When Zi Nu got off the carriage and saw Ji Wuye's head, she was just a little surprised, not as miserable as Zhang Liang.She bowed to Tang Ming Yingying, and said: "Young master is so powerful that the soldiers brought by Ji Wuye have become decorations."

"Just a little magic."

Tang Ming said that putting five hundred soldiers to sleep was a trivial matter, and the most important thing right now was to deal with the aftermath, so he looked at Han Fei and said, "Brother Han, I will leave it to you to deal with the aftermath."

Han Fei smiled and nodded, "King Qin just leave this matter to me."

Zhang Liang got used to vomiting. He came to the side of the sleeping soldiers, checked them out, stood up and saluted Tang Ming and asked, "King Qin, when will these soldiers wake up?"

Tang Ming shook his fan and replied, "I'll wake up in about half an hour."

Zhang Liang was a little surprised, "Sleep for such a long time?"

Tang Ming chuckled and said, "I can also make them fall into a coma and never wake up."

Zhang Liang: ""

After the jokes were over, Han Fei and Zhang Liang left the rest to the others, while Tang Ming took the civet cat and little carp and followed Zi Nu back to Zi Lan Xuan.

It was very easy for Han Fei to deal with Ji Wuye's death.

As early as the military salary was found, Han Fei had the evidence and clues that Ji Wuye had hijacked the military salary. At this time, Ji Wuye died, so he just had to report it to Han Wangan. That's what Han Fei told Han Wangan.He said that Ji Wuye hijacked the military salary, and after the military salary was found, Ji Wuye was afraid that Han Wangan would blame him, so he led the soldiers to rebel. When Han Fei got the news, he took the master Wei Zhuang to kill Ji Wuye. night.

The thing is such a thing.

Han Wangan looked at the box containing Ji Wuye's head, what else could he say?

He could only wave his hands and ask people to go to the general's mansion to search the house, and then arrange for a new general to take office as soon as possible.The position of general fell to Wei Zhuang under the manipulation of Han Fei and Zhang Kaidi.Wei Zhuang was originally an aristocrat in South Korea, his status was so noble that he could even enter and leave the palace at will, plus his own strong martial arts, he was indeed the best candidate for the general.As a result, the post of general fell to Wei Zhuang temporarily.

Chapter 460

It took Han Fei and the others about three days to deal with Ji Wuye's matter.Most of the time was spent in the general's mansion.

In the general's mansion, Ji Wuye hid many secrets, which were exposed to the sun under the ransacking of the house by Han Fei and others. Many of the secrets were related to the military pay hijacked by ghost soldiers, and there were other secrets. It was related to plotting to rebel against the country. Showing all these to Han Wangan frightened Han Wangan directly.

Good guy, if Ji Wuye hadn't died, Han Wangan wouldn't have known that he was in such a dangerous situation.The great general under him is actually thinking about rebellion all the time, this Ji Wuye deserves to die, a good death!

For a moment, Han Wangan looked at Han Fei with a gentle expression.

Lao Jiu is very good

After Ji Wuye's death, the darkness in Xinzheng City seemed to be much less.At this time, a man with white hair and bloody clothes returned to Xinzheng City to report on his work.

"Aiai Xueyi, the leader of the four evil generals in the night, Bai Yifei really came back at this time"

Han Fei and the others were not surprised to hear that Bai Yifei had returned to Xinzheng.

After Ji Wuye's death, they found a lot of information about "Yemu" in the general's mansion, including the information about the four murderous generals of Yemu. Han Fei and Zhang Liang were shocked when they saw this information.

They never expected that Ji Wuye's subordinates had such a huge force.

In particular, the four fierce generals controlled the entire South Korea from almost every aspect.

Han Wangan is just the puppet king in Xinzheng City.

Zhang Liang said happily to Han Fei at that time: "Fortunately, King Qin helped us kill Ji Wuye, otherwise, with our current strength, it would be too difficult to bring down Ji Wuye who owns the night."

Han Fei nodded solemnly.

In the end, this information about Nightfall was not reported to Han Wangan.

Han Fei believes that it is best for Han Wangan not to know what happened at night, otherwise South Korea will experience earth-shaking turmoil, and tens of thousands of people will die at that time.

Zhang Liangdao: "I heard that Bai Yifei is the owner of Snow Cloth Fort, but a hereditary general who has made great achievements for generations. His mother was once the only female marquis in Korea, her status and blood are extremely noble."

Tang Ming played with the wine bottle in his hand, "I heard that Bai Yifei is still in charge of your [-] troops in South Korea? Is your father out of his mind to let an outsider take charge of so many troops? He is not afraid of being taken over by others." Get out of the palace?"

Han Fei smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't know what his father was thinking. He really dared to put so many troops under Bai Yifei's control.

Wei Zhuang glanced at the people sitting in the room, and said coldly: "Bai Yifei's return must be because of Ji Wuye's affairs. I am afraid that Han Fei and I will become his primary targets."

Zi Nu glanced at him, "Are you worried that Bai Yifei will attack you?"

Wei Zhuang snorted coldly and looked at Han Fei.

He didn't speak, but expressed his meaning clearly.

What Wei Zhuang meant was that he wasn't worried that Bai Yifei would come looking for him, but Han Fei was powerless and didn't know a little martial arts. If Bai Yifei wanted to attack Han Fei, Han Fei wouldn't have escaped at all.

Tang Ming said with a smile: "Han Fei is my future minister, how could he be in trouble."

Han Fei shook his head with a smile, and said, "Bai Yifei just came back, so it is impossible to take action now. He should first contact the other three evil generals in the night. Now we know that the Bihaichao Banshee is Mrs. Mingzhu, and the Emerald Tiger is the one." The number one wealthy businessman in Korea, apart from Bai Yifei, there is also a coir raincoat who is the most mysterious. We still don’t know who that coir raincoat is.”

Tang Ming said: "You can ask Xuan Jian and Kan Shu to investigate."

Han Fei nodded, "Then leave it to Xuan Jian and Kanshu."

Wei Zhuang frowned and asked, "Don't Mo Ya and Bai Feng know the specific identities of the four fierce generals?"

Tang Ming shook his head, "I asked them. Although their Bainiao belongs to Ji Wuye's organization like Yemu, they are two completely different departments. They know very little about Yemu."

Zhang Liang said: "Then there is no other way."

Zi Nu suddenly asked curiously: "Speaking of which, why did you deliberately accept Bai Feng and Mo Crow?" Zi Nu was really curious. Will you accept them?

"I have to find a reason to attack Ji Wuye, right?"

As Tang Ming spoke, he glanced at Han Fei.Han Fei smiled gently.

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