Don't say it, it's quite exciting.

Zi Nu turned her eyebrows, and took the opportunity to ask: "My lord, in the myths and legends, the immortals can call the wind and call the rain, can you, my lord?"

Tang Ming glanced at Zi Nu with a half-smile.This girl is testing him, probably Wei Zhuang's idea.Does this depend on whether he is really a fairy?

Zi Nu's delicate and beautiful eyes were slightly lowered, a little shy.Tang Ming treated her very well. He gave her a valuable round mirror when they met for the first time, and later gave her a camera that looked like a fairy. Tang Ming noticed the temptation at this time, and he was naturally ashamed. Difficult.

If I am really a fairy, what about Wei Zhuang?

Tang Ming was looking forward to Wei Zhuang's reaction, and said with a smile, "Of course I can call the wind and call the rain. Miss Zi Nu and Miss Nong Yu want to see it?"

Zinu and Nongyu looked at each other and nodded slightly.Zi Nu said: "Nongyu and I are ordinary people, so we really want to see this kind of fairy tricks, and I hope you can see them."

"Xiao Li, go and open all the windows."

"Okay, brother."

Xiaoli smiled and went to open the window.Tang Ming came to the window, fanned his fan gracefully, and said to Zi Nu and Nong Yu with a smile: "You two take care."

Nongyu and Zinu came behind Tang Ming and watched curiously.I saw Tang Ming close the folding fan, and then shoot a beam of light towards the sky.

The light flew into the clear sky and dissipated.

Suddenly, there was a bang!

A huge thunder exploded in the clear sky. This thunder almost startled everyone in Xinzheng City. Everyone raised their heads subconsciously, and saw thick dark clouds suddenly gathered in the originally clear sky.

Crackling electric snakes flickered in the dark clouds.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky over Xinzheng was covered by dark clouds.

Others were still wondering why it was going to rain suddenly on a sunny day.

In Zilan Pavilion, Zinu and Nongyu were already looking at Tang Ming with awe.They watched with their own eyes that Tang Ming shot a ray of light into the sky, and then thunderstorms and dark clouds gathered in the clear sky.

Such a method, how could it not be a fairy method?


Bean-sized rain began to fall.

In just a few breaths, the sky and the earth became a world of rain. The huge rainfall caused many people in Xinzheng to call their fathers and mothers.When they went out, they saw that the sky was clear and blue, so they didn't bring umbrellas. At this time, it rained suddenly, and these people suddenly became drowned chickens.

Han Fei and Zhang Liang hid under the pavilion. They had just finished interrogating Lord Anping and Lord Longquan.Just as Han Fei was about to take Zhang Liang back home, it started to rain suddenly, and the two had to hide under a pavilion.

Zhang Liang watched the big raindrops slapping on the banana leaves, and while wiping the water droplets on his sleeves, he said in confusion: "Brother Han, this rain is so strange. It was clear just now, how could it suddenly fall like this?" Heavy rain?"

With his hands behind his back, Han Fei looked up at the dark clouds rolling over his head. For some reason, Tang Ming's figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and he murmured, "Could it be that he did this?..."

Zhang Liang was surprised and said: "He did it? Who? Brother Han, don't be joking, how can such heavenly power be controlled by humans?"

Han Fei showed a mysterious smile, "What if the other party is not human?"


Purple Orchid.

The purple girl Yingying bowed and said: "The young master is really a fairy among the gods. With such a magical way of calling the wind and rain, the little girl is very happy, but - can the young master stop the heavy rain first? The little girl is afraid that if the heavy rain continues like this, Xinzheng may be flooded." gone."

Tang Ming smiled lightly, "Simple." As he spoke, he opened the folding fan in his hand, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be pushed away by someone's hand, and slowly flew towards the surrounding sky. A ray of golden sunlight came from the hole in the dark clouds It falls and shines on the city of Xinzheng.

The rain stopped.

The warm sun shines on the earth again.

Everyone in Xinzheng City looked up at the sky, only to see that the dark clouds that were very thick just now were slowly drifting away and dissipating... everything seemed like a dream.

When Tang Ming calmly sat back in their seats, Zi Nu and Nong Yu felt as if they had just woken up from a dream—what happened just now was too shocking and dreamlike for them to believe it. But he didn't dare to question it.

Nongyu looked at Tang Ming, and suddenly bowed down and asked, "With the power of the young master, can the world be peaceful and the people live and work in peace?"

Zi Nu looked at the long prostrating Nongyu with complicated eyes, "Nongyu, you..."


Under the pavilion, Zhang Liang smiled and said, "Brother Han, the rain has stopped. I thought it would last for a long time, but I didn't expect it to stop after a while."

Han Fei looked up, watched the dark clouds slowly dissipate in the sky, and said in an ethereal tone: "Yes, the rain has stopped. It will fall as soon as it is said, and it will stop as soon as it is said. It really is a fairy..."

Zhang Liang looked weird, and said, "Brother Han still thinks this is someone else's method?"

Han Fei shook his head, and suddenly smiled at Zhang Liang: "Zi Liang, come with me to Zilan Xuan, you should be able to meet that person."

Chapter 450 The World Is a Ball

Tang Ming played with the wine bottle in his hand, looked at Nongyu who was long and prostrating, his expression straightened, he put the wine bottle on the desk, and said, "Of course I can do it, my lord."

Nongyu smiled and said, "My lord, don't you wonder why Nongyu asked such a question?"

"Tell me."

Nongyu said: "The little girl just wants to see that everyone is free to do what they want."

Tang Ming asked curiously, "What does Miss Nongyu want to do?"

Nongyu glanced at Zi Nu, her watery eyes lowered, and said: "If one day the world is peaceful and there are no so many disputes and disputes, I think, I will carry a piano on my back and travel all over the world."

Tang Ming smiled and said, "Miss Nongyu can look forward to it, such a day will come soon."

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