Nick's one eye looked at Tang Ming and said, "Our S.H.I.E.L.D. will pay you three million dollars. I hope you can go to New Mexico to bring that hammer back to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"How did you know I could lift that hammer?"


Nick stared at Tang Ming and spit out a word that made Tang Ming laugh.

Tang Ming didn't believe that Nick came to him based on his intuition. He must have analyzed Tang Ming's strength, coupled with the extraordinary ability that Tang Ming showed, that Nick came to him.

But this is not the reason. The inner reason for inviting Tang Ming is that Nick wants to pull a strange person like Tang Ming into his S.H.I.E.L.D.He is preparing a plan and is recruiting people everywhere. Tony, Dr. Banner are his goals, Tang Ming is also...


"I reject."

Tang Ming saw Nick's plan, he didn't want to join any organization.

Nick's one eye narrowed slightly and asked, "That's three million..."

"Tony gave a lot more than you."

Tang Ming shrugged and saw off the guest, "Just please."

He continued to process his ingredients. Seeing that Peter was almost unable to hold on, his body was tearing, so he stopped Peter and went to rest for a while.

Nick and Natasha reluctantly left.

After walking out of the restaurant, Natasha smiled and said, "Nick, Tang Ming doesn't seem to like seeing you very much."

Nick did not answer this, but asked, "How is Dr. Banner?"

Natasha made fun of herself, shrugged, and replied, "There was a fight with the military at school yesterday, and then Dr. Banner fled with his little girlfriend. Now back to Mr. Lan."

Nick said, "Keep staring at Dr. Banner."

The two got into the car, and at this time, a phone call came.

It was Colson on the phone.

"Phil, what's the matter?" Nick answered the phone and found that there seemed to be something wrong with Coulson's voice, and asked first.

"Director, the situation on my side is very bad."

While talking on the phone, Coulson looked at the neurotic Thor, who was suddenly covered in thunder, and found a safe place to hide.I can't hide, I saw a brilliant colorful light emerging from the sky, and a strange monster appeared not far away.

Nick's tone was calm, and he asked, "What happened?"

"The aliens are fighting!"

Coulson took time to look outside, and saw Thor, who was covered in thunder, raised a hammer that he had been unable to pick up before, like an ancient Viking pirate, roaring at the one they called the Destroyer monster.

Nick listened to Coulson live on the phone with a deep, dark expression on his face.Fortunately, Thor quickly defeated the Destroyer, and Coulson hung up the call with Nick when he saw that there was no danger.

The car was silent, and Natasha looked at Nick.

Nick closed his one eye for a while, and when he opened it, he seemed to be talking to Natasha, as if he was talking to himself, and said, "The plan of the Avengers is about to begin preparations..."

"Let's go find Tony."

Nick said and drove the car away.Tony is not in the Stark Industrial Building at this time, but is wearing Mark's armor and fighting for justice outside.Nick directly drove Natasha to Tony's villa.


After Nick and Natasha left, Peter took a break.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked suspiciously, "Master, who were those two people just now?"

"It's just two people giving money."

Peter: "..."

"Master, what happened to that hammer?" Peter asked again.

Although he was jogging attentively just now, he also listened to all directions and wrote down the strange hammer Nick said.

"It's just a dying old man who cast magic on the hammer." Tang Ming's tone was still incomparably flat.

Peter was surprised and said, "Magic? Is there magic in this world?"

Tang Ming laughed and said, "Of course there is magic in this world."

Peter's eyes suddenly lit up. He is only a nine-year-old child, at the age of curiosity about fairy tales and magic.Peter couldn't help asking, "Master, can you do magic?"

"You are the master and I can't do magic, but..."

Seeing Peter's disappointment and anticipation, Tang Ming smiled and said, "I know fairy magic."

"What is fairy magic?"

"Immortal magic is similar to magic."

Tang Ming touched his chin, the magic in this world is somewhat different from the traditional magic, "What magic can do, fairy can do, and what magic can't do, fairy can do. "

Hearing this, Peter felt yearning, grabbed Tang Ming's hand, and said, "Master, teach me the fairy method!"

Tang Ming patted Peter's little head amusingly, "You haven't even learned how to walk, so you want to run? You learn the kung fu first! I'll teach you the fairy tricks later."

"Okay, Master, I will work hard to learn Kung Fu!"

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