From the perspective of Tony and Peter, the abomination is like an extremely angry lion, and Tang Ming is an elegant and skilled animal trainer.

Let the lion continue to attack, and the animal trainer always responds with dignity and grace.

The lion's attack is chaotic and brutal, but the tamer's technique is full of grace and beauty.

Peter's eyes sparkled.

This is kung fu!

While strolling in the garden, hit the enemy with sharp and crisp attacks!

so cool!

In the distance, Tang Ming punched Abomination's ribs neatly again, and the feeling of being out of breath immediately caused Aobo to suffocate and retreat.On the other side, Hulk was completely dominated by anger, and joined the battlefield with a roar.

It's just that Dr. Banner has lost his mind at this time. What he attacked was not hatred, but aimed his fist at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming never refuses anyone who comes.

Hitting one is beating, beating two is also beating!

Having not exercised for a long time, Tang Ming really wanted to have a "happy" fight!

Hulk, like the abomination, is following the brutalist route, only roaring and attacking enemies with fists, head, and mouth.

Next, Tang Ming made Tony and Peter realize what a real Kung Fu feast is.Fists, elbows, palms, legs, feet... Tang Ming's whole body seemed to be turned into all kinds of weapons. He used crisp and neat movements to create pleasing pictures.

Even if Hulk and Abomination join forces, they are still no match for Tang Ming.

Their attacks were always resolved by Tang Ming.

Every time Tang Ming made a move, the two monsters couldn't bear it. Their huge bodies were like sandbags. Under Tang Ming's attack, they were like boats in a storm, without the slightest chance to breathe in the huge waves.

Tony and Peter were stunned!The two people are one big and one small, but their expressions are very similar.

Peter knew that his master was very powerful, but he never expected his master's kung fu to be so powerful.The two demons in front of me were terrifying monsters that almost tore down the streets of New York.

However, such a terrifying monster, under the efforts of his master, is as weak as a grandfather on crutches.Master is amazing!Will I be as powerful as Master in the future?

Peter worshiped his master even more in his heart.

Tony was not as surprised as Peter was to the point of admiration. While he was surprised, he did not forget to ask Jarvis to record these movements. He felt that he would definitely be able to use them on the road to being a hero in the future.

This kung fu is too cool!

The action is clean and neat, which is pleasing to the eye.

i got i got.

The more Hulk fought, the more angry he became. His soaring rage almost tore his body apart, and stronger power surged out from the depths of his body. He roared and smashed his fist at the disgusting guy in front of him, that is, Tang Ming.

Hulk's strength was already very strong at this time. When he punched out, he even tore the surrounding air, and a huge whirlwind rolled up around Tang Ming. The wind howled, and Tang Ming's hair danced wildly.

Tang Ming was not afraid at all. He moved with the wind, stepped on the seven stars, stretched out his palm, and used the four or two strokes of a thousand catties in Taiji to deflect Hulk's fist. Then, with a shake of his protruding hand, Hulk was caught by himself. The strength of the flying, fell not far away.

Hatred is not as powerful as Hulk.

By this time, the loathsome body had faintly reached its limit, his strength was no longer increasing, and the recovery speed of the injured part was also slowly slowing down. His fists began to become weak, and his movements became slower and slower.

Hate and anger!

But his anger is no longer the same as that of Hulk, and it does not provide him with strength!

And looking at Tang Ming who knocked the Hulk into the air, fear appeared in the heart of hatred and anger. This fear was constantly eroding the power of hatred, causing the footsteps of hatred to keep retreating on the battlefield.

"Where do you want to go?"

Seeing Abomination shrinking back, Tang Minghui let him go, stepped forward in an instant, swept Abomination on the ground with a front sweep, then turned his body [-] degrees, and volleyed Abomination's neck.

boom! ! !

The hatred was brought into Mother Earth's arms by a huge force, splashing dust soaring into the sky!


Hate howling.

On the other side, Hulk roared and stepped forward again. He jumped into the sky, trying to smash Tang Ming and Abomination to death with his own weight.With this jump, Hulk instantly broke through the sound barrier and rose several thousand meters into the sky. The next moment, he slammed down like Mount Tai.

On the ground, Tang Ming, who was in the shadow of the Hulk, narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed Abomination's hand and swung it vigorously, Abomination couldn't resist at all.Tang Ming threw him into a whirlwind, and then let go, the hatred flew towards Hulk like a cannonball.

Hulk fell from the sky like a meteorite!

Seeing the hatred flying towards him, Hulk's heart was burning with anger, he roared angrily and threw his big fist at it!


Just like sparks hitting the earth, the moment Hulk and Hate collided, huge kinetic energy spread in the air like a typhoon, directly making the sky quiet, and the next moment, the body of Hate fell in pieces!

Hulk howled and slammed heavily on the ground not far away, splashing sand like a sandstorm.

The world was instantly quiet, only the howling wind.

Tony and Peter stared blankly.

This was the first time they had seen such a large-scale battle. The scene of the direct collision of flesh and blood made their blood boil and their blood pulsed.

But Peter was too young, and part of his stunned expression at this time was because he was frightened.

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