As soon as the words fell, Xiaobai and Xiaoqing suddenly widened their eyes, only to see Tang Ming in the air suddenly grow bigger, and in the blink of an eye, he became the size of a giant python.

Tang Ming, who grew in size, suddenly hugged the snake tail of the giant python. Under the surprised eyes of Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, he threw the giant python backwards and smashed it to the ground with a bang!


The python let out a painful howl, and when the snake pupil saw the huge Tang Ming, he couldn't help showing a terrified look, how could this human become bigger?Could it be the Fa, Heaven and Earth in Immortal Fa? !

Everyone in Snake Village was even more afraid. Uncle Dunhou looked at the giant Tang Ming and said in horror, "This is Xu Xuan?!"

"Xu, has Xu Xuan turned into a monster?" A villager asked in fear, swallowing his saliva.

As the villagers guessed, Tang Ming hugged the python's tail again, and was about to smash the python again when suddenly, a snake head came out from the side and bit Tang Ming's waist!

"Xu Xuan!" Xiaobai said worriedly.

Tang Ming groaned and let go of the python's tail.

However, the python's mouth did not slacken, and it pulled directly and pulled a piece of meat from Tang Ming's waist.Tang Ming vomited blood, and immediately sprayed blood, meat foam and intestines from his waist, and fell to the ground, as if it was raining blood!

The snake mother raised her head and roared happily.Finally caught you little bastard, didn't you jump just now?

Tang Ming covered his waist, a little dumbfounded.Nima, this world with fairies and monsters is just different, if you are careless, you will be injured.

When Xiaobai and Xiaoqing on the ground saw Tang Ming was injured, they ran towards Tang Ming without thinking about it.

Chapter 423 I'm Too Boring When I'm Serious

"Hahaha, it seems that I came at the right time!"

Just as Xiaobai and Xiaoqing were running towards Tang Ming, a Taoist man suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain not far away.

Xiaobai turned his head to look and said in surprise, "It's the national teacher!"

The national teacher was very excited to see the giant python and laughed: "Hahaha, such a big giant python, as long as I absorb her mana, the day of ascension is just around the corner!"

As he spoke, the national teacher made a seal in his hand, and read words in his mouth. The banners hanging on the head of the drum tower spun, and a barrier slowly rose, covering the giant python and Tang Ming.

After the barrier was raised, something like black silt fell from the sky, grabbing the snake mother who was about to rush out of the barrier.The snake mother roared and struggled, but those silt-like things were very firm, holding down the snake mother's giant python body!

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist, thank you so much! I'll give fellow Daoists some good fortune!"

The national teacher shouted to Tang Ming with a sly smile, the hand was printed again, the skull banner turned faster, and countless paper figures flew over, forming a huge crane in the air.

Xianhe screamed and rushed towards Tang Ming.

Tang Ming instantly changed back to his original body and landed at the foot of a Shi Feng.At this time Xiaobai and Xiaoqing had already arrived, Xiaobai worried: "Xu Xuan, are you all right?"

Tang Ming coughed out the blood stuck in his throat and grinned, "It's okay."

Xiaobai's eyes were hazy, and he stepped forward to support Tang Ming, "I said it's fine, I saw a big piece of meat being pulled from here." She looked at Tang Ming's waist.

Tang Ming let go of his hand and said with a smile, "It's really okay, look."

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing looked at them and saw that Tang Ming's ripped flesh was growing rapidly and recovered in the blink of an eye!

Xiaoqing said in surprise: "What's going on?"

Tang Ming said: "The exercises I practice have a very good healing effect. Be careful!" Halfway through the sentence, Tang Ming saw that the crane smashed Shi Feng and hit countless broken stones. He quickly raised the spiritual shield and put the The flying gravel was blocked as much as possible.


Tang Ming pulled Xiaobai and Xiaoqing out of the dust and flew towards the edge of the formation.At this time, the national teacher urged the formation, the skull flags turned, and black silt stretched out over the barrier, chasing Xiaobai and Xiaoqing who were monsters.


Seeing the black silt of the formation spread out, Xiaobai couldn't help reminding.

Tang Ming held Xiaoqing in his left hand and Xiaobai in his right hand. Hearing Xiaobai's reminder, he looked back and saw that the black mud had already flown to his feet, his hands could no longer move, and his feet could still move.

He kicked out, and the soles of his feet wrapped in the chaotic spiritual power immediately kicked the black mud away.The national teacher immediately manipulated the crane to rush.

"Damn it, there's no end to it!"

Tang Ming reluctantly attracted Yunwu, put Xiaobai and Xiaoqing on Yunwu, and finally freed his hands to take the girl, and it was still not easy to fight.He slapped it with a palm, and the huge palm transformed into spiritual power immediately smashed the paper cranes away.

The national teacher was shocked, and blood spurted out of his mouth!

The demon formation loosened.The snake mother, who was suppressed by the black silt, immediately twisted the snake's body, shattered the silt, and roared and slid to the national teacher on the top of the mountain.

The national teacher's heart was not good, he forcibly suppressed the boiling blood in his body, and the seal was formed in his hand again.

The snake mother was already on alert at this time, seeing the black silt extending, and opening two ferocious snake mouths, in which the golden light converged, and the next second, the golden light sprayed into the black silt, scattering the silt.

After the silt was scattered, the snake mother roared and crawled towards the national teacher again.

The national teacher's face was as dark as black water, and the current situation was very bad for him.He glanced at Tang Ming.Tang Ming is still entangled with the black silt. Once this formation is activated, it must eliminate all monsters before it can stop.

"This is not the way to go"

Xiaobai and Xiaoqing stood on the clouds, and saw the black silt generated by the formation method grow and grow.Xiaobai and Xiaoqing couldn't help but look at each other and looked at the national teacher on the top of the mountain.

"Xu Xuan, I'm going to knock down the flag of the national teacher and break this formation!" Xiaobai bit his lip, and suddenly jumped from the clouds and landed on the Shifeng below. Xiaoqing looked at it and said to Tang Ming. He said, "I'm going too!" and then jumped down!

Tang Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you two doing, this formation only works for you, it won't take me!" Sure enough, as Xiaobai and Xiaoqing left, the mud in front of Tang Ming moved towards Xiaobai and Xiaoqing. Qing rushed over.

He looked at the national teacher and saw that the national teacher had put his energy on the snake mother, shook his head and smiled, and said, "Forget it, stop playing. Let's end it early."

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