However, where there is light, there is darkness.

When the angelic light is born, so is the ultimate fear.

Angel Light controls the space-time dimension, and Ultimate Fear controls the Void Dimension.

The two are two sides of the world.

When a powerful civilization is born in the known universe, the ultimate terror will descend from the void and destroy it.

The behavior of ultimate fear obviously does not conform to the concept of Angel Light.

But the two are one body and two sides of the world, it is absolutely impossible to fight or fight, otherwise, it will only cause the world to collapse and return to chaos.

So Angel Light thought of a way.

He created the angelic race in His own image.

It is hoped that the angel family will protect all life in the universe and guide them to find a future against ultimate fear.

After the creation of the angel family, the light of the angel's light spread to all the angels, and since then, He has been sleeping in the genes of all the angels.

Tang Ming's chaotic spiritual power is a higher-level power than the angel's light. When he first awakened, it stimulated the angel gene in his body to evolve into the angel's light.

This is also the reason why Tang Ming's wings are six light wings.

Karl frowned and thought deeply, but he saw that Tang Ming stopped talking halfway through, so he knew that if he asked again, he probably wouldn't be able to ask anything.

Tang Mingdao: "The way you think about fighting the ultimate fear is not wrong. By ascending the dimension and becoming a higher-dimensional existence, you can indeed avoid being destroyed by the ultimate fear. However, ascending the dimension by investing in the void is the most stupid move .”


This time I asked the space principal.

"Because emptiness is nothingness, negation, non-existence, is meaningless." Tang Ming said lightly.

Karl denied, "No, no, you are wrong. The void is not nothingness, it is everything, it is a transcendent reality."


Tang Ming sneered.

"I'm not arguing with you. You are now in a semi-empty state, because this state can still keep you rational and self-sufficient, and then because you have come into contact with the high-dimensional world, you think that is everything. However, from my current state From a perspective, embracing the void is embracing the ultimate fear, and as a result, is assimilated by the ultimate fear."

"Do you think you see void creatures, do they really exist?"

"That's just what Ultimate Fear lets you see."

After Tang Ming's remarks, Karl was already in a daze.

He pursues the highest wisdom, and he is very intelligent in himself. In fact, what Tang Ming said, he has guessed and deduced it in his daily research, so he has not refuted it now.

Karl looked at the nebula in the distance and asked, "Principal Space, do you understand what he said?"


"Dimensional void ultimate fear, the only one"

"Life is meaningless"

The space principal spoke in obscure and incomprehensible words.

Carl's face was already ashamed, he understood what the space principal said.What the space principal said, just like what Tang Ming said, embracing the void is nothing more than embracing the ultimate fear and becoming a part of the ultimate fear.

At that time, ascending dimension is ascending dimension.

But wisdom and self are also lost, which is meaningless to life in the known universe.

Tang Ming smiled lightly and said, "It seems that you understand."

"Then how do we get rid of the ultimate fear?" Carl couldn't help asking.

Chapter 395 The Problem of Dimension Ascension

Tang Ming shook his head, "I can't get rid of it."

Morgana leaned back on the chair all of a sudden, and said carelessly: "I knew it. So, let me tell you, it's better to enjoy yourself early and do what you want. Not bad, no."

Tang Ming smiled noncommittally, and said: "Don't think of the ultimate fear as evil. In fact, it is a test for Ming to ascend the dimension. Whoever can pass his test will be able to ascend the dimension smoothly. Otherwise, he will be destroyed by him." .”

"This, the space principal should understand."

"Yes, the dimension-enhancing test"

Tang Ming continued: "I think the principal of the space is spreading the idea of ​​the super seminary in the known universe. After you understand all this, for the civilization of the entire known universe to be able to pass the test of ultimate fear."

"Why do you say that?" Carl asked.

"Do you still remember the super god concept of the space principal?"

"What kind of civilization coexists, transcend oneself, and protect the weak Ming?" Morgana tried to recall the super god time back then, but the memory has become a little blurred by the years of polishing.

Tang Mingdao: "Actually, the understanding of the concept of the space principal is very simple. It is to unite all civilizations in the universe, make progress and develop together."

"Carl, you have been studying the void for a long time. You should have discovered that the civilizations destroyed by the ultimate fear are mostly civilizations that have already stood at the highest position in the universe. These civilizations have already touched the path of dimension ascension."

Ka asked: "You said that the ultimate fear is the test of dimension ascension. But in the 137 billion years since the birth of the universe, has no civilization succeeded in dimension ascension?"

Tang Mingdao: "No. Anyway, as far as I know so far, no. Do you know why?"

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