Uncle Ben opened the door and came out with a garbage bag in his hand. He was taken aback when he saw Peter and Tang Ming standing at the door ready to open the door, "This is..."

Tang Ming stretched out his hand with a smile, and said, "Hi, I'm Tang Ming. If you take the liberty of visiting, I'll still look at Haihan."

Tang Ming's smile was kind, and Ben felt a sense of affinity. He subconsciously reached out to hold Tang Ming's hand and said, "Hi, I'm Peter's uncle, Ben Parker."

"Today's visit is mainly because I want to discuss with you about Peter." Tang Ming explained the purpose of his visit.

Ben looked at Peter who felt uncomfortable, and said to Tang Ming, "Please wait a moment." He carried the garbage bag to throw it away, and when he came back, he invited Tang Ming to come in.

After entering the door, Mei, who was busy in the kitchen, heard the movement, and when she saw the handsome Tang Ming, she was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Ben, seeking the answer—who is this?

Ben shook his head slightly, indicating that he was not very clear, then asked Tang Ming to sit on the sofa beside him, and then pulled Peter to sit beside him.Mei also sat down next to her husband, and the two looked at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming smiled and changed his intention to come to Ben and Mei.

When Tang Ming was narrating, Ben and Mei looked at Peter from time to time, and Peter nodded in agreement from time to time, indicating that what Tang Ming said was true.Tang Ming quickly expressed his intention for coming.

Ben mused.

Mei leaned forward slightly, looked at Tang Ming and asked: "Mr. Tang Ming, if I hear you right, you mean that Peter's physique is very suitable for learning the kung fu you mentioned? But... well, I may be a bit wrong when I say this. Polite, but isn't Kung Fu a juggling skill?"

Ben said, "We don't want Peter working in a circus."

Tang Ming laughed dumbfounded, shook his head and said, "You have misunderstood, kung fu is not a juggling act, and I am not an acrobat performer. I am a chef, um, a chef who knows kung fu."

Ben and May looked at each other.

Peter explained: "Mr. is indeed a chef. He has a Chinese restaurant under the Stark Industrial Building. Mr. Stark likes to eat there."

Seeing that Ben and Mei were still frowning, Peter was a little anxious and continued, "Mr. Tang Ming is the Mister Fantastic that night!"

"Mr. Fantastic?"

Ben and Mei frowned, revealing looks of reminiscence. They seemed to have seen this name somewhere, but forgot it for a while.

Peter reminded: "It was the hero who defeated the giant robot with his own power when Iron Man was fighting the giant robot that night."


Mei remembered, and looked at Tang Ming in surprise, "Are you the Mister Fantastic that night?"

Tang Ming smiled and nodded.

Ben and May are amazed.

It is impossible not to be surprised!

Look at Tang Ming in front of you.He looks handsome, slender and well-proportioned, with a picturesque smile.What about Mister Fantastic tonight?I couldn't see his face clearly, but he didn't look like a human at all, because that guy swung the huge robot around with one hand. Is that the power that humans can have?

Ben and Mei couldn't put Tang Ming in front of them together with the violent Mister Fantastic that night.

But the facts were right in front of them, and they couldn't help but not believe it.

Ben took a deep breath, looked at Tang Ming and asked, "Why did you choose Peter?"

Tang Ming spat out a word: "Fate."

After a pause, he continued: "As the saying goes in the ancient oriental country, it is also called fate. Just when I wanted to accept an apprentice, Peter happened to walk in front of me. I believe this is the arrangement of fate, and it is also the relationship between the two of us. fate."

Mabby stroked her movements and asked, "Does Peter think that after you study, you can also become so amazing?"

"Of course." Tang Ming gave an affirmative answer.

Ben and May looked at each other, and there was still a slight hesitation in their eyes.

Tang Ming took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and said, "Mr. Ben, Ms. Mei. Listen to me. You two can think about it. With our existence in this world, will this world continue to be as peaceful as it is now?"


"Let me tell you the truth, this world is very dangerous. Peter learns kung fu from me. Even if he encounters danger in the future, he will have the ability to protect himself."

After Tang Ming finished speaking, he looked at Ben and Mei who were thinking deeply, and stopped talking.

Anyway, if Peter didn't take him as his teacher, Tang Ming wouldn't suffer.

Finally, Ben looked at Peter and asked, "Peter, what do you think?"

Peter looked at his uncle and aunt, and after a while, he raised his head and said seriously: "Uncle, Aunt, I want to learn Kung Fu from Mr. Tang Ming."

Ben touched Peter's head, smiled, looked at Tang Ming and said, "So, I will trouble Mr. Tang Ming in the future."

Having said that, the matter of apprenticeship is settled.

Tang Ming was warmly invited by Ben and Mei, and stayed for dinner before leaving.

On the other hand, Tony's opponent, Ivan, was rescued from prison by the arms dealer Justin Hammer, and Ivan was asked by Hammer to make steel soldiers for him that could be supplied to the US military. Armor technology automatic battle robot.

Ivan agreed to Hammer.

Unbeknownst to Tony, he's making new armor.Since the Ark Reactor was removed from his chest, the previous Mark Armor design was no longer suitable and a new Iron Armor needed to be manufactured.

But this has nothing to do with Tang Ming and Peter.

After apprenticeship on the second day, little Peter started to learn Kung Fu with Tang Ming, starting from the basics, striding forward every day to exercise his body.

Peter's life is very fulfilling.

I go to school every day, and practice with Tang Ming when I come back from school.Tony was tired from staying in the laboratory, and occasionally came to the restaurant to watch how Tang Ming practiced Peter, and asked Jarvis to record Tang Ming's kung fu moves so that he could use them when he put on the armor.

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