Oscar hesitated and sighed.

"You don't say I can leave." Tang San opened the door of his dormitory and said to Oscar who was sitting on the ground.

"Hey! Don't go! Little San."

Oscar immediately hugged Tang San's calf.

Tang San:""

He looked down at Oscar, who was holding his calf, speechless.What happened to Oscar today?

"You won't let me go, and you won't tell me what happened. Xiao Ao, what are you doing?"

"Boss Dai has found a girlfriend."

Tang San was stunned, looked at Oscar strangely, and said, "Isn't it a good thing for Boss Dai to find a girlfriend? Why are you sighing here? Could it be that Boss Dai's girlfriend is the girl you like?"

Oscar stood up from the ground with a snap and said, "Of course Boss Dai's girlfriend is not the girl I like. You know, Xiaosan, Rongrong I have always liked."

Tang San looked at Oscar incredulously and said, "Then you are sighing in confusion on this face, what's the point of making a fuss?"

Oscar said in distress, "Am I not trying to confess to Rongrong?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, then said in astonishment, "You want to confess to Rongrong?"

Oscar nodded and said, "You see that Boss Dai has found a girlfriend. As Shrek's second-biggest, shouldn't I have a girlfriend too?"

"Then you will confess to Rongrong?"

Tang San's expression was very strange.

"Didn't I tell you? When I first saw Rongrong at Shrek Academy, I liked her very much."

do you like it?

But it's just greedy people's beauty and body.

Tang San wanted to complain a little.

He still remembered the scene when Oscar chanted a spell and had evil thoughts on other girls, and then was mocked and dismissed by Ning Rongrong.

Where did Oscar get the courage to confess to Rongrong?

Tang San looked at Oscar who had fallen into a fantasy, suddenly not knowing what to say.

"Do you think your confession with Rongrong has a high chance of success?" Tang San couldn't help asking.

Oscar regained his senses from his fantasy, and ruffled the hair in front of his forehead angrily. He smiled confidently: "It's about [-]% sure."

Where did you get your confidence from? !

Tang San looked at Oscar and almost couldn't help but say it.But he stopped at the last moment, frowned and asked, "So high?"

"Of course, since Tang Ming and Zhuqing left, I found that I went to talk to Rongrong. She didn't just ignore me, and sometimes smiled sweetly at me." Oscar said happily.

Tang San:""

Tang San really didn't know what to say.

After Tang Ming and Zhuqing left, Oscar did often talk to Ning Rongrong.

Tang San has met several times.

What about the picture?

It's hard to say.

Every time Oscar spoke, he was elated, but Ning Rongrong's chat with Oscar was perfunctory. She deliberately kept a distance from Oscar's words. Although she would talk to Oscar, she would only say a few words. Then leave.

This move, in Oscar's eyes, became that Ning Rongrong no longer resisted his emotions.

As for the sweet smile at Oscar, Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly at everyone.

When Tang San met Ning Rongrong, she still had the sweetest smile.

But that's just keeping a polite and respectful smile.

However, on Oscar's side, Ning Rongrong's sweet smile turned into Ning Rongrong's interest in him.


Tang San really didn't know what to say to Oscar.

This guy has left a very bad impression on girls from the very beginning, wretched and lecherous.

It would be very difficult for Oscar to reverse Ning Rongrong's impression of him now.

And Tang San really didn't think Ning Rongrong would like Oscar.

It is true that Oscar's talent is very abnormal among food-type soul masters.

But talent is talent, and character is character.

If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. If you can restrain your evil thoughts when you meet a girl at the beginning, don't have so many disgusting thoughts, maybe you can still win your heart if you work hard.

But Ning Rongrong had a very bad first impression of you.

First impressions are hard to reverse.

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