Tang Ming smiled and said, "Little San, do you still remember what I said to you before I played?"

Tang San recalled what Tang Ming said before he played.

I'll take you to fight.

Tang San suddenly hesitated, "But, the teacher said"

"Am I not a member of Shrek?"

"Uh Ming brother, of course you are!"

"Then what else? Follow me and I'll take you to fight!"

Tang Ming looked at the opposing team of Emperor Fighting, his eyes flickered, and in an instant, an extremely powerful momentum erupted from Tang Ming!

Doudou flying in the air can be clearly seen.A cyclone caused by the eruption of momentum spun around from Tang Ming's side!

Tang San and the others were shocked by Tang Ming's sudden burst of momentum and took a few steps back.

On the opposite side, the Imperial Fighting Team was the main target of Tang Ming's imposing impact.

The seven people only felt that Tang Ming's figure suddenly rose up, like a giant holding the sky, looking down at them coldly from the sky.

Those cold eyes were full of power.

The Huangdou team's expression changed suddenly, and they retreated in horror. At this time, Qin Ming, who was standing in the corner, stood in front of them, and the huge pressure was suddenly reduced, and everyone stopped the pace of retreat.

"Qi, the Monkey King player actually knocked the Huangdou team back five steps with his aura!!!"

The host's horrified voice spread through the loudspeaker throughout the center of the Soul Arena.

The aristocratic box, which was originally extremely quiet, also suddenly made a huge roar!

Everyone looked at Tang Ming on the Battle Soul Stage in disbelief!

On the opposite side are all Soul Venerables!

You are also a soul!

How can you knock the opponent back by relying on momentum? !

really! ? ?

Everyone was suspicious for the first time, but they saw an extremely ugly expression on the faces of the Imperial Fighting Team.

This ugly face dispelled the suspicions of all the audience.

This Great Sage Monkey King really knocked the Huangdou team back with his aura, otherwise, the Huangdou team wouldn't be able to show such an ugly face.

The faces of the Imperial Fighting Team were indeed extremely ugly, thinking that they were also the geniuses praised by their teachers and elders, but now they have retreated in front of the aura of a thirty-sixth-level Soul Venerable!

They said that they were knocked back five steps, but everyone in the Huangdou team knew that if Qin Ming didn't come to them to help them block most of the momentum, they would keep retreating.

"What monster is this!"

Yu Tianheng stared at Tang Ming on the opposite side, his fists clenched tightly.

Qin Ming looked at Tang Ming, his face under the mask was extremely solemn.

The guy on the other side is indeed a monster.

Even his [-]th-level Soul Emperor felt a lot of pressure under the aura of the opposite.

It's incredible!

According to the information, there should be only thirty-sixth level on the opposite side, how could it put pressure on him, the Soul Emperor.

too weird!

"He is definitely not as simple as level [-]."

Duguyan said suddenly, her cold snake pupil looked at Tang Ming, her eyes were extremely vigilant.

"Will it be the same as the teacher, this person is actually very high, but he just suppresses his strength?" Yufeng guessed.

Qin Ming shook his head, "It's unlikely. When you register in the Soul Arena, you have to test your soul power. It's impossible to fake your soul power level."

"That means he's really only level [-]?"

Oslo frowned and said, "How can level [-] put us so much pressure?"

Qin Ming shook his head, this was where he was puzzled.

He looked at Tang Ming solemnly and said, "No matter what, we need to go all out to win this battle."

Yu Tianheng looked at Qin Ming in surprise.

How could the Monkey King beside him allow Teacher Qin to say such a thing?

"Little San, you are ready. We will win this battle!" Tang Ming said.

Before watching the battle between the two sides in the corner, he expected Tang San and the others to lose.If Tang San and the others succeeded in their initial strategy, the two sides would still have a chance to win.

But Yu Tianheng became very cautious after receiving Qin Ming's advice, and from the very beginning, he saw the magic effect of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass wrapped around Dai Mubai and the others, and directly turned Tang San and the others into a fool.

If he continued to fight, Shrek would only lose.

Because the difference in spirit power between the two sides is too great, the entire team on the opposite side is the spirit master.

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