"Suspected to be missing?!"

Ji Wuye slapped Xiaobing aside, and his rough face became extremely ferocious with anger, "Two people who are so big seem to be missing in Xinzheng? Hurry up and send someone to look for them!"

Xiaobing was dizzy from being photographed, and when he heard Ji Wuye's roar, his body trembled again, and he quickly ran away under orders.If you stay here, you may die

Ji Wuye was really angry, firstly the military salary was gone, and now his capable men disappeared, he was really going to explode.


Who is so bold, dare to target Lao Tzu?

Ji Wuye looked at the sky with a gloomy expression, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and there was a sign of imminent rain

Under Ji Wuye's order, many soldiers were dispatched from the General's Mansion to start a large-scale search in Xinzheng City.

Purple Orchid.

Zi Nu looked at the street from the window on the second floor, and saw many soldiers passing by in groups, and the fierce aura made other pedestrians on the street give way.

Zi Nu said: "Why did Ji Wuye send so many soldiers? Could it be that he wants to get back the military salary?"

Han Fei came to the window, looked at the soldiers below, and frowned, "It should be impossible. The military salary has been transported to the palace by us. Besides, Ji Wuye and I haven't completely fallen out. Since Ji Wuye recommended the person who solved the case to be meritorious, let the father draw up an imperial edict to reward him, although the imperial edict has not been sent yet, but Ji Wuye's city should not be so shallow, because of the one hundred thousand military salary, it is now so violent."

Wei Zhuang also came to the window, looked at the soldiers passing by, with a cold look in his eyes, and said: "It seems that something important has happened in the General's Mansion."

As Zi Nu walked out, she said, "I'll go down and ask."

Not long after leaving, Zi Nu came up.

Her expression was a little weird, and she said to the waiting crowd: "I heard that two people were lost in the general's mansion."

Zhang Liang was surprised, "Shame?"

Zi Nu nodded, "It's not ordinary people who lost, but Mo Ya and Bai Feng under Ji Wuye's subordinates."

Han Fei was surprised, "Mo Ya and Bai Feng? The lightness skills of these two people are almost unmatched in Xinzheng. How could they lose?"

"Could it be?" Zhang Liang thought of a possibility.

Others immediately thought of it too.

Han Fei looked out the window, frowned slightly, and whispered softly, "What are you going to do?"

in the courtyard.

Tang Ming ordered Kan Shu, saying: "Ji Wuye has started to act, go and release the news, let him come here to find me."

"Yes, son."

Camshu led the way.

Bai Feng and Mo Ya who stood aside looked at Tang Ming and frowned slightly.Mo Ya asked: "My lord, why did you tell Ji Wuye the news that we are here?"

Tang Mingfeng smiled lightly and said, "Of course it was to kill him."

Bai Feng said: "My lord, Ji Wuye's martial arts are very good. His horizontal training is so deep that even the special copper thorns that can penetrate layers of armor can't hurt his flesh and blood."

Tang Ming chuckled, and said: "No matter how strong he is in practice, can he be stronger than the golden body of the Buddha? Oh, I forgot, Buddhism has not yet been established at this time. But it's okay, anyway, I have a way. Besides, There are Xuan Jian and civet cats here, plus the two of you, is it enough to defeat Ji Wuye?"

Bai Feng and Mo Ya looked at each other, and nodded helplessly.

In fact, Tang Ming was right. If the four of them beat Ji Wuye together, they would have a chance to kill Ji Wuye.But Ji Wuye definitely didn't come alone, he definitely brought a large number of soldiers and horses with him.

What if we have more experts here?

Beat the teacher to death with random punches!

Bai Feng and Mo Ya were already mentally prepared. As long as Ji Wuye brought too many people, the two of them would drive Tang Ming and run away. With their lightness skills, it should be possible to escape with one person.

Just as Bai Feng and Mo Ya were making eye contact about how to escape later, a large group of soldiers had already surrounded their small courtyard.Kanshu came out from the shadows beside him and reported to Tang Ming: "Young master, this Ji Wuye is really shameless. I just spread the news that these two boys are here, and Ji Wuye hijacked the military pay." His name was placed on our heads, and he brought more than five hundred soldiers and horses to kill him, and now he has surrounded the outside with water."

Tang Ming slapped his folding fan, and said with a calm smile, "This Ji Wuye has some tricks. We are the only outsiders in Xinzheng City, and we are the only outsiders in Xinzheng City. I think other people will think it is reasonable to put the blame on us."

Bai Feng and Mo Ya looked at the other people, and found that except for the two of them, everyone else in the yard looked calm, as if the more than [-] soldiers surrounded outside were some local chickens and dogs.

Bai Feng and Mo Ya no longer knew whether this group of people had tricks or just lost their minds.

On the other side, Zi Nu brought the latest news.

"Ji Wuye led more than five hundred soldiers and surrounded the courtyard where King Qin was."

Han Fei put his hands behind his back, instead of panicking, he smiled and said, "I kind of want to see how King Qin can turn the tide."

He looked at the others and asked, "Are you going together?"

Wei Zhuang jumped out of the window and left a sentence in the room, "If you don't leave, I'm afraid we won't be able to see a good show."

Han Fei opened his mouth: "" When he looked out the window, Wei Zhuang had already flown away into the distance, leaving only a small figure behind.

"Go quickly!"

Han Fei didn't care about the young master's reserve, and ran out quickly.

Zi Nu and Zhang Liang: ""

The two were speechless for a while, but followed them out.

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to see the good show." Han Fei urged the slow-moving Zhang Liang and Zi Nu while sitting in the carriage.

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