Rogers was a little surprised by Tony's arrival, but in the face of Tony's gaze, he said calmly: "That's not a bad word, Tony, you should be more prudent."

"ok, captain, you really are an antique from the last century."

Tony doesn't know what it means to respect the elderly. In the face of Rogers, who is the same generation as his father, Tony's vicious tongue has not been restrained. "The times have changed, captain, and I don't think there is anything wrong with what I did."

Rogers frowned and said, "I didn't say you did anything wrong, Tony."

"okok, let's not discuss this for now."

Nick smoothed things out, "Tony, are you here for dinner? Come with us."

Tony pursed his lips, shrugged, and sat beside Natasha, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Natasha smiled charmingly, brushed the hair around her ears, and exhaled like a blue, "Of course I don't mind."

Tony shuddered, and hurriedly sat aside, saying, "I'd better sit here."

Natasha smiled innocently.

Tony sat firmly this time. He looked at Nick and asked, "You still don't give up?" He glanced towards the kitchen.

Nick knew what Tony was talking about and said, "With him, the earth will be safer."

Tony laughed dumbly, "You said that the United States is safer. As long as Tang Ming is on Earth, it doesn't matter if he joins or not?"

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Is this restaurant owner also a superhero?"

Rogers frowned, he didn't know the situation yet, thinking that Nick and the others brought him here today, they just invited him to dinner.The boss just now looked young, except for being handsome and unusual, there is nothing special about it, right?

Natasha explained: "The owner of this Chinese restaurant is no ordinary person. He should be considered a superhero, right? Everyone calls him 'Mr. Fantastic'."

"Mr. Fantastic?"

"Yes, because he is very magical. He can use the body of a human to shake the steel giant, and at the same time he has the magical magic of the East." Natasha added.

Rogers couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the kitchen and shook his head, "I can't see it."

At this time, the smell of vegetables came from the kitchen.

Rogers couldn't help but sniff at the unique aroma.

"The dishes are here!"

Tang Ming and Peter came out with the dining cart, which was full of delicious food.


After eating, Rogers touched his stomach with some doubts, how could there be such delicious food in the world?One bite is like stepping into heaven.

"Delicious, right?"

Tony looked at Rogers with the look of a bumpkin.

Rogers said: "I kind of believe now that he's not a normal person."

He glanced at Tang Ming who was coaching Peter's martial arts not far away.Under the guidance of Tang Ming, Peter played with great style.

"what is that?"

Rogers pointed to Peter's move, "Some kind of boxing?"

"Not boxing."

Natasha explained with a smile, "It's Eastern Kung Fu."

Tony went on to say, "Tang Ming's kung fu is very good. Last year, two big monsters appeared in New York. He beat the two monsters to the ground."


Rogers looked at Nick.

Nick said, "I'll explain to you later. Let's go now."

Rogers was surprised, "Aren't you going to recruit him?" He pointed to Tang Ming not far away.

Nick sighed, "Forget it."

Rogers looked at Peter and Tang Ming with a thoughtful expression.Then they went with Nick.

Rogers after they left.Suddenly, a circle of sparks appeared in the dining room, and Peter was startled.

Tang Ming looked at the aperture, and a figure came out of it.

Chapter 509 You Can Borrow My Strength

Tang Ming looked at the bald woman who came out of the aperture, his face was not surprised, but calm as before, as if he had expected this person to come.

"You came."

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"I must come."

Peter: ""

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