be revealed, otherwise, the Spirit Hall will be displayed."

The master was not talking.

Flender nodded in agreement, and said, "Although Xiao Ming has never revealed his spirit ring, the strength of defeating opponents of the same realm with one punch has made many forces pay attention to him."

The master nodded, "That's right. This Imperial Fighting Team was invited by a major force in Soto City, and will naturally tell Xiaoming's strength truthfully. Facing Shrek where Xiaoming is located, the Imperial Fighting Team will definitely not take it lightly."

As several teachers said, the state of confrontation on the Soul Battle Stage was finally broken.

I saw Tang Ming, who was squatting in the corner, slowly walked to the middle of the seven Shrek people.

The host who was flying in the air said in surprise: "Monkey King, this mysterious Shrek member, has been squatting in the corner since he came on the court. Is he ready to take action now?"

The Royal Fight team frowned neatly.

Is this guy going to shoot?

Tang San and the others were also surprised, their eyes all fell on Tang Ming.

Tang San asked, "Brother Ming, are you going to take action?"

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