The two were about to retreat when the snake mother noticed them. The corner of her mouth cracked and she gave a ferocious smile. She drew her hand forward, and the bodies of Xiaoqing and Xiaobai flew towards the snake mother involuntarily!

Chapter 422

In Snake Village, Tang Ming jumped directly onto the watchtower regardless of everyone's surprised gazes.

"Xu Xuan, you"

Everyone present was startled.This watchtower was four or five meters high, and Tang Ming jumped up it as soon as he jumped. Is this the Xu Xuan they knew?

When he came to the watchtower, Tang Ming stared at the outside of Snake Village.

His eyesight was better than that of the night watchman, who only saw the snake demon stop.Tang Ming could see Xiaobai and Xiaoqing.At this time, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing seemed to be talking with the snake demon, and Xiaoqing's expression was a little excited.

Then after a while, a beautiful woman with four poisonous snakes on her head appeared.

Tang Ming thought: This should be Xiaobai and Xiaoqing's master.He sensed it slightly, and found that Xiaobai's master was not bad.

Tang Ming watched Xiaobai and Xiaoqing like this, watching how they talked with their master. However, the conversation didn't seem very pleasant, Xiaoqing's expression was not very good, and Xiaobai was also frowning.

Suddenly, in Tang Ming's line of sight, a giant golden python sprang out from under the beautiful woman's feet. This giant python was made of magic power. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding snake demons were absorbed by the giant python!

"It doesn't seem to be a deal"

Tang Ming murmured, the night guard uncle beside him was about to ask him what he saw, but turned his head, only to see that Tang Ming's figure had disappeared.

"Where's Xu Xuan?" The uncle wondered.

At this time, the snake mother was about to attack Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, she stretched her palm forward, and sucked Xiaobai and Xiaoqing up!

"Master!" Xiaoqing looked at the snake mother unwillingly.

The snake mother smiled ferociously, and said: "As long as I absorb your mana, I can naturally deal with the practitioners in the snake village! Hahaha, awesome, you little snake monsters have practiced the mana I gave you, it's really amazing!" Panacea! Hahaha!"

Xiaobai bit his lip lightly, flipped his hands over, and took the pearl hairpin on his head into his hands. Seeing the right moment, he suddenly stabbed at the snake mother!

"I gave you this pearl hairpin, do you want to use it against me?"

It's a pity that Mother Snake was on guard for a long time. As soon as Xiaobai made a move, Mother Snake waved her free other hand, and the pearl hairpin in Xiaobai's hand flew towards Mother Snake, "Naive! Be mine! Part of it!"

Xiaobai had no other choice, the loss of spirit and mana made her gradually show the body of a snake, with a painful expression on her face.

How to do?


When a call came, Xiao Bai looked in surprise, and saw Tang Ming appearing behind the snake mother at some time, and punched out.

Mother Snake was surprised, she didn't know when such a person appeared behind her, but she reacted quickly, gave up controlling Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, and struck out with one palm, catching Tang Ming's fist.


Mother Snake did not expect Tang Ming's strength to be so strong. As soon as her palm touched Tang Ming's fist, a surge of force spread from her arms to her whole body, and Mother Snake flew out involuntarily!

┗`o′┛ Aww!

The snake mother who flew upside down suddenly let out a roar, her whole body was wrapped by the golden python, and in the next moment, the snake mother turned into a huge and ferocious python in a golden light!

Losing the mother snake's suction, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing fell from the sky. Both of them were extremely weak at this moment. Tang Ming didn't care about chasing the mother snake. He dodged to catch Xiaobai and Xiaoqing at the same time, and then gently placed them on the ground. on the ground.

"Are you all right?"


Seeing Tang Ming's worried eyes, Xiao Bai smiled weakly, and was about to continue to say something, when suddenly, she saw a huge figure cast a terrifying shadow, and couldn't help saying: "Xu Xuan, look!"

"Take care to protect yourselves."

Tang Ming gave Xiaobai and Xiaoqing a little bit of spiritual power, then turned around and started fighting, looking at the ferocious python not far away that raised its head and roared, "Good guy, this head is really big, even bigger than the hill next to it!" It's festival."


The giant python let out a strange roar, and then the bright red snake eyes looked at Tang Ming who was on the ground.

Seeing that the giant python seemed to be about to attack, Tang Ming quickly flew up and pulled the giant python's attention aside.Otherwise, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing on the ground may suffer aftermath.

"I'm here, come and bite me!"

Tang Ming flew into the air and waved at the giant python.A cold light flashed across the pupils of the giant python, opened its ferocious mouth, and bit Tang Ming.

Tang Ming flew to the side and dodged away.The giant python reacted quickly, and Shekou followed immediately.Tang Ming flew farther and farther. In order to chase Tang Ming, the huge snake body slid rumblingly, crushing many hills and boulders along the way.

But Tang Ming's target was too small and too sensitive.

The snake mother's giant python incarnation couldn't attack Tang Ming at all.Whether it was a snake bite, a tail lash or a lash, Tang Ming could easily dodge it.The snake mother gradually became impatient, and she became more and more manic, attacking openly and closing, rumbling, rocks shattered, and the valley where the snake village was ruthlessly ravaged by the snake mother.

Everyone in the Snake Village saw such a giant go crazy and trembled with fright, but for a while they didn't know where to hide, and stood there holding the snake catching tools, fearful and helpless, and only begged the giant python not to hit it. come over.

However, what you don't want to come.

Seeing that she couldn't hit Tang Ming, the snake mother turned around abruptly and slid towards the snake village!

When everyone in the village saw the giant python slithering, they were so frightened that they dropped their helmets and armor and made a mess.

Tang Ming had no choice but to tease the snake mother for a while, but since she was in such a hurry, he had no choice but to send her to see Lord Yan!

"Sister, can Xu Xuan beat Master now?" On the ground, Xiaoqing looked at Xu Xuan who was flying in the air with some worry, and asked Xiaobai beside him.

Xiaobai said: "Xu Xuan is very powerful, absolutely no problem."

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