Zhang Liang smiled wryly, walked three steps in two steps, and got into Han Fei's carriage.

Zi Nu got into her own carriage.Soon, two carriages walked towards Tang Ming's yard.

Wei Zhuang walked from the roof, in a straight line, and his light work was fast, so he was the first to arrive, but he was also late

When he was far away from the courtyard, Wei Zhuang's expression changed.In his sight, outside the courtyard where Tang Ming lived, there were soldiers lying on the ground. These soldiers fell to the ground in a disorderly manner without knowing whether they were dead or alive.

When he performed lightness kung fu and came close, he saw that the ground was stained red with blood. The sprayed blood was like a mischievous child throwing dye at will, and a human head was held by a mysterious man covered in a cloak.

Wei Zhuang's face was serious. From that mysterious person, he felt an extremely powerful aura, which oppressed him and made his internal energy feel a little labored.

Chapter 459 Ji Wuye died

Ji Wuye worried that Han Fei would tell King Han all the facts after he found General Han's salary.So I wanted to act first, when the news came at this time that Bai Feng and Mo Ya were kidnapped by the folding fan hero.

After Ji Wuye thought about it for a while, he was going to transfer the charge of hijacking the military salary to these people. Anyway, this folding fan hero is an outsider. If he brings their bodies back, he will never admit it again. Han Fei and the others probably will. helpless.

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye brought more than [-] soldiers to Tang Ming's small courtyard.

Ji Wuye didn't want to talk nonsense at all, and after surrounding the entire courtyard, he prepared to let people set off rockets to force the people inside out.

As a result, as soon as the archer pulled the string, a group of people came out of the yard.

The person who took the lead was fanning lightly with a folding fan in his hand, looking calm and calm.Behind him, followed by a man in a cloak, a charming woman, a short and wretched man, and Ji Wuye's former subordinates Bai Feng and Mo Crow.

Ji Wuye still wanted to say a few words, but Tang Ming didn't like to listen to the nonsense of people who were dying, so he directly used a sleeping technique to make Ji Wuye and the more than [-] soldiers he brought fall into a coma. , The sound of armor knocking on the ground resounded one after another.

Ji Wuye didn't expect Tang Ming to play cards out of routine, to keep his words from being spoken, and to be drowsy when they meet. Who can bear this?Anyway, Ji Wuye couldn't bear it, so he fell off his horse.

The next thing is simple, so simple that Bai Feng and Mo Ya feel like they are dreaming.Ji Wuye fell to the ground and was beheaded by Xuan Jian in his sleep.

The scene of gushing blood made Bai Feng and Mo Ya feel very magical.

Ji Wuye died just like that?

Is it too unreal to die?

However, Ji Wuye was really dead, his headless corpse was lying on the ground, blood was still spraying from the neck.

Bai Feng and Mo Ya looked at the headless body of Ji Wuye, and then Tang Ming's back. For a moment, they felt that this back was extremely majestic, like a giant in the sky.

The two of them didn't understand why Tang Ming and the others were so confident until now.

With such a powerful and unpredictable strength, what is Ji Wuye?

Tang Ming really didn't lie to the two of them. In his eyes, Ji Wuye was really worse than an ant.

Just as Bai Feng and Mo Ya watched Tang Ming's back and had various mental activities, Wei Zhuang came nearby by performing lightness kung fu.With deep solemnity and slight hesitation, Wei Zhuang fell down and stood not far in front of Tang Ming.

"Yo, brother Wei Zhuang, you're here."

Tang Ming flapped his fan and greeted him like an old friend.

Wei Zhuang first glanced at the soldiers lying on the ground, and found that they were still breathing, and then he looked at the head in Xuan Jian's hand, which was indeed Ji Wuye's head.

Surprise flashed in Wei Zhuang's heart, he couldn't see any traces of fighting at this scene, so how did Ji Wuye die?

"King Qin has a good method."

Wei Zhuang glanced at Tang Ming where the old god was present, "Ji Wuye, known as the most powerful general in Korean history, just died at your hands without any resistance."

Tang Ming patted the folding fan and said with a smile: "If he wants to kill me, I can only kill him."

Li Maojiao said with a smile: "Ji Wuye brought his own destruction, the young master is just helping him."

At this time, Bai Feng and Mo Ya were extremely shocked behind them.

What did they just hear?

Wei Zhuang actually called his son "King Qin"?

The son is the king of Qin? !

Bai Feng and Mo Ya were so surprised that they couldn't believe that the person they had just worshiped was King Qin.

How could King Qin appear in Xinzheng City in South Korea?

Who is that sitting in Xianyang Palace at this time?

Bai Feng and Mo Ya were both shocked and full of doubts.

Wei Zhuang suddenly asked: "How does King Qin plan to deal with this matter?"

Tang Ming smiled slightly, "I think Brother Han Fei will help me deal with it."

"Ah, I'm really late!"

At one end of the street, there was a voice full of regret.When everyone looked over, they saw two carriages driving forward one after the other.

When the carriage approached Tang Ming, Han Fei got off the carriage with regret and remorse, looked at Ji Wuye's bloody head, turned to Wei Zhuang and asked, "Brother Wei Zhuang, did you see the picture of King Qin showing his might? "

Wei Zhuang shook his head coldly.

Han Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wei Zhuang to come first, and he didn't see how Ji Wuye died. The battle ended a little unexpectedly soon.Han Fei said: "The battle ended so quickly, as expected of King Qin."

Han Fei saluted Tang Ming's editor.

Zhang Liang was not as calm as Han Fei. When he saw Ji Wuye's bloody head, he felt nauseated and retched.

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