As the "secondary father" of Qin Wangzheng, Lu Buwei has been in control of the Qin Dynasty since the death of the previous king and the succession of Qin Wangzheng.When I get along with Qin Wangzheng on weekdays, I have never seen Qin Wangzheng with such arrogance.

Could it be that Cheng Yu's rebellion was too exciting?That's right, he was so angry that he fell into a coma. The king probably didn't expect that his brother would suddenly betray him, right?

Lu Buwei lowered his head, constantly guessing the reasons for the change in King Qin's political momentum.After much deliberation, only the news at noon would bring about such a huge change in Qin Wangzheng.

What news at noon?

It turns out that the thing is like this: not long ago, Qin Guo sent Ying Chengxu to lead troops to attack Zhao Guo.This Ying Chengyu is the younger brother of Qin Wangzheng. If he leads the troops to attack Zhao State, everyone in Qin State will feel at ease.

However, the world is unpredictable, and for some reason, Ying Chengxue rebelled on the way, and announced his separation from Qin State in "Tunliu" and surrendered to Zhao State.

The news was sent back to Xianyang today, and was sent to Qin Wangzheng at noon. After reading the news, Qin Wangzheng didn't say a word, and then suddenly passed out.

When Lu Buwei and other officials heard the news, they hurried to Xianyang Palace and waited in front of Qin Wangzheng's bedchamber. After waiting for a whole afternoon, many officials were exhausted and fainted along the way.

Until now, Qin Wangzheng woke up.

At this time, everyone was amazed at the aura exuded by Qin Wangzheng.Now the aura exuded by the king is more powerful than usual, except for Lu Buwei who dared to look up, the other courtiers all bowed their heads and did not dare to move.

Qin Wangzheng finally spoke.

"When you get together, are you waiting for the widow to die?"

"Don't dare!"

Qin Wangzheng's words shocked everyone, except for Lu Buwei, the others were all pale, trembling and quickly fell to their knees, screaming out of fear.


Qin Wangzheng snorted coldly, and shouted angrily: "Except for Zhongfu, they are all a bunch of wine bags and rice bags! Hurry up and get out!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Wangzheng flicked his sleeves, turned and went back to the bedroom.The remaining ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, breaking out in cold sweat.

They were implicated in Cheng Yu's rebellion.

"Prime Minister"

Among the officials, someone looked at Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei withdrew his gaze from the concierge where he was locked again, looked at the ministers and said, "It's already late at night, and we're discussing the matter of Mr. Cheng Xun tomorrow, everyone, go back."

There are officials who want to ask, someone tugged at his sleeve, and gestured to the bedroom with his eyes, this person was slightly startled, nodded, did not dare to speak anymore, and quickly left with the others with their heads down.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Lu Buwei glanced at Qin Wangzheng's bedroom again, hesitated for a while, and then left the palace and walked towards his mansion.

Originally, the Queen Mother was looking for him tonight.

However, the feeling Qin Wangzheng gave him made him shudder, he hesitated for a while, and Lu Buwei still chose to go back.

At the same time, in a certain mysterious valley, an old man looked up at the starry sky and muttered to himself, "It's so strange, Ziwei star has appeared, and it has completely stabilized."

He pinched his fingers and calculated, and said: "It shouldn't be. It stands to reason that there are still seven or eight years before the Ziwei star is discovered, and it will be ten years after it is completely stabilized. What happened in the west is unknown. Is it a big deal?"

"Teacher, what are you talking about?"

The surprised expression suddenly shown by the old man caught the attention of the two young people on the side.One of the apprentices with sword eyebrows and star eyes couldn't help asking.

The old man glanced at the two apprentices in front of him and sighed in vain, "The world is going to change a lot!"

On the other side, someone also looked up at the stars in the night sky and saw the western Ziwei star appearing and shining brightly.The person couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm not mistaken, Ziweixing is in that western country."

Slightly pondering, the man said to the empty space next to him: "Go and call Concubine Yan and Moon God, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the Yin Yang family is about to start action."

There was no one around, the air suddenly rippled, and then a figure suddenly appeared, knelt down to accept orders, and then retreated to call Concubine Yan and Moon God that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had mentioned.

Soon, two beautiful women came.The two came not far behind the mysterious Eastern Emperor Taiyi, saluted together, and said softly: "Your Majesty the Crown Prince."

Xianyang Palace.

In Qin Wangzheng's bedroom, Tang Ming looked at the majestic, stern, resolute, kingly face in the bronze mirror, and smiled lightly.

He also didn't expect that one of his incarnations in Myriad Realms turned out to be the controversial Qin Shihuang in history.

He had just become the Emperor of Heaven in Xiaobai's world, and Tang Ming never expected that this world would become the emperor of the world.

It's really fun.

However, Qin Wangzheng's current situation is not good.At this time, there were the forces of the birth mother Zhao Ji, the group of the prime minister Lu Buwei, and the gangster Lao Ai who divided up all the power in the court. Qin Wangzheng was like a puppet in Qin State at this time. Not much power.

But they are all paper tigers.

"Now that the widow's master consciousness is awakened, you paper tigers won't be able to jump around for long."

Chapter 432 Meteorite

The next day, when Tang Ming woke up early in the morning, an inner palace maid came forward to help him change his clothes and wash, and then went to the side hall to eat. After eating the not-so-delicious breakfast, an inner servant came to remind him that he needed to pay his respects to the Queen Mother.

So Tang Ming went to the inner palace with the servant, and met Zhao Ji, who was the biological mother of Qin Wangzheng.Sure enough, Zhao Ji was just like what was recorded in the history books. She was already middle-aged, but her figure and appearance were well maintained.

She was lying coquettishly, surrounded by three serving maids.At her feet, there is a handsome "eunuch" Lai Ai pinching Zhao Ji's feet.When the other maids saw Tang Ming coming, they all hurriedly saluted. Only Lao Ai, as if she hadn't seen Tang Ming, still pinched Zhao Ji's feet with a smile on her face.

"Um, ah"

Zhao Ji seemed to be pinched very comfortably by Lai Ai, and couldn't help moaning coquettishly.Then he looked at Tang Ming who was standing below, and said, "Your Majesty, I heard that you passed out yesterday?"

Tang Ming replied blankly: "Recently, my son has been too busy and a little tired. Yesterday, I heard a shocking change. I was so angry that I fell into a coma. I woke up yesterday and drank the imperial doctor's prescription. Big problem."

While Zhao Ji was listening, she secretly winked at Lai Ai, she was pinched out of lust.After hearing Tang Ming finish speaking, Zhao Ji couldn't wait to say: "Since you are fine, step back."

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