He pulled out the Chilian sword, and with a puff, a large amount of blood sprayed out from the wound.Tang Minghun didn't care, as if the person who was spurting blood was not him.

Everyone else was stunned.

Nongyu even covered her small mouth, looking as if she wanted to watch but didn't dare to watch it - very much like the innocent girl watching the kissing scene on TV.

Han Fei grinned and sucked in the air-this kind of visual impact, as if he was the one who was pierced by the sword and the one who bled, it was so immersive.

Fortunately, the blood soon stopped.

Wei Zhuang's complexion changed, and he stepped forward to look at Tang Ming's chest, and found that the wound where he was pierced had healed, and when he looked again, there was no wound left, not even a scar left.

"How is it possible?" Wei Zhuang said in disbelief.

Xiaoli also boldly touched Tang Ming's stabbed chest, his little hands were cold, Tang Ming asked her to confirm, then quickly put her hand down, and comforted: "Look, brother It’s okay if you say it’s okay. My brother won’t die.”

Zhang Liang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.He looked at Tang Ming, sighed in vain, and asked himself a very philosophical question. There are people like Tang Ming in this world, so what is the meaning of their existence as ordinary people?

No one can answer this question.

Because the answer can only be given by Zhang Liang himself.

Han Fei shook his head with a wry smile. He was actually asking himself the same question as Zhang Liang just now.But he looked more openly, and was about to say something more when Tang Ming raised his hand to stop him.

Tang Mingdao: "Brother Han and the others have been asking me, now it's time for me to ask."

Han Fei frowned and said, "Brother Ming, what do you want to ask?"

Tang Ming snapped his fingers to make the blood on the ground disappear, and repaired the punctured clothes. He looked at Han Fei seriously and said, "Qin wants to unify the world, what do you think, Brother Han?"

Everyone was numb to Tang Ming's actions and didn't feel any fuss.It's just this question... Everyone couldn't help but look sideways at Han Fei.

Han Fei was surprised, and clasped his fists and said, "Brother Ming, why did you ask Fei such a question? Fei can't say anything powerful in Xinzheng, let alone in the world, I am just an unknown junior."

Tang Ming looked at Han Fei with scorching eyes, and said, "Because after Qin has unified the world, I want you to help me formulate laws and govern the world."

The complexions of the people in the room changed upon hearing these words. Zhang Liang looked at Tang Ming, and an incredible thought flashed through his mind.

Han Fei frowned and looked at Tang Ming, who was watching him.

The room was quiet, and everyone was looking at Tang Ming and Han Fei.They were waiting for Han Fei's answer.

After a long time, Han Fei sighed and asked, "Will South Korea perish?"

Tang Mingdao: "The world is originally a family. Besides, only when all people die, time will erase everything that belongs to it."

Han Fei sighed again, cupped his hands to Tang Ming and said, "I understand, please give me time to think, King Qin."

"The widow has plenty of time, and Mr. has enough time to think about it."

Han Fei saluted, then turned around and said goodbye with some disappointment.

Surprised and stunned, Zhang Liang saluted Tang Ming, followed Han Fei, and left as well.

In the room, only Zi Nu, Nong Yu and Wei Zhuang are left.

Wei Zhuangying frowned, looked at Tang Ming, and asked with surprise and surprise: "Are you really the King of Qin?" Although he had guessed in his heart, he couldn't believe it when the facts were in front of him.

Zi Nu and Nong Yu also looked at Tang Ming in surprise.

"If it's a fake replacement."

As Tang Ming said, he transformed himself into two incarnations in front of everyone.The two Tang Ming smiled at Wei Zhuang: "Sir, you are a disciple of Guigu, can you wish me to win the world?"

Looking at the two identical Tang Mings, Wei Zhuang twitched the corners of his mouth, and he knew that what they thought was impossible, in the eyes of this one, was not impossible at all.With his hands behind his back, Wei Zhuang turned slightly sideways, giving Tang Ming a cold body curve, and said, "I just want to beat my senior brother."

Tang Ming smiled confidently: "The widow here has enough platform for the two gentlemen to display their talents."

Wei Zhuang pondered, and then composed, "I need to think about it." Then he turned and left, his back was as cold and handsome as ever.

The purple girl bowed gracefully and said, "The one in Xianyang is your clone."

Nongyu watched the two Tang Mings become one again, and asked curiously, "Grand...why would your majesty want to travel around the world?"

"Just call me son."

Tang Ming smiled at Nongyu.

He stood with his hands behind his back, walked to the window, looked out the window, on the street outside the window, there were people coming and going, a beggar-like old man cast his gaze towards this side, noticed Tang Ming's gaze, and immediately disappeared in panic in the corner.

Tang Ming glanced curiously, then looked away, and then answered Nongyu's question, saying: "I am destined to rule the world, so I want to see what the world is like. As the saying goes, 'Read thousands of books , it is better to travel thousands of miles', knowing what the world looks like, I will understand how to govern it later."

"Young master is right." Nongyu nodded.She felt that no country in the world could stop this man.

Tang Ming turned around and glanced at Zi Nu.

Zi Nu lowered her head slightly, standing charmingly, her figure was enchanting, like a blooming purple Roland, dyed with all the rouge and could not be painted.

Tang Ming saluted and said, "I've been bothering Miss Zi Nu and Miss Nong Yu for a long time today, so I should also say goodbye."

"You're welcome, son."

Zi Nu smiled and asked, "Sir, you shouldn't be in a hurry to leave Korea, right?"

"Not busy, not busy."

Tang Ming said with a smile: "There are more interesting things here than I imagined, and I will only leave after watching it to my heart's content."

"Since that's the case, you might as well come to Zilanxuan more often when you are free."

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