In the cramped street, all five people were startled.

The four and a half boys turned their heads and saw Peter carrying a schoolbag. They were stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, and one of them looked at Peter disdainfully and said, "Don't meddle in your own business, be careful of us. I want you to look good!"

When Pabo saw Peter, he was surprised and scared, and said, "Peter, why are you here? Let's go, we can't beat them."

Pabo was kind and didn't want Peter to be beaten for his business.

Peter smiled slightly, put the schoolbag behind him, calmly walked towards the four school bullies, put his hands up, looked at them without blinking, and hooked his fingers towards them, provocatively.

The four and a half boys looked at each other. They were all arrogant boys. Who could bear such a provocation? The boy who made a sound just now rushed towards Peter.He punched Peter, simple and direct.

Peter accepted Tang Ming's teaching, how could he be hit by such an attack.

The boy's fist was in Peter's sight, slow and full of flaws.Peter just turned slightly sideways, and while dodging the punch, he also punched the kid in the stomach.The boy who rushed over immediately fell to the ground crying.

Pabo was stunned.

From his perspective, the school bully rushed over, Peter and his body were staggered, and the school bully boy screamed and fell to the ground. The scene that happened in just a few seconds was clean and neat.Pabo felt like he was watching some action movie.

"You boy!"

"Mommy Fake!"


The remaining three boys saw that something was wrong and yelled angrily.The three rushed towards Peter together.

Seeing the three people rushing towards him, Peter was a little flustered at first.Fortunately, Master's heroic appearance flashed before his eyes, he took a deep breath, and his eyes instantly became focused.

The panic in Peter's heart disappeared, and in his eyes, the world seemed to have entered a state of silence and tranquility.He slightly sideways dodged a fist, then bent over and dodged to the side, then punched like a tiger and his feet like a dragon, beating the three school bullies to their knees.

In Pabo's stunned eyes, Peter moved among the three, with a strong body, but after four or five rounds, the remaining three boys also followed in the footsteps of their companions, lying directly on the ground and wailing.

Chapter 508 Steve Rogers

Peter saved Pabo with his work.

And because of this, Peter became a celebrity at the school.Now everyone calls him "Kung Fu Boy".Don't dare anyone to provoke Peter and Pabo again.

Listening to Jiebo, the four of them were beaten by Peter alone on that day. He was so terrifying, who else would dare to provoke him?

That's how Peter became famous at school anyway.

The famous Peter is a little bit flirtatious.

But soon Tang Ming corrected his mind for education. With martial arts, it never depends on how powerful you are. Many times, it depends on your state of mind. Only when you keep up with your state of mind can you create a powerful person.

Therefore, when Tang Ming taught Peter, he did not ignore his inner cultivation.When he had winter vacation, he would take him to travel and study all over the world. During this winter vacation, he took Peter to Africa.

Time quickly came to 2011. Peter was 10 years old. At this time, he had the height of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Tang Ming trained and ate it for him.

On this day, Tang Ming was teaching Peter exercises when suddenly two acquaintances and a stranger came into the restaurant.

Two of them are acquaintances, one is black and the other is Natasha.

The stranger was a man, and he was a man with exploding muscles, like a bodybuilding champion. He had a typical American's buttocks, and his handsome face had a daze at this time.

Tang Ming was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

There was a smile on the black face of Maja Fake, looking at the big muscle tyrant next to him, and said, "This is Captain America, who was just dug out of the iceberg by us, and brought him to eat."

"Captain America?!"

Tang Ming didn't react yet, but Peter on the side had already jumped up and looked at Da Mu Ba with a shocked expression, and then asked suspiciously, "Isn't Captain America dead?"

With a warm smile on his face, Rogers reached out to Tang Ming, and Tang Ming held it.Rogers smiled: "Hello, I'm Steve Rogers."

"Tang Ming."

After introducing Tang Ming, Steve squatted down cordially and reached out to Peter as well, saying, "Although I don't know why I'm still alive, I'm indeed Captain America, and it's nice to meet you."

"Are you really Captain America?"

Peter already believed a little, but asked again.

Rogers looked at Nick with a smile and said, "Nick can testify that my uniform and shield are with Nick."

Nick patted Peter on the shoulder and said, "He's Captain America. Okay, Peter, let's go to training." Nick sent Peter away.

At this time, Natasha has quietly ordered the dishes.

Tang Ming took Natasha's menu, looked at Nick and Rogers, and asked, "Do you want anything else?"

Rogers shook his head, "Just do the ladies."


Tang Ming took the menu and turned to leave.

Rogers and Nick sat down.Natasha rested her chin in her hand and looked out the window at the Stark Industrial Building.Rogers noticed Natasha's gaze, looked out the same, and asked, "Iron Man, it seems to be Howard's son, right?"

Nick said: "Yes, Howard's son, Tony Stark, is also the current Iron Man."

Rogers frowned: "He's a little too ostentatious..."

"I think I heard someone talking bad about me."

The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Tony walked in from outside, wearing sunglasses, looking at Rogers and Nick.

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