After getting the magical fairy method that Master would teach him, Peter was more motivated to learn kung fu, and immediately went to the horse stance.

Chapter 505 One person singled out Hate and Hulk

Life didn't last long, or New York never was.

On this day, Dr. Banner returned to New York to save Mr. Lan.Mr. Lan is a friend of Dr. Banner, and he helped Banner to suppress the transformation of gamma cells in his body.

Mr. Lan was also arrested by General Ross of the military for helping Banner.

Banner had no choice but to come to New York to save Mr. Lan.

That's when Bronski, who had recovered, forced Mr. Blue to inject a sample of Banner's blood into his body.Gamma cells mixed with super soldier serum were mutated in Bronski.

With a bang, Bronski turned into a red monster - abomination!

In order to stop the hatred, Banner transformed into Hulk. The two sides fought directly on the streets of New York, and the shock even spread directly to Stark Industries.

As a superhero, Tony naturally dispatched immediately, but unfortunately his suit did not have much effect when facing Hulk and hatred.His artillery hits Hulk and Abomination like it tickles both of them.

Not long after, Tony was careless and was slapped in an office building with a slap in disgust, almost smashing to death the white leading students who had nowhere to hide in the office building.

Tang Ming took Peter to stand at the top of the Stark Building. Peter didn't have time to wonder how he came from the restaurant to the top of the building in the blink of an eye. At this time, he saw two monsters scuffled together in the distance, their mouths wide open!

"Master, Master! What kind of monsters are they? So scary!"

Watching Hulk and Abomination knock down a building, the rumbling sound came along with the smoke and dust, Peter grabbed Tang Ming's calf in fear.

Tang Ming patted Peter's head, looked at the Hulk and the hated battlefield, frowned slightly, "Let them fight like this, many people will die... I'll change the battlefield for you, let's fight as you go!"

Tang Ming on the roof of the building snapped his fingers, and people all over the world who were paying attention to this monster war found that the two monsters who were fighting among the fire and the ruins suddenly disappeared.Everyone was stunned!

Tony, who flew out of the office building, looked at the ruins in front of him, and was stunned, "What about those two monsters???"

Somewhere in an uninhabited desert, Abomination and Hulk fell out of the void one after another. The two big men smashed into the desert, splashing several feet of dust.

Abomination and Hulk got up at the same time, and the two monsters suddenly found that their environment had changed. .

New York, on the Stark Tower.

Peter looked at the suddenly empty streets of New York, looked up at Tang Ming in surprise, and asked, "Master, did you just send the two monsters away with the fairy method?"

"Yeah, let them fight like this, too many people will be affected."

Tang Ming touched Peter's little head. At this time, Tony, who was in the distance, noticed them, flew over, and asked, "Mr. Tang Ming, did you just see how the two monsters escaped?"

Peter raised his head and said proudly, "My master sent them away!"

Tony's face under the visor was stunned for a moment, "Your master sent it away?" He looked at Tang Ming, the visor dropped, revealing a searching gaze.

Tang Ming nodded and invited Tony: "Would you like to go with us to see how they played?"

"Where are they?"

"follow me."

As soon as Tang Ming stepped out, the surrounding space changed instantly. Before Peter and Tony could react, they were already in the desert. Not far from them, the two big men were beating each other, and the battle was shaking. Move!

Peter and Tony opened their mouths. They didn't understand what was going on. How did they suddenly come to the desert from the Stark Tower in New York?

Looking at the two big men fighting in the distance, Tony's neck turned a little stiff. He turned to look at Tang Ming and said, "What is this? Magic?"

"No, Xianfa."

Tang Ming's smile was sunny and warm, "The West is called magic, and the East is fairy magic."

Tony was still a little confused, but he didn't bother about this kind of thing. He looked at the two big men who were fighting in the dust not far away, and asked, "Are we here to watch them fight? I think they can fight here for a day. ."

"No, you watch with Peter here, I'm going to play."

Tang Ming moved forward while flexing his muscles and bones, "Let you see how real kung fu hangs and beats a brutalist like them."

Tang Ming walked forward, his body was also getting bigger and bigger, when he walked a few feet, his body had become as big as Hulk, he turned around and grinned, and said to Peter: "This immortal method is called Fa Xiangtiandi, I will do it in the future. teach you……"

Peter's mouth widened in surprise and joy, looking up at the giant Tang Ming.

Tony was so surprised that he didn't have any overreaction. Even if Tang Ming became the legendary Titan, Tony said that he wouldn't even blink his eyes.

After Tang Ming finished speaking, he ignored Peter and Tony, and ran directly to Hulk and Abomination. The two big guys scuffled together with love, and didn't notice Tang Ming's participation at all.

Tang Ming was also welcome. It was Bruce Lee's classic flying kick. He said, "Ah, hit!" and kicked directly on the big face of hatred. The huge force exploded on the big face of hatred and ugly. , Abomination was kicked out by Tang Ming.

It slammed to the ground and plowed a deep ravine in the sand!

Hulk and Abomination scuffled together, one careless, was also carried up by Tang Ming's strength, and rolled back to the side.

Tang Ming landed steadily on the ground, his thumb crossed the tip of his nose, arrogant!

Abomination was a little dazed by being kicked in the head, he got up from the sand, shook his head, his ugly face turned towards Tang Ming, Abomination immediately recognized that it was the guy who suddenly appeared and kicked himself, and immediately roared, like It was the angry King Kong who rushed towards Tang Ming.

Tang Ming stood on the spot with his hands up, responding to changes without change.

I saw hatred rushing to Tang Ming, just about to punch him.Tang Ming's body did not retreat, but moved forward. He bullied his body forward, and slammed his elbow into the fragile position under the armpit of hatred. With a click, the ribs inside broke instantly.

Abomination roared and his body was injured, which made him even more angry, and his ugly head immediately smashed at Tang Ming who was in front of him, Tang Ming lowered his head and turned around, perfectly missing Abomination's headbutt attack.

At the same time, Tang Ming's hands were not idle. The moment he turned around, he grabbed the disgusting arm from the bottom up. With a click, the disgusting hand was directly removed by Tang Ming. The sound of dislocation of the bones was accompanied by the disgusting Roaring, it made Tony and Peter's eyes light up in the distance.

Chapter 506 Gan!

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