Tang Ming raised his head and glanced at Zhao Ji. At this moment, Zhao Ji's legs rubbed against each other, completely ignoring that Tang Ming was still standing below, and looked at Lai Ai with watery eyes.Tang Ming felt that if he was not still here, Zhao Ji and Lao Ai would have rolled together directly.The corner of his mouth twitched, he stopped saluting, and turned to leave.

As soon as Tang Ming walked out of Zhao Ji's palace, Zhao Ji's suppressed groans came from behind.Zhao Ji and Lai Ai probably still cared about Qin Wangzheng, so they lowered their voices.

But now Qin Wangzheng has awakened his consciousness, and the chaotic spiritual power of Ten Zhoutian directly possesses his body. His hearing is so good that even though they suppressed their voices, Tang Ming can still hear them very clearly.

Tang Ming walked a little farther, turned around to take a look, and suddenly ordered a servant who was following him: "Go and call the other people in the Queen Mother's palace."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The servant hesitated slightly, but returned with his head down to call for someone.

After a while, other people who were originally in Zhao Ji's palace were called over, most of these people were court ladies and eunuchs.They seemed to know why Qin Wangzheng called them over, and they all lowered their heads in horror and trembled slightly.

However, these maids and eunuchs guessed wrong.

Tang Ming didn't want to ask them anything, nor did he want to kill them, but just ordered them to go outside the palace.

Although they didn't know why, but this was Qin Wangzheng's order, they naturally obeyed, and they all bowed their heads and walked away with puzzled faces.

Tang Ming saw that they were far away and would not be affected, so he calmly pulled down a small meteorite from the cosmic sky.

Under Tang Ming's guidance, this small piece of meteorite pierced the sky and landed on the Empress Dowager's palace with a tail of fire.

With a bang, the earth trembled, and the maids and eunuchs who hadn't gone far looked back in astonishment, and saw that the palace where the Empress Dowager was located had been reduced to ruins, and the flames were soaring into the sky.

"King, Your Majesty"

All the maids and eunuchs knelt down on the ground in fright, not daring to move.Tang Ming walked past them expressionlessly, and said: "If you don't go ask someone to put out the fire to save the Queen Mother, are you kneeling here as if you were dead?" Then, they walked away.

The maid and eunuch got up in a hurry, and ran to ask someone to put out the fire.However, when everyone put out the fire, no one could be found in the ruins.

The kinetic energy brought by the meteorite directly wiped out the queen mother and Lao Ai in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

Three days later, the state of Qin began to arrange the funeral of the queen mother.The mourning system at this time was still the uniform of the Zhou Dynasty, which had a strong patriarchal system.

As the monarch of the Qin Kingdom, he has learned the funeral etiquette system, so Tang Ming did not travel on business during the whole process, and followed Lu Buwei through the whole process indifferently.

The entire funeral lasted for a whole week before choosing a suitable day for burial to close the coffin and go down to the tomb.Fortunately, Wang Guojun's tomb has been built long before him, and Zhao Ji's tomb has been built long ago, and now he can just bury him directly.

After a flurry, two weeks have passed.As far as the whole world is concerned, other countries are watching the excitement of Qin State. First, the son of Qin State has not finished eating the melons of the rebellion, and now it suddenly appears that the Queen Mother of Qin State was killed by a meteorite. None left.

All countries are watching the jokes of Qin, and it is even rumored that Qin Wang's political virtue is not worthy, which led to the betrayal of the brothers and the death of the mother.

This rumor is very scary. After all, in this era, no matter what you do, you should pay attention to a teacher who is famous and justifiable.If your name is not correct and your words are not right, even if you become the king of a country, everyone can remove you from that position.

However, Tang Ming didn't care at all.

His current strength is a bug in this world.Because the chaotic spiritual power was born in the chaos, and its level is above every world, so in every world, his strength will not be greatly reduced.

Tang Ming can strengthen the strength of the incarnation of a saint, which is almost invincible in the current world.Isn't it a simple matter for such a strength to dominate the king?

Therefore, Tang Ming was not in a hurry at all, and he didn't care about the rumors in the market.Now he only cares about his child, little Fusu, and his Queen Han.

Because of the chaotic spiritual power, Tang Ming's physique became very special. Whether it was in the Douluo Continent, the Xiongbing Company, or Xiaobai's world, no offspring were born.

Until this world, because Qin Wangzheng inherited the throne at the age of 13, and at the age of 14, with the care of the Empress Dowager Huayang, he married Mi Hanjun, who is considered to be the granddaughter of the Empress Dowager Huayang. Ruler of this country.

After two years of marriage, because Qin Wangzheng hadn't awakened and her physique hadn't changed, Mi Hanjun became pregnant. After October, she gave birth to Qin Wangzheng's eldest son, Fusu.

Therefore, Fusu became Tang Ming's first child in a sense.

Tang Ming's time travel has already been said before, before the main consciousness was awakened, Qin Wangzheng was already Tang Ming, but Su Hui hadn't woken up yet, so he didn't remember what Tang Ming had experienced.

When the main consciousness is awakened, Qin Wangzheng is still Qin Wangzheng, but he has more experiences and experiences from other worlds, and he also understands the fact that he is Tang Ming.

So there is no problem of being a father.

At this time, Fusu was already five years old, and he was very afraid of Qin Wangzheng on weekdays.Because the former Qin Wangzheng only knew to be busy with state affairs, unsmiling and incomparably majestic.

This attitude towards state affairs was also brought to life by Qin Wangzheng. He never smiled when facing Fusu, which made Fusu very afraid of Qin Wangzheng since he could remember.

Chapter 433 Actions of the Parties

It was not until recently that Tang Ming's consciousness awakened that he separated his work attitude from his life attitude.When facing ministers like Lu Buwei, he still had the majestic look of a king.

Back in the inner palace, after facing Hanjun and Fusu, he restrained the aura above the court and gradually became gentle.

Mr. Han was naturally surprised, but he just thought that it was Cheng Yu's betrayal and the death of Queen Mother Zhao Ji, which changed Qin Wangzheng's temperament greatly, and he began to pay attention to blood and family ties.

Although he guessed wrong, Tang Ming did not explain.

Under Tang Ming's deliberate approach, little Fusu soon lost his fear of Tang Ming and gradually got close to him.

At this time, little Fusu was standing in front of Tang Ming, shaking his head and reciting Jian Jia, while Han Jun sat aside with a graceful posture, smiled and listened, and glanced at the smiling Tang Ming from time to time.

Seeing her husband smiling before, Han Jun was very surprised.

Because she has been married for so many years, she has never seen her husband. The king of the Qin country has smiled. He is always majestic and cruel with a straight face, making people daunting.

However, after the death of Queen Mother Zhao Ji, my husband began to change his attitude. First he would come over to eat together, and then he would tell Fusu to do his homework, and then gradually, he began to smile at her and Fusu.

From surprise at first to familiarity now.Jun Han adapted to Tang Ming's changes.Sometimes, she felt sorry for Tang Ming, thinking that Cheng Yu's betrayal and Zhao Ji's death had dealt too much blow to Tang Ming.

"Traveling back from it, it's like swimming in the water."

After Fusu finished reciting Jianjia, she raised her small face and looked at Tang Ming expectantly.Tang Ming lived up to his expectations, smiled and stretched out his hand to pat his head, and the child immediately showed a satisfied smile like a cat.

"Recite well, go and play by yourself."

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