Tang Ming watched OAA disappear, and plunged into the "sea of ​​stars".


On a viaduct, a man in a black and red uniform with two long swords in his back was drawing casually on a piece of paper with a pen. Suddenly, the man in the uniform raised his head, and his eyes behind the hood were looking straight ahead, as if looking at someone.

"Oh, dear viewers, you must be wondering why I'm here... Ahem, damn, what the hell is this, man, don't mess around ok? We're shooting Deadpool's solo movie, what, you don't know Deadpool? Oh my god, dear viewers, there are still people who don’t know Deadpool! Me! Look at the beautiful and lovely me in front of you, I am Deadpool! What, you still don’t know? Damn, is it my popularity? Has it disappeared in the real world?"

Tang Ming suddenly appeared, floating in front of the man in uniform.

The guy who claimed to be Deadpool was not too surprised when he saw Tang Ming's sudden appearance. Instead, he started chattering. He turned his head away as he talked, as if he was communicating with some kind of existence, asking if he was popular. drop or something.

Tang Ming glanced at Deadpool, calmly interrupted his continuous utterance, and said, "Your target is about to pass through."

Deadpool looked down, and sure enough, he saw that his target was approaching rapidly. If he still wanted to communicate with the audience, he would miss it.

"Ou Leixiete! Audience friends, we will talk later, and now your popular baby is about to start a professional performance."

After Deadpool finished speaking, he jumped off the viaduct, and with a bang, he plunged directly into a car below.The people in the car were startled, and when they realized it, they were about to kill Deadpool.

Deadpool was not cowardly at all, letting their bullets and knives stick on his body, he drew out the two long swords behind him and stabbed directly at them.

When Deadpool assassinated his opponent, he didn't look at the air next to him and explained at what angle and with what force his knife stabbed, which could better end the enemy's life.

Blood splashed out.

"Friendly reminder, children should close their eyes and watch~"

Deadpool blinked at the air next to him, then came to his senses, and said to himself: "Oh, I forgot, our movie is rated very high, and children can't watch it. You can't secretly watch the pirated version~ "

His eyes wink again.

At this time, the vehicle next to him reacted and drove directly towards him. The two vehicles collided together, and the wheels began to slip.

Not afraid of death at all!

Tang Mingpiao watched from the air. His perception had just scanned the whole world, and he found that the only suspicious thing was Deadpool's body.

At this time, the entire driveway had been disrupted by Deadpool, and extensive destruction was taking place. Finally, on the way to overturning the car, Deadpool jumped out screaming in ecstasy, and then started shooting with a group of people on the road.

In the end, Deadpool won the MVP of the audience in Deadpool's hard shot.

A handsome guy with a wry smile was handcuffed by Deadpool.

"Although I know you are making a movie, you have what I want." At this time, Tang Ming fell from the sky, looked at Deadpool and said.

Deadpool watched Ajax being handcuffed with satisfaction, then turned to look at Tang Ming and said:

"Hey, I know you, having an affair with that old man, you are from the real world, right? You are from the real world, but you don't know me, has my popularity dropped? No, I just asked the audience friends, They said, I am still very popular, and the most popular anti-hero is my No. 1."

Deadpool talked non-stop.

Chapter 522 The Deadpool Who Read the Outline

Tang Ming interrupted Deadpool, "Stop first, I'm here to find something, and that thing is on you. I need it."

Worrying that Deadpool would chatter a lot again, Tang Ming spoke out his words concisely.

Deadpool touched his body, took out a knife, toys, springs, and a small schoolbag from his uniform, "Hey, why is this schoolbag here? Forget it, let me look for it, daggers, washing powder, dinosaurs Baby's toys, unwashed underwear, grenades, stingers..."

He turned over almost every part of his body, not even sparing the crotch, and directly reached out his hand to dig it out a few times. When he did it, he didn't forget to turn his head to the air next to him and say, "Dear audience friends! Ladies, you can see how old I am by looking at my actions now. Vanessa was not my opponent before, not my bragging, girls in the movie theater, if you have a boyfriend like me, you will enjoy the night. Yours Is your boyfriend as old as me?"

Finally, he blinked obscenely.

At this time, he also took out all the things on his body, and the pile of messy things on the ground of Deadpool asked: "Is there anything you want in here? If you want everything, I will give you a [-]% discount, as long as A hundred dollars is fine. I am a good guy, look, this grenade, as long as you pull it, and then throw it at the bad guy, it is a weapon that everyone will want to avoid, what a weapon."

Deadpool pulled away the grenade on the ground, and made a gesture to throw it at Ajax. Ajax shrank his head in fright, but Deadpool didn't want to throw it over. Ajax would still be useful if he kept it.So Deadpool threw the grenade aside and blew up a scrapped car.

In the rumbling flames, Deadpool said angrily: "Ou Leixiete, why did I throw away the grenade, it is the most valuable thing. Well, I don't want your one hundred dollars now. Seeing as you are Superman's In terms of face, I'll give you a [-]% discount, only five hundred dollars, okay? You know your good friend Batman's superpowers are superpowers, he's rich, as long as you stick your ass up, Batman will definitely Willing to pay the five hundred dollars for you."

"What, you say I'm blind? Is this man Superman? Fuck, when will my Deadpool be wrong?"

Deadpool suddenly stretched out his head and cursed at one side, and seemed to be looking at something. After a while, he turned his head back and said to the air next to him: "I just went to the next studio to check again, and I saw it right. The guy is indeed a superman, and I have more interesting discoveries. He is not only a superman, but also the grandfather of fourteen gourd babies. What, you said that there are only seven gourd babies. No, no, no, there are fourteen gourd babies, seven Boys, six girls. Hehehe, don’t be surprised why Cucurbita has girls, even Deadpool has girls, what’s so strange?”

"It seems to be digressing. Let's talk about it, the man standing in front of us is amazing. He is not only the Superman in the studio next door, but also the grandfather of fourteen gourd babies. At the same time, he is also the emperor of the Eastern Heaven and the Great Qin Empire. The first emperor, the power of the galaxy in the cosmic starry sky... Well, there are too many identities, so many introductions are enough to shock you."

Deadpool seemed to have finished communicating with the audience. He turned to look at Tang Ming and asked, "By the way, what did you come to see me for?"


Tang Ming smashed Deadpool to pieces with one punch, and then took out a small fragment from his soul. After thinking about it, he gave him some compensation and upgraded his immortality. Now he won't die anymore.

Deadpool recovered quickly. He was formed from molecular forms. Because he was filming a movie, his whole body was mosaiced by the power of the world. Even so, the audience in the real world still vomited all over.

too disgusting!

Tang Ming couldn't bear to see such a scene, so he disappeared into this world and went to the next Marvel universe.

The Marvel universe that Tang Ming came to this time is a universe with mutants.Tang Ming didn't talk nonsense, he directly scanned the whole world, and then teleported to the academy run by Professor X.

Tang Ming teleported directly in front of the professor. Charles was startled and almost stood up from the wheelchair. He looked at Tang Ming in amazement and asked, "A mutant with space ability? Are you a newly awakened Omega-level mutant? "

Charles was shocked at the beginning, and then gradually regained his composure, looking at Tang Ming curiously.

Tang Ming smiled and shook his head, "Professor Charles, I'm not a mutant. I came here from outside the world to find something that originally belonged to me."

"Outside the world?"

Charles frowned, and he looked at Tang Ming again.Now Charles was surprised, because he found that his ability could not work on Tang Ming.Tang Ming didn't wear the hat of his old friend Magneto, but Charles couldn't hear Tang Ming's heart.

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