As for S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick didn't bother.I don't know what this man with a shiny black head is doing now.

The days passed day by day, and Justin Hammer joined forces with Ivan to hold an exhibition, and the exhibition was filled with Iron Warriors made by Ivan.

Tony received an invitation to the fair.Tilting his head, he looked at the brand new Mark 5 armor in the laboratory, and took the invitation to the exhibition.

The exhibition was very lively, and Justin Hammer was very high-spirited. He felt that after today, it would be the time when Hammer Military Industry surpassed Stark Industries, so he was holding a red wine glass with a very elegant smile on his face. Complacent.

But soon, his calm and elegant smile was put away, and his face was replaced with a tearless expression.

The Iron Warrior created by Ivan lost control and made a big noise in the venue.The venue was chaotic.Everyone was on the run, and the scene was completely overwhelmed.

At this time, Tony stood up, he clicked the watch on his hand, and the steel suit in the Stark Industries laboratory immediately received a signal and flew towards him.Tony is like a Kamen Rider, the battle armor is combined on him, and he quickly becomes Iron Man.

This suit has a lot of firepower.

The Iron Warriors that Ivan mass-produced were not Tony's opponents at all, and were quickly destroyed by him.Seeing that Tony was about to win, Ivan descended from the sky wearing the same armor as the Iron Warrior.

The visor of the battle suit came off, revealing Ivan's face full of smiles.

"Stark, I didn't expect it, I'm back!"

"Your appearance was indeed quite unexpected, like a mouse popping out of the sewer, it really scared me."

Tony was a little surprised to see Ivan, because he got the news that Ivan in prison had died in an explosion.But the surprise is the surprise, Tony will not show mercy to his bad mouth.

Sure enough, Ivan's face became angry, the mask on his face closed again, and he rushed towards Tony.

The next moment, Tony suddenly screamed, "Ah!"

The right foot was kicked out extremely quickly, and kicked on Ivan's chest, the huge force smashed on his chest, and immediately kicked Ivan backwards!

Ivan stood up holding his chest, but Tony was already close at this time.His hands attacked Ivan frequently, like a storm, crackling, crackling...

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Tony screamed strangely again and again, and Ivan was beaten helplessly. Finally, Tony threw out a straight fist and hit Ivan's chest again. With a bang, Ivan flew out again!

After Ivan flew out, Tony put his thumb over the tip of his nose in a dismissive gesture.

"Hahaha, Mr. Tang Ming's kung fu is really useful!"

In the battle suit, Tony looked very excited, "It's just that the process of using it is a bit weird, why do you shout the word 'ah fight'? But it's a bit cool to shout while fighting."

Ivan on the other side was stupefied. He shook his head and stood up again. Looking at the mighty Tony on the opposite side, he was extremely annoyed. He suddenly swung his hand and launched a special attack on the armor.

Fortunately, Tony was prepared, and Ivan's attacks were dodged by him one by one.

There is really no need to go into too much detail about this battle. Tony’s battle suit is not only ahead of Ivan in material and design concept, but also has Tang Ming’s kung fu on it. Whether it is close combat or long-distance attack, Ivan is crushed to death by Tony. dead.

In the end, when Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes came wearing the steel armor specially made for him by Tony, Ivan had already been beaten to the ground by Tony, unconscious.

After this incident, the reputation of Iron Man in the society has risen again. Facing the trend of rising public opinion, the U.S. government can’t go against it. Taking advantage of Tony’s defeat of Ivan and saving the participants, he was awarded a medal. After that, I no longer mentioned the matter of the steel suit.

After this battle, Tony also has a deeper understanding of what a hero is. The playboy's nature has been restrained a lot, and he rarely goes out to wander. Instead, he comes to Tang Ming whenever he has time, wanting to steal some kung fu moves.

Tony found out that this kung fu is really powerful, which allows him to deal with the enemy better.

The days just go by like this, and the world seems to be going to be peaceful forever...

Chapter 504 Master, I Know Immortal Techniques

Nick and the black widow Natasha came to the door.

Nick looked at Peter who was striding forward, and asked, "Is this kid your apprentice?"

Natasha smiled and said, "What a cute little guy."

Peter strode seriously, with fine drops of sweat on his forehead. He didn't have the energy to pay attention to Nick and Natasha at all.

Tang Ming took a look at the two of them, put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and said, "There must be nothing good for the two of you to come to me."

Nick knew him well, so he moved a stool and sat down.

Natasha stood with her arms folded, making her proud twin peaks stand out even more.

Nick stared at Tang Ming with one eye, and said, "You're wrong, it's a good thing to find you this time."

"Tell me."

Tang Ming raised his eyebrows, and put the shaved pork bones aside. The pork bones will be used to make soup for Peter later to supplement his body with some nutrients.

"A hammer fell from the sky into New Mexico."

Nick glanced at Tang Ming, Tang Ming didn't respond, and was still processing his ingredients.Nick continued: "This hammer is amazing. After it fell, no one could pick it up. Even if a hoist was used, it still couldn't lift the hammer even an inch."

Tang Ming stopped, looked at Nick, and asked, "When did this happen?"

"The night of Tony and Hammer's Robot Wars," Nick replied.

Tang Ming picked up the towel and wiped his hands, "So?..."

Nick said: "Afterwards, there was another person who claimed to be Thor. He said that the hammer belonged to him. My subordinates arrested him as a psychopath."

"What the hell are you trying to say, Nick?"

Tang Ming put the towel aside and looked at Nick helplessly.

This guy doesn't know if he is a secret agent. When something goes wrong, he always wants to talk to people and dig holes. He looks at others and is always analyzing something, maybe analyzing his expression or psychology.

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