Tang Ming gave instructions to the civet cat and Nongyu, and then brought Yan Lingji to the off-road vehicle, "Sit in the driver's seat."

Yan Lingji nodded, and sat in while pinching the hem of her skirt.

Tang Ming sat in the co-pilot.

Yan Lingji sat in the driver's seat, and put her hands on the steering wheel in a state of bewilderment, but she didn't know where to put her high-heeled feet.

Tang Ming glanced at Yan Lingji's feet, frowned slightly, and said, "Stretch your feet over here."


Yan Lingji looked at Tang Ming unexpectedly.

Tang Ming said seriously: "You can't drive in high heels. Stretch out your feet. I'll take off your shoes for you and put on these ones." He said, manifesting a pair of pink sneakers.

Yan Lingji blinked her eyes, and stretched her slender legs over.

Tang Ming caught Yan Lingji's foot.

The crystal clear jade toes protruded mischievously from the high heels. Tang Ming took off the high heels on her feet with a calm expression. There was no peculiar smell, but a faint fragrance. Is it worthy of being a beauty? Ya is fragrant.

The shape of Yan Lingji's feet is very perfect, with a smooth grip, the ten toes are crystal clear like jade, if Tang Ming is a pervert who controls his feet, he may not be able to resist picking up Yan Lingji's feet and sucking hard at this time.

Unfortunately, Tang Ming was not.He just put on the sneakers for Yan Lingji with a calm expression.The sneakers don't match Yan Lingji's attire well, but now it's just for driving safely, so don't worry too much.

After putting on the sneakers for Yan Lingji, Tang Ming began to teach Yan Lingji how to drive.

Yan Lingji was not very used to wearing sports shoes at the beginning, but she got used to it very quickly, and she is also very smart. Under Tang Ming's hands-on teaching, the off-road vehicle was quickly conquered by her. It took only half a day for Yan Lingji to be able to Free to drive off-road vehicles.

Sure enough, after Yan Lingji sat in the driver's seat, she no longer got motion sickness.

After Yan Lingji became familiar with the driving skills, Tang Ming and the others got into the off-road vehicle she was driving and continued towards Qin.With Tang Ming's navigation and guidance, Yan Lingji will not drive the wrong way.

Along the way, Yan Lingji drove an off-road vehicle, looking focused and sassy, ​​completely different from her usual coquettish charm.

Tanuki and the others were a little worried at first that Yan Lingji could not drive well, but as the off-road vehicle became more stable, Tanuki and Nongyu stopped worrying.On the contrary, I was eager to try it, so I asked Tang Ming, "My lord, let us try to open it when we have time."

Tang Ming looked at the receding scenery outside the window, and replied, "Okay, when we rest, you can come and try to drive."

The civet cat raised the corners of its mouth, smiled sweetly, and said, "Thank you, young master."

Chapter 476 Changes in Xianyang

There will be some ups and downs along the way.

Perhaps it was because the off-road vehicle was so cool, Tang Ming and the others would always be patronized by robbers along the way. Wait for someone to stop.

Tang Ming didn't need to take action against these robbers. The civet cat and Yan Lingji could get off the car and finish off all these robbers.These two beauties are not only beautiful in appearance, but their own strength cannot be underestimated in the world.

Nongyu actually has some strength. She was trained as an assassin when she was with Zi Nu. In addition to her superb piano skills, her own assassination skills and martial arts are not bad.

So the robbers along the way can only be regarded as some waves on the way.

The long trek did not make everyone feel ashamed.Because of Tang Ming's existence, everyone had a good rest on the way. By the time they entered the border of Qin State and rushed to Xianyang, it was the golden autumn season.

238 BC, September eighteenth.

After half a month, Tang Ming and others finally returned to Xianyang of Qin State from Xinzheng, South Korea.When approaching Xianyang, Tang Ming turned the off-road vehicle into a carriage, and several people dangled into Xianyang city on the carriage.

At this time, Xianyang City has become extremely prosperous, the streets are full of hawking sounds, and the flow of people coming and going is extremely crowded.After getting off the carriage, Yanling Ji Nongyu and the civet cat looked at everything in front of them in astonishment.

When Tang Ming was traveling abroad, Qin Wangzheng did not do nothing in Xianyang, because the court was controlled by Lu Buwei, Qin Wangzheng simply handed over all the trivial matters of the court to Lu Buwei, and he took Gai Nie, Yan Concubine and Luna began to tinker with some technologies of later generations in Xianyang.

For example, papermaking, printing, and crop cultivation techniques are all Tang Ming learned from the world of Xiongbinglian.

In the world of Xiongbinglian, because the angels brought brand-new technology, in order for the whole world to seize this development opportunity, scientists from various countries proposed to conduct a global scientific and technological summary and induction.

At that time, Tang Ming, as the power of the galaxy, followed this project for a long time, so in the summary, he almost recorded the science and technology that appeared in the entire history of the earth with his vivid memory.

In serious history, it may be difficult to replicate these technologies.But this world is not a serious history, but an overhead historical world.

There are internal strength and various martial arts here, as well as the weird mechanical techniques of the Mohists. It is actually not too difficult to replicate papermaking and printing techniques.

If Tang Ming didn't find the Mo family, he could actually find it, but the current tycoon of the Mo family, the Black Man with Six Fingers, is actively contacting the Mo family and the Yan Kingdom, so Tang Ming didn't think about looking for them.

Anyway, in the state of Qin, there is still a group of public losers who are not inferior to the Mohist mechanism.

As for the cultivation technology of crops, Tang Ming, through Gai Nie, found the children of the farm family, and borrowed their hands to copy the technology of breeding and breeding.

The title of Guigu Disciple is really useful.

As long as Gai Nie bears this name, people from other hundred families will give some face.And this is all earned by Su Qin and Zhang Yi. Back then, the two of them completely controlled the world in their palms, but it made all the scholars see the strength of the Guigu faction.

No, at Gai Nie's call, many farm disciples came to Xianyang to participate in some kind of agricultural planting development meeting held by the King of Qin. At the meeting, Gai Nie brought out many agricultural planting techniques, and let many farm disciples who came to the meeting Take it back to study and practice.

As a result, for more than a year, the farm disciples really combined the agricultural planting technology given by Tang Ming, and worked out a lot of powerful localization technologies. The crop yield in the field has doubled!

Now on the streets of Xianyang City, people can see vegetables and fruits brought for sale everywhere. Not only are they rich in variety, but they are also very fresh and delicious.

Everyone's face is filled with fresh breath of life.

Mrs. Hu was surprised: "Xianyang City is worthy of being the capital of the Qin Kingdom, and it is so prosperous. I am afraid there will be no more lively place than here in the world."

Nongyu said: "Xinzheng and here are simply incomparable."

When Nongyu was in Xinzheng, he would occasionally stroll around Xinzheng City with Zi Nu. They had never seen such a large number of people on the street. People coming and going came one after another, carrying all kinds of goods they bought and sold on their backs. .

Compared with Xianyang, Xinzheng is deserted like a small town in the countryside.

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