They looked into the distance, wondering if Hulk could still stand up.

The splashed sand had already buried Hulk in the dust.Suddenly a big green hand was raised from the sand, Peter was startled, thinking that Hulk was going to fight, but found that when Hulk struggled out of the sand, his figure was slowly returning to normal.

When Hulk climbed out completely, Hulk had turned into Dr. Banner.

The naked Dr. Banner, if not for the awesome boxer pants on his lower body, the picture would be quite eye-catching.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, "It's over?"

Tony looked at Tang Ming who was gradually returning to his normal figure in the distance, and nodded, "It should be over."

Peter immediately ran towards Tang Ming with a smile, and shouted, "Wow, Master, you are so amazing!"

Tang Ming touched Peter's head with a smile, and said, "See clearly, this is kung fu. If you learn it well, beating such a big man with bare hands will not be a problem in the future."

"Master, I will learn Kung Fu hard in the future!" Peter responded with sparkling eyes.

Tony stepped forward, looked at the loathsome body that fell not far away, and asked, "Is this monster dead?"

"Totally dead."

Tang Ming nodded, and snapped his fingers to set the corpses on fire, "It's better to burn them clean, otherwise, if the military takes these corpses back for research, another monster may be created."

Tony looked at the body of the hate that was gradually being burned, nodded, looked at the unconscious Dr. Banner in the distance, and asked, "What about that guy?"

"Nick Fury came back to fix it."

Tang Ming looked towards the sky, and there was an armed helicopter flying towards this side. The person sitting on it was none other than Nick Fury, the Falcon Mare from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 507 Kung Fu Boy Peter

The helicopter stopped not far away, and the propellers were turning, bringing up dust on the ground.Nick jumps out of the helicopter in this scene.

He came to Tang Ming and the others, looked at the unconscious Dr. Banner not far away, and looked at the surrounding environment that seemed to have been washed by missiles once, and asked for a long time: "Where is the abomination? That red monster? "

Tang Ming pointed to Dr. Banner on the ground, "I was kicked to death by Hulk's Tathagata foot in the air. The body fell from the air, and because of the friction with the air, it was completely burned."

Nick: "..." Do you think I'm an idiot?

Of course Nick is not an idiot, so he didn't pursue the hateful thing any more. While sending his men to pick up Dr. Banner, he asked Tang Ming and Tony, "Last time an alien who claimed to be Thor came to Earth. , Now two military experimental monsters, Abomination and Hulk, have appeared on the earth. The world is not peaceful, and such dangerous incidents may happen again in the future."

Nick paused, and glanced at Tony and Tang Ming with one eye.

Tony's expression was thoughtful, but Tang Ming's expression was calm.

Nick continued: "So we want to form a superhero organization to deal with such incidents. Tony, you are Iron Man, and Tang Ming is Mister Fantastic. For the safety of the earth in the future, I hope everyone can work together."

Tony's visor was down at this time. He frowned at Nick and said, "You mean, let me join your superhero organization? It sounds good, but is this organization considered private? Or is it an official organization?" of?"

Nick said: "Of course it's official, I can't afford any activity funds."

Tony frowned, hesitantly said: "I'll go back and think about it..."

Nick nodded and looked at Tang Ming who was beside him.

Tang Ming shook his head, and said directly: "I said that I don't want to join any organization. Even if it's a superhero organization, I won't join. I don't want to be a superhero."

"Well, I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Nick knew how to retreat and advance. He couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. He looked towards the helicopter, and Dr. Banner had been moved to the plane by them.Nick turned his head and asked the three of them, "Do you need me to take you back?"

"No, we'll go back by ourselves."

"Then I'll leave first."

Nick simply turned around and left, boarded the helicopter, and quickly flew away from the desert under the rotation of the propeller.

Tang Ming took Tony and Peter, and used the ability of space replacement again, and the three of them appeared in Tang Ming's restaurant in an instant.

Tony was no stranger to Tang Ming's miraculous methods, so he told Tang Ming and went back to his Stark Industrial Building to take off his battle suit.Tony's current armor is not a nano-level armor, and he can't turn the armor into a watch to wear on his body like in the future. Uninstallation and equipment are a bit troublesome at this time.

But Tony came back.

Sitting in the dining room, watching Peter striding forward, Tony asked Tang Ming out of boredom, "Why didn't you agree to Nick's suggestion? A superhero organization might be able to better protect our planet."

Tang Ming poured a cup of tea for Tony and said, "I'm used to being free. I don't have any interest in joining the organization."

Seeing that Tang Ming had made up his mind, Tony didn't try to persuade him any more.

After thinking about it for himself, he agreed to Nick and prepared to become a consultant for this superhero organization.

Regardless of whether Nick and Tony were busy making a plan to save the world, or something else, Tang Ming still taught Peter step by step.Peter is very talented in martial arts, and now he is very strict in his moves and routines.

Listen to Peter himself say that he himself is now a star in school.

The thing is like this, Peter's good friend Pabo was bullied by the seniors at school, because Pabo was a little fat boy, fat in vain, with a weak temper, for some reason, he was targeted by the seniors.

After school that day, Peter was about to go to Tang Ming's restaurant to study as usual, when he just left the school gate, he saw his friend Pabo was taken aside by four and a half children.

Peter knew those four people, they were school bullies in senior grades, and they were doing evil in school on weekdays.He had seen these four guys walking around before.Now they came to embarrass Pabo, but Peter couldn't ignore it.

Pabo is his good friend. Although he has been busy studying and practicing with Tang Ming recently and hasn't played with Pabo for a long time, it still can't change the fact that they were good friends before.

Besides, even if he wasn't a good friend, Peter wouldn't treat this kind of thing as if he didn't see it.

On weekdays, his master taught him to be a hero, to shout when he sees injustice, and to dare to take action to stop the injustice he sees.

Peter followed immediately, and when the four and a half kids were pushing and shoving Pabo, he shouted, "Stop! What are you doing!"

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