Nongyu gave a salute, and said, "Nongyu is waiting for your good news."

Tang Ming nodded.

Suddenly, Zi Nu asked with a complex expression: "My lord, can't the world maintain the current situation? Each country governs on its own, without interfering with each other. Can't the world be peaceful?"

With Zi Nu's wisdom, she would never ask such a stupid question on weekdays.But today, Tang Ming's fairy tricks made Zi Nu lose her delusions.But she was unwilling, so she could only try to struggle.

Tang Ming shook his head and said, "Miss Zi Nu, let me tell you a story." As he spoke, he waved his hand, and an illusory image suddenly appeared in the center of the room, both Zi Nu and Nong Yu were startled.

Xiao Li was not frightened, but observed the sudden image with great interest.

The image shows a mountain basin, which is surrounded by mountains, and the high mountains isolate this mountain basin from the world.

Zinu and Nongyu watched curiously. Suddenly, two tribes appeared in the Shanwa Basin in the image, one in the east and the other in the west.Both tribes live in this mountain basin.

Following Tang Ming's explanation, the two tribes began to explore the surroundings with their own tribe as the base. At the beginning, neither tribe knew that there was another tribe in this world, and they just explored the surrounding area cautiously.

Until one day, the two tribes met.

At the beginning, the two tribes did not fight. After some communication, the two tribes began to communicate. They exchanged the special products of each other's tribes, and even sent special envoys to communicate with each other. The two tribes are like friends.

In this way, the two tribes in the Shanwa Basin had such friendly exchanges.

As time went by, the territories of the two tribes were expanding outwards, and gradually, the territories of the two tribes bordered each other.At the beginning, the two sides can still discuss and negotiate on the bordering areas.

The two tribes drew a boundary line in the center of the basin as a division of the territory.

They lived in peace like this.

The population of each tribe continued to increase, and then inevitably, the tribes to the west built their houses beyond the border line.The tribes in the east sent people to negotiate, saying that you and the tribes in the west have crossed the border.

The tribal leader in the west said, oh, my brother, my friend, please be accommodating, my people are too many, and there is no land on my side to build houses for them.

The chief of the east said, oh, my friend, there are many people on my side, if all your people build houses on my side, where will the people on my side build?

After a friendly handover, the leader of the western tribe demolished the house he crossed the border.

Before long, however, there were too many people on both sides, and less and less land on each side, and each side turned its attention to the other.Then a war inevitably broke out.

Looking at the fierce battle in the video, Nongyu couldn't help frowning: "Why didn't they dig out this mountain depression? There must be more land outside the mountain for them to build houses."

Wei Zhuang who didn't know when he came to the room said coldly: "Because they can't climb the surrounding mountains."

Zi Nu looked at Wei Zhuang and asked doubtfully, "The surrounding valleys are indeed very high, but it shouldn't be difficult to climb over them, right?"

Han Fei, who also didn't know when he came in quietly, said with a smile: "It's not difficult for one or two people to climb out. The most difficult thing is that the rest of the tribe must be able to climb out of the mountain. Otherwise, even if one or two people climb out So what? Their populations will still grow, and the war will still go on."

Standing beside Han Fei, Zhang Liang glanced at Tang Ming with horrified eyes, then turned his gaze to the never-before-seen image, and said, "Actually, I did the math just now, if the two tribes work together Cooperation can open up the mountain road and climb over from here."

Zhang Liang pointed to a relatively short mountain peak in the image.

The purple girl was thoughtful.

Tang Ming smiled and said, "Why are you all here?"

Han Fei saluted with a smile, "Today a god appeared in Xinzheng, and I brought Ziliang to see the god."

Zhang Liang bowed to Tang Ming and said: "Liang, I have seen, I have seen..."

Tang Ming laughed, and said, "Just call me Mr. Ming."

Zhang Liang heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Liang, I have met Mr. Ming."

After greeting Zhang Liang, Tang Ming put away the video, looked at Zi Nu and asked, "Miss Zi Nu, do you understand now?"

Zi Nu nodded with a wry smile.

On the contrary, Han Fei looked at Tang Ming with a burning gaze, and said, "Brother Ming, what you want to say is that the seven kingdoms of the world are like these two tribes trapped in a mountain valley. They are short-sighted and cannot see the wider world outside. All you know is that the beasts are still fighting in this small world?"

Tang Ming nodded, "That's right, the seven kingdoms in the world are like this tribe trapped in the mountain valley in my eyes. They don't want to explore the bigger world, but only focus on the one-acre land under their feet. It's just too short-sighted."

Zhang Liang smiled wryly, the world is so big, in the eyes of the gods, it is only one acre of land...

Wei Zhuang looked at Tang Ming and asked, "Can we see how big the world is?"

Tang Ming glanced at everyone, and seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, he showed a mysterious smile, "I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it after watching it."

Han Fei smiled excitedly, "Brother Ming, just show it."


Tang Ming smiled even more.

He fanned lightly, and a huge globe appeared in the center of the room. The globe was like a real earth, with clouds, typhoon vortices, vast oceans, and green continents on it...

"This is the world we live in." Tang Ming said with a smile.

"The world to live in?"

Han Fei carefully looked at the earth in front of him. Although he was prepared in his heart, when the facts were in front of him, his heart was still uncontrollably shocked, "The world we live in is one, one ball?"

The others also had expressions of broken views.

Tang Ming looked very funny and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Chapter 451 Show You A Suicide

"The so-called round sky, isn't it correct?"

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