Even as cold as Wei Zhuang, he looked at the image of the earth in front of him in shock at this moment. The shock in his heart and the collapse of his previous cognition made him feel a little at a loss.

"If the world is really like this..."

Nongyu pointed to the bottom of the earth and asked, "People here, won't they fall?"

"I can't fall."

Tang Ming smiled and took a fruit on the table in his hand, then threw it up. After the fruit reached the height of the upward throw, it began to fall freely.Everyone in the room watched the fruit fall until it hit the floor.

In this room, except for Xiaoli who may lack a little intelligence, everyone else is smart enough. Usually they don't pay much attention to the fallen fruit, but Tang Ming's reminder at this time made them start to examine the fruit. A phenomenon, and fell into deep thought.

The fruit rolled to Zi Nu's feet.

Zi Nu bent down to pick up the fruit, thought for a while, then threw it up again, watching it do free fall.Looking at the falling fruit, Zi Nu's eyes shone slightly.

At this time, Tang Ming said: "Look, why doesn't it fly out of the sky every time we throw this fruit into the sky? That's because there is a force under our feet that firmly sucks us into it." On the ground, that's why we jump up and we all end up on the ground."

Han Fei smiled and said: "Haha, the way is simple, the way is simple! The ancients did not deceive me! I never thought that there is such a truth in our life around us. If Brother Ming didn't Reminder, I'm afraid none of us will care about such a detail in life, right?"

Zhang Liang looked at Tang Ming and said, "So, because the earth has such a suction force, people won't fall down even if they are under the world, right?"

"That's right, that's it!" Tang Ming nodded firmly.

Hearing such an affirmative answer, both Nongyu and Zinu couldn't help taking half a step back.The world shown by Tang Ming is too subversive.They feel like their world is collapsing...

Han Fei, Zhang Liang, and Wei Zhuang also shook their heads and calmed down a little.

Tang Ming was right, if it wasn't for Tang Ming's godly means, and he felt that Tang Ming didn't need to lie to them, they really couldn't accept the fact that the world was a "ball".

After calming down, Han Fei asked Tang Ming, "Where is Xinzheng up here?"

Tang Ming zoomed in on the image of the earth, then stopped on the Asian plate area, first outlined the Huaxia domain at this time with bright silk lines, and explained to everyone: "The map we see now is the world where the entire seven countries are located. .”

Zhang Liang couldn't help swallowing, his eyes widened, and he said, "Is our so-called 'world' only this big?"

Others also had Zhang Liang's expression. Compared with the world of the whole earth, the world where the Seven Kingdoms are now is indeed too small.

Tang Ming continued to zoom in the camera, using the colored light to outline the territory of the Seven Kingdoms, and then stopped on the territory of South Korea.Xiao Li said: "The territory of South Korea is so small."

Han Fei and Zhang Liang smiled wryly.Compared with the other six countries, South Korea is indeed the country with the least territory.

Tang Ming zoomed in on the camera again, and everyone saw Xinzheng very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the whole picture of Xinzheng appeared before everyone's eyes.Tang Ming smiled mysteriously, and then zoomed in on the camera slightly. Xiaoli immediately pointed to the image and exclaimed: "I saw Zilanxuan!"

Wei Zhuang looked at Zilan Pavilion, which was clearly visible in the video, and other nearby buildings, and frowned deeply. He thought to himself: If such a method is used in war, it would be terrible.

Tang Ming zoomed out the camera, and everyone saw the panorama of the earth again.Tang Mingdao: "Brother Han, you see, the whole world only occupies such a small part of the world, and there is such a vast land and sky outside."

Han Fei asked curiously: "The world is so big, besides our Huaxia, are there any human beings and civilizations in other places?"

"Of course there are. The Mesopotamia here, the islands here, and this continent all have human beings and civilizations, but most of them are still in the tribal era where they were ashamed and blood-drinking."

"However, here, some people have established a brilliant civilization."

Wei Zhuang frowned and said, "Compared with them, do we have an advantage?"

Tang Ming smiled and said: "If we continue to fight among the Seven Kingdoms like we are now, our advantages will also become disadvantages. You have also seen the fate of the two tribes in the valley just now. The resources in the world are limited. If we don’t occupy it now, we will be occupied by other civilizations. If we in China don’t open up as soon as possible, we have been nesting in this one-third of an acre of land. When our children and grandchildren become more and more, where will they build houses? "

Zi Nu and Nong Yu couldn't help but nodded.

The other three men thought more.

Han Fei suddenly asked, "Is there anyone else in the world who is as immortal as Brother Ming?"

"Yes, but not as good as me."

Zhang Liang asked again: "Will you all die?" He blinked his eyes, as if curious about the answer to this question.

Tang Ming smiled and said, "They will die, but I won't."

Wei Zhuang's gaze cut across like a knife, obviously he didn't believe Tang Ming's words.

"If you don't believe me, you can try."

Tang Ming was not annoyed, he smiled strangely, and pointed his finger at Zi Nu.The Purple Goddess looked startled, uncontrollably pulled out the Chilian sword wrapped around her waist, and stabbed Tang Ming with a swish.Tang Ming stood there with no intention of dodging at all, and Zi Nu's red sword immediately pierced through his left chest.


The sound of the blade piercing through the flesh resounded in the room.

Han Fei and the others were shocked by the sudden scene in front of them.

Everything happened so fast that before they realized what had happened, Zi Nu's red sword had already pierced Tang Ming's heart, and the tip of the sword protruded from his back, dripping blood.

"Ah! Brother!" Xiao Li screamed, and rushed towards Tang Ming with a pale face.

Tang Ming caught her with a smile, patted Xiao Li's head, and said, "Haha, it's all right, brother is all right..."

Han Fei and others: "..."

Everyone was flustered at first, Zhang Liang was still a little happy, but when he saw Tang Ming with a sword stuck in his heart, he smiled and comforted the crying little carp. Taste emotions.

Zi Nu subconsciously let go of Chi Lianjian, and blinked her charming eyes.

Xiaoli Lihua looked at the Chilian sword stuck on Tang Ming's left chest with rain, and cried, "Brother, are you really, really okay? Xiaoli doesn't want brother to die, woo woo woo..."

Chapter 452 Showdown, I'm...

Although Tang Ming had a gleaming sword stuck in his body, he seemed to be fine, wiped Xiao Li's tears with a smile, and said, "Brother is really fine, look..."

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