Tang Ming smiled and shook his head, leaving their sisters to talk, and entered the private room by himself, drinking and having fun alone.


Chapter 475 Teach Yan Lingji to Drive

Although Tang Ming was about to leave Xinzheng, South Korea, he was not in a hurry to leave.He is not the kind of person who eats and wipes clean. Just after confirming the relationship with Zi Nu, he left her in Korea and ran away by himself.

Tang Ming couldn't do such a thing.

So he stayed in Xinzheng for more than half a month.

For more than half a month, she has been accompanying Zi Nu.Tang Ming didn't even participate in the battle of wits and bravery between Han Fei and the tide banshee.It is worth mentioning that in the past half month, the murderer who killed Zuo Sima Liu Yi was caught, that is, the vulture who was lurking in the Hundred Birds Organization.

After Wei Zhuang caught it, he showed no mercy, and sent him to the King of Hell with a sword.

The matter in between is over.

Because further investigation will involve the current monarch of South Korea, Han Wangan.Han Fei directly ended the case caused by Huoyu Agate, and then plunged into the incident of Baiyue refugees, and reached in-depth cooperation with Baiyue Tianze and the others.

However, it must be said that Tianze learned more information about Tang Ming from Han Fei, and based on everything he saw that night, Tianze used the excuse that Tang Ming helped him avenge him to force Yanling Ji. It was stuffed to Tang Ming.

It made Tang Mingshi speechless.

He knows that he is very handsome, handsome, and the world is full of flowers.But you can't force me to be beautiful just because I'm handsome, right?

Well, in fact, Tang Ming knew Tian Ze's plan after a little thought.

This Baiyue waste prince, although he was imprisoned by them in blood for more than ten years, in addition to hatred, he also has a heart to restore the country.He arranged Yanling Ji to Tang Ming's side, all he thought was that he could use Tang Ming's power to restore the country in Baiyue in the future.

Tang Ming did not refuse.

After all, Yan Lingji is really beautiful. If you keep it by your side, even if you look at it as a vase, your mood will be much better every day.But the most important reason is that although Tang Ming wanted to use Tianze's status as a prince, although he was an abolished prince, the king's bloodline had not been abolished.

Now that Baiyue has been wiped out, this bloodline is particularly important.

Tang Ming wants to completely incorporate Baiyue into his own territory in the future, and at the same time set an example for the world.If the world sees that after Baiyue joins the Qin state, the people will be prosperous, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, and their lives will be prosperous, will people in other countries still resist the unification of the world?

Maybe the nobles of other countries will resist, but the common people will not. People live to live a better life. When they see that they join the Qin state, they can have enough food and clothing to keep themselves warm and worry-free. The common people of other countries Definitely willing to join the Qin state.

Soldiers who don't fight without fighting.

To unify the world, we can use the means of war, and naturally we can also use some slow and quiet means.

Therefore, when Tang Ming and the others left Xinzheng, in addition to Nongyu's family, civet cats and Xiaoli, Tang Ming also had a Yanling Ji beside him.

Li Kai and Mrs. Hu were also willing to follow Tang Ming to leave South Korea and go to Qin to start a new life because of the jade.

Tang Ming did not fly them back, but showed an off-road vehicle.Stuffing everyone into this strange "carriage", Tang Ming stepped on the accelerator, and under the surprised eyes of the purple girl, Han Fei, and the others, roared the curve that disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

Before Tang Ming left, he left a lot of life-saving items for Zi Nu and Han Fei, but he was not worried at all that they might not be able to handle the remaining trendy banshees, emerald tigers and minions.

The road conditions at this time were not good, and there were many potholes. Fortunately, Tang Ming's off-road vehicle chassis and tires were very good, and it would not be too shaking when driving on a mountain road.

However, after driving for a while, Tang Ming had to stop the car.

"Ouch, vomit!"

Seeing Yan Lingji retching and Nongyu and Xiaoli taking care of her, Tang Ming shook his head helplessly. At first, he was worried that the weak Nongyu and Mrs. Hu would get motion sickness. There is no motion sickness for motion sickness, and along the way, you can look out the window to the scenery that recedes outside.

Thinking of people who won't get motion sickness, but the result is terrible dizziness.

Seeing Yan Lingji's incomparably painful appearance, she couldn't continue riding the car now.

"Are you ok?"

Nongyu, dressed in an elegant attire, patted Yanling Ji on the back and asked.

Yan Lingji held the tree trunk, vomited a few times, and breathed in the fresh air, finally calmed down a little, shook her head and said, "I, I'm fine."

Xiao Li asked worriedly from the side: "Sister is so uncomfortable, can you continue to ride in the car?" The civet cat stood aside with his arms in his arms, and suggested with a smile: "It's really not possible, you can let her sit on the roof of the car."

Li Kai and Mrs. Hu looked at the top of the off-road vehicle. There is a place where people can sit. Is it indecent to just let a charming woman like Yan Lingji sit on the top of the car?

Tang Ming has seen it.Motion sickness is really irrelevant.No matter whether you are a martial arts master or a muscular man, you will get motion sickness when you should get motion sickness.


Tang Ming thought of one thing. Someone once told him that some people get motion sickness, but as long as he starts to drive, he will not get motion sickness.Thinking of this, he looked at Yanling Ji and said, "Well, I will teach you to drive, and you will drive the rest of the journey."

Everyone looked at Tang Ming in surprise.

Yan Lingji wondered: "I'm car sick, do you want me to drive?"

Tang Ming smiled and said, "There is a saying that people who get motion sickness will not get motion sickness when they start the car."

"Really?" Yan Lingji was suspicious.

Others are also a little unbelievable.

Tang Ming nodded, "Really."

"Then, then teach me!"

Yan Lingji said with anticipation and excitement. As early as when Tang Mingku showed off the off-road vehicle, Yan Lingji was full of curiosity about this novelty.After getting into the car, seeing Tang Ming driving the car, she couldn't hold back her urge to move. As a result, Tang Ming had only been driving for a long time, and she was so dizzy.

Now that Tang Ming asked her to drive, Yan Lingji naturally wouldn't resist.

"You wait here for a while."

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