"do not know."

Carl and Morgana shook their heads.

"So you are the students and the space principal is the teacher"

Tang Ming sighed first, and then continued: "Because, it is the entire known universe that should be raised in dimension! Not the only Ming. We can regard the known universe as a specific person, and we Ming , it's just a parasite that lives on this giant."

"The parasite wants to jump off the giant and ascend to dimension alone. Do you think it can succeed?"

"That's absolutely impossible."

"I think that the headmaster of space should have also noticed this, and will choose to fit in with the Tao and become part of the consciousness of the known universe. Then spread the concept of the super seminary in the universe, hoping that all Ming will cooperate to make the known universe rise. Dimension, so that the ultimate fear can be truly conquered."

"Headmaster Space, am I right?"

Nebula surged, and a surprised voice came, "No, wrong"

Carl thought thoughtfully and said, "That's why I thought my eyes were already standing high before, but I didn't expect it to be so narrow."

Morgana suddenly asked: "Speaking of Ming standing at the highest point in the known universe, it was previously recognized as the angel Ming led by the Holy Kaisha. Why didn't the ultimate fear come to destroy them?"

Tang Ming said: "There are two reasons. First, the angel genes in their bodies; second, although Angel Ming is the highest brightness in the known universe, they have not yet been involved in dimensional upgrading, so the ultimate fear will not come. "

"Angel's genes are so awesome?"

Morgana looked down and saw only her white chest.

"cough cough"

Tang Ming retracted his unconscious gaze and said, "Okay, that's it for the topic of ultimate fear. Morgana, what do you think of what I said before?"

"What can I do? I can't beat you now. You can kill me easily, right?"

Morgana held her hands with a calm expression.

"I, Morgana, aren't someone who doesn't know what to do. I'll leave with my men when I return to Earth. You should be satisfied now, right?"

Tang Ming nodded with satisfaction, looked at Carl, and asked, "How about you?"

"Mr. Ge Xiaolun, gluttonous food has been wiped out by you. The Styx Galaxy does not have a more powerful Ming, I think there should be no Ming that can reach the earth here."

"Then I'm relieved."

With that said, Tang Ming stood up and said with a smile, "Then I'm leaving."

Tang Ming disappeared in an instant, the surrounding space changed to what it was before, the fireplace was crackling, and the headmaster of the space left.

"Lord Queen, Queen Morgana."

"Ato? Ato, are you okay?!"

Morgana suddenly received the news from Ato, she couldn't help standing up from the stool excitedly, and walked around in front of Carl.

"We're all right, Queen."

Atuo's reply made Morgana heave a sigh of relief. At that time, when she saw Tang Ming stretched out his hand, she grabbed the Demon Castle in her hand. The terrifying scene was still imprinted in her mind to this day.

"Where are you now? Atto?"

"We're right above the planet Reaper Karl."

Morgana looked at Carl.Carl had put his hood back on.Carl smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to care so much about your subordinates."

Morgana rolled her eyes, "Nonsense, I don't care about them, I care about you!"

"You used to care about me a lot."


Morgana raised her eyebrows, "You flirting with me? Haha, back then, when you gave me a fucking look at my chest, you could blushed for a long time. I'm leaving! I won't give it away!"

Watching Morgana twist her butt away.

Carl shrugged, picked up the pen and paper, looked at the research records and reports that had been written line after line, sighed suddenly, and tore the entire notebook.The scraps of paper floated into the fireplace, slowly turning to ashes.

"Empty, Empty"

Tang Ming returned to Earth.

Having the space-time system is equivalent to mastering the space-time dimension and becoming an ultra-dimensional life. Now he once again has the invincible appearance that is only available in Douluo Continent.

"However, why can't the Hunyuan Daojing break through?"

"Is it because nine is a pole number?"

Tang Ming thought, he had already flown over the North American Army of Soldiers.

"That's God?"

"Omg, I see God!"

"God! It's God!"

"Mom, come out and see God!"

The current image of Tang Ming is very similar to the image of God in Western mythology, with a halo above his head, a coronal wheel of space-time behind his head, and six wings of light behind him.When these American soldiers saw it, they immediately knelt down, excited and excited.

"It's Xiao Lun!"

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