Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining the last blueprint of the space-time system. The reward has been sent to the Chaos Orb space. The host can choose any time to fuse the blueprint.

Just when everyone was guessing what Tang Ming was going to do, he spoke, and his voice changed the world strangely.

"Morgana, come out, let's talk."

Morgana's face on the top of the earth changed slightly.At this time, she was communicating with Atuo in the Devil's Castle.

"Ato, can you analyze that thing on the head of the Galactic Force?"

Atuo said helplessly: "I'm sorry, Queen, we were analyzing it just now. With our current computing power, it is impossible to detect and analyze the halo above the head of the Galaxy Force."

Morgana dialed Carl's communication.

"Carl, help me analyze the power of the galaxy with the big clock."

There was no movement on Karl's side at first, but soon Karl's helpless and somewhat curious voice came, "Sorry, Liang Bing, the big clock can't analyze the current power of the galaxy. It seems that I'm going to go to Planet Earth."

"Damn it, can't even the big clock left by the space principal be able to analyze the power of the galaxy? What the hell is he now?"

Morgana couldn't help it when she heard the big clock, and she was depressed and curious.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, I'll go see what the power of the galaxy wants to tell me."

Morgana said, and flew into space.After a while, it flew in front of Tang Ming.

Looking at Tang Ming, who was like a god, Morgana's eyes with thick eye shadows were full of curiosity. She couldn't help but look Tang Ming up and down. After holding back for a long time, she finally suppressed her curiosity and doubts, and asked, "Galaxy?" Zhili, what are you talking to me about?"

Tang Mingdao: "Just like I don't welcome Taotie, the earth also doesn't welcome your demons, Morgana, I hope you will be a little self-aware and get your demons out of our earth!"

"Oh! You're threatening my old lady!"

Morgana put her hips on her hips amusedly, looked at Tang Ming, and said, "Let me tell you something, a story about an angel."

Tang Ming raised the Great Void Sword, looked coldly at Morgana who was about to give a long speech, and said, "I don't want to hear it, and I'm not interested in your story. Morgana, now, tell me your choice."

"Damn, you don't play cards according to common sense, do you?"

Morgana was breathless at first, then glared at Tang Ming with an angry face, and suddenly said: "A Tuo, blow up their Luoyang for me! Who the hell is afraid of whom!"

"Yes, Queen!"

Tang Ming narrowed his eyes slightly. He had already sensed Morgana's demon castle suddenly appearing in the sky above Luoyang. It seemed that Morgana was going to play for real.

But Tang Ming was already prepared.

Fusion space-time system blueprint!

He secretly ordered the system.

The system works immediately.

is merging

Time and space seemed to be paused, and everything became static.

Fusion is complete, and installation is complete!

In the next second, a large amount of information was integrated into Tang Ming's mind. At the same time, a huge phantom of space-time gears suddenly appeared in the entire known universe. These phantom gears were spinning and combined to form a huge clock!

And then.

The clock as big as the known universe gradually became smaller, and finally condensed behind Tang Ming's head, like a corona.

Tang Ming opened his eyes, and a golden time gear appeared in his eyes.

Ka Ka Ka

The sound of time flowing clearly resounded throughout the universe.

Time and space returned to normal again.

"Buddha in the palm of your hand!"

Suddenly, Tang Ming stretched out his hand forward. Under Morgana's astonished eyes, the demon castle that was originally located above Luoyang suddenly shrank, and Tang Ming held it in his palm.

The demon castle, which was originally as huge as a star warship, is now like a castle model, firmly locked in Tang Ming's palm by the power of time and space.

"Morgana, this is the last time I will ask you. Leave, or die?" Tang Ming calmly looked at Morgana in the distance after cleaning up the demon castle.

Space-time gears appeared in his pupils, and those strange eyes made Morgana feel cold all over. From her perspective, Tang Ming seemed to be transformed into the entire universe, infinite and full of vast power!

mighty, terrifying, vast

Countless words that could make Morgana dumbfounded passed through her mind one by one. This feeling was only felt by the space principal back then. No, the principal did not put much pressure on her!

What the hell is the power of the galaxy now! ?

Morgana took a deep breath, and she glanced at the Devil's Castle held in Tang Ming's hands. The communication could no longer reach Atuo who was in the Devil's Castle.


Morgana was about to speak, when suddenly, the surrounding space suddenly changed. Tang Ming and Morgana came to a place, which seemed to be the restaurant of the castle.A long table is laid across the room, and not far away is a crackling firewood burning in the fireplace.

Tang Ming looked at the cloaked man in the room expressionlessly.

"You are Carl?"

"it's me."

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