There was a voice from the man in the hood, young and abnormal.

Tang Mingdao: "I thought you were an old man, with a hoarse voice and a skeleton."

Carl seemed to laugh, and said, "What kind of image is important?"

As he spoke, Carl took off his hood, revealing a handsome face of a teenager, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his golden hair made him look like a boy next door.

Tang Ming nodded slightly, and said, "For you, you can indeed use these words to cover up your failure."


Carl's smiling face changed for the first time, his eyebrows raised slightly, "How do you say that?"

"Okay, you fucking don't play charades for my old lady, just sit down and talk about it." Morgana has been watching the two talking in a daze since she appeared here, and what else she wants to say when she sees them If you don't understand, interrupt quickly.

Carl smiled and said, "Then let's sit down and talk."

Chapter 394 Angel Light and Ultimate Fear

The three sat down on stools at the dining table.

Karl looked at Tang Ming and said, "Mr. Ge Xiaolun, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Tang Ming said: "Look at me, and then at you."

Karl stared at Tang Ming for a long time, wanted to speak, but remained silent.

Morgana was puzzled and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I'll call the headmaster of Space."

Tang Ming shook his head slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the space of the three of them changed again. They were still sitting at the dining table, but they all came to the cosmic space.

"Principal Space, please show up."

Tang Ming said this to the depths of the universe.

Suddenly brilliant and wonderful nebula gushed out from the surrounding space, and the voice of a vicissitudes old man rang in the ears of the three of them

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Small, Karl, cool ice"

"Space Principal?"

Morgana almost stood up in surprise.

"Hello, Power of the Galaxy." Nebula Consciousness greeted Tang Ming.

Tang Ming responded respectfully, "Hi, Principal Space."

Carl frowned and asked, "Mr. Ge Xiaolun, is there any connection between what you said and the headmaster of Space?"

"Of course it does."

Tang Ming nodded, looked at Xingyun, and said: "On the road of pursuing dimension ascension, the space principal chose to merge with our known universe and became a part of the consciousness of the universe. And you, choose to merge with the void, or to say that the void is corrupted. "

"By letting oneself infect the void, become a half-void existence."

"Death Karl, I don't know if I'm right."

Karl was noncommittal, looked at Tang Ming and asked, "What about you?"

"I'm not like you."

Tang Ming shook his head, "I am super-dimensional, and I can explain it using the fantasy of the earth, that is, you choose the path of a saint who is consistent with the Tao, while I choose the path of a saint that transcends the way of heaven."

"I was scratching my head just a little bit, why are you messing with me again?" Morgana said helplessly.

Carl was thoughtful, and said: "I roughly understand. Is super-dimensionality the right path?"

"No, no, there's no such thing as right or wrong."

"For you, Hedao is your only choice."


Tang Ming so firmly denied the possibility of their super-dimensionality that Karl frowned deeply.

"the reason is simple."

Tang Ming spread his hands, "You are existences born in the known universe. In terms of hierarchy, your own priority is at the bottom, and the void is one level higher than yours. Your own birth is doomed to want you to To increase the dimension, you can only let the void infect itself, so as to achieve the effect of increasing the dimension."

"Because in the process of void infection, your priority of existence will be increased. And the reason why I am super-dimensional is because there are things in my body that transcend the known universe level."

"Angel gene?"

Carl grasped the key point, raised his eyebrows and looked at the wings behind Tang Ming and the halo above his head.

"Yes, the angel gene in my body."

It turned out that when Tang Ming awakened, the infection of chaotic spiritual power directly made the angel gene in Tang Ming's body evolve into angel light.

The light of angels is the first ray of light produced when this world was born. It cuts through the darkness of the world, controls the authority of the entire world, and can rewrite the rules of the world at will.

But because of the characteristics of light.

At the beginning of its birth, Angel Light did the work of the creator god in other worlds. He sprinkled starlight in the universe and gave birth to life.

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