Although after everyone went through a lot of things, Tang San found that Ning Rongrong's impression of everyone had changed a lot, but that didn't mean Ning Rongrong would like Oscar.

Didn't you see that even now, Ning Rongrong was still ignoring Dai Mubai?

Girls are vengeful.

The phrase "kill first and then kill" is not so easy to forget.

Your Xiao Ao's evil thoughts about others, and the disgusting feeling of being YY in your mind, are not so easy to clear.

"Little O"

Tang San patted Oscar's shoulder, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just patted the shoulder and said, "I wish you success."

Actually, sometimes, Tang San would be very strange, why did Ning Rongrong still stay in Shrek Academy?

Although several of them have established friendship, to be honest, their friendship is not profound.

As the daughter of a major sect, Ning Rongrong has better cultivation resources and cultivation environment, so why should she stay in Shrek Academy?

And that Uncle Ning, why would he rest assured that his daughter would stay here?

Is it because of me and brother Ming?

Tang San raised his eyebrows.

He could only think of this floor for the time being. As for which floor Uncle Ning was on, Tang San really couldn't guess.

"Little San, don't go. Help me think about the most romantic way to confess to Ning Rongrong."

Oscar said in a tangled tone, seeing that he was about to fall into the sighing appearance he had before.

"You should ask Boss Dai about this. I've never confessed, how do I understand?" Tang San said with a wry smile.

Oscar looked at Tang San in astonishment, "Have you confessed to Xiao Wu yet?"

When he saw Xiao Wu and Tang San's greasy and crooked sweethearts, he thought they had already confessed.

Haven't confessed yet? !

This is too strange.

Tang San explained somewhat embarrassedly, "Xiao Wu and I are just brothers and sisters."

Oscar poked Tang San with a smirk, and said, "Oh, we brothers have been together for so long, can't we see it? You and Xiao Wu are really just brothers and sisters?"

Tang San didn't speak, bowed his head slightly, seemingly lost in thought.

Oscar waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll go to Boss Dai to learn from his experience. I don't know if Boss Dai is in the academy or not. If he goes to that little girlfriend, it will be troublesome."

Oscar's voice gradually dissipated into the air, and his figure disappeared around the corner.

Tang San stood at the door for a while, then opened the door and returned to the room.

"Me and Xiao Wu"

Chapter 196 Meeting Hu Liena by chance (today and tomorrow are the busiest times)

On the second day of coming to Wuhun City, Tang Ming and others began to visit Wuhun City under the leadership of Meiguo.

The largest building in Wuhun City is undoubtedly the Pope's Palace in the center of the city, which is several hundred meters high.

The Pope's Palace built of white jade shines under the blue sky and white clouds.

"The Pope's Palace is the most important building in Wuhun City. His Majesty the Pope lives in it. There are many guards there and the security is heavily guarded, so even a Titled Douluo cannot easily break in."

Tang Ming listened to Rose Goo's introduction with a dark expression on his face.

Her introduction made him seem like he was going to force his way into the Pope's Palace.

"However, it is very simple for us to enter the Pope's Palace."

Meiguo held her hands behind her back, and while speaking, she stepped backwards, like a young girl, but she was already an aunt in her twenties.

"How to say?"

"Elder token. The elder token my father gave you can enter the Pope's Palace and meet the Taoist Pope."

Rose Goo laughed.

Here the adults are chatting while visiting.

On the other hand, except for Xiao Qi, the little gourd babies are running around, looking around, and when they encounter novel things, they will stop and gather together and discuss in twos and threes.

When no one can tell anyone, they will come to pester Tang Ming to judge.

Therefore, Tang Ming could only do two things, listening to Meiguo's introduction to various places in Wuhun City, while taking time to answer the doll's questions and disputes.

And the gourd baby who got Tang Ming's answer would return to his sisters with a proud face and confidence, and bragly show off the answer he got from Tang Ming.

"Can your father's token enter the Pope's Palace?"

Tang Ming raised his head to look at the Pope's Palace. This magnificent building was too high. Walking in Wuhun City, no matter where he was, he could almost see the towering towering building.

"Yeah, do you want me to take you there?"

Meiguo stopped and smiled, "As long as you have Dad's token, you can enter the Pope's Palace at any time."

Tang Ming shook his head, "Don't worry."

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