Charles felt a little convinced, nodded and said: "It seems that I misunderstood. Did your things fall into our college? Maybe I can mobilize my students to help you find them."

"Dong dong..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside Charles' room, and a female voice came in, "Professor, are you there?"

"It's the piano."

Charles subconsciously looked at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming smiled and said, "I have no malicious intentions."

Charles pondered for a while, then said to the door: "I'm here, come in."

The door was pushed open, and a slender woman with big waves walked in from outside. Seeing that there was not only Charles in the room, but also a stranger who had never seen before, Jean Grey was a little surprised and asked: "Professor, Your new student?"

Charles shook his head, "This gentleman is not my student, he came to our college looking for something."

Qin Gelei frowned and asked, "What are you looking for?" She took a look at Tang Ming, and found that he was much younger than her, looked sunny and handsome, full of affinity.

"A fragment."

Tang Ming explained with a smile, then looked at Charles, and said, "Actually, that fragment is right in front of me, Professor Charles."

Charles was a little confused, he looked around and said, "Where is it?"

Tang Ming pointed to Charles' shiny bald head.

Qin Gelei frowned, the other party's behavior was not considered polite.

Charles touched his head, "In my head?"

"No, to be precise, in your soul."

"Why didn't I find out?" Charles wondered.

Tang Mingdao: "Not everyone can perceive its existence."

Charles was silent for a while, and said: "Do you have to take it, sir? Will it cause danger to me?"

"This is my thing. I will definitely get it back. There will be no danger. I will pay you."

"and many more……"

Qin Gelei was on the side trying to stop it, but Tang Ming had already waved to Charles. With his movement, a piece of fluorescent light flew out of Charles' forehead. Charles didn't feel any discomfort at all, but looked at it curiously.

Tang Ming put away the fragments and smiled at Charles, "I've already taken them. Let me help you upgrade your abilities as a reward."

Tang Ming had a little inspiration for Charles, and an eye-catching light broke out between Tang Ming and Charles. Qin Gelei just wanted to activate her ability, but found that all the power in her body was suppressed by this light.

The next moment, the light dissipated.

Qin Gelei opened her eyes and looked, Tang Ming had disappeared.

Chapter 525 Electro and Spiderman

Qin Gelei looked at Professor X with concern, and asked, "Professor, are you okay?"

Charles recovered from his trance, glanced at Jean Grey, shook his head, "I'm fine."

Qin Gelei looked at Charles and found that he was really fine, so she was slightly relieved and asked, "Professor, who was that person just now?"

Charles thought for a while. When he first came into contact with Tang Ming, he seemed to see a giant in the light.

"Maybe it's God?" Charles said with some uncertainty.

Qin Gree stared, "Huh?"

"I do not know either."

Charles shook his head, and suddenly picked up the pencil on the table. Qin Gelei was wondering what the professor was doing with the pen, when she saw a flame suddenly jump from the tip of the pencil in Professor X's hand, burning quietly.

"Professor, is this?"

Jean Grey looked at Charles suspiciously.She remembered that the professor's mutant ability was telepathic ability, what happened to the burning pencil now?

Charles didn't answer Jean Grey's question right away. He looked at the pencil in his hand, but he didn't see any other movements. With a swipe, the pencil turned into a book like a magic trick.

Qin Gree blinked.

Looking at everything in front of her, she couldn't help but wonder in her heart, could it be that the professor used to juggle?

Of course Charles can’t do magic tricks, this is the effect of his upgraded ability, modifying reality, directly rewriting reality with powerful psychic ability, or summed up in an idiom: what you want comes true.

Charles casually turned the book in his hand into a pencil again, smiled and said to Jean Grey: "I have never learned juggling before, this is the reward that gentleman gave me just now, he upgraded my psychic ability, let me thinking can modify reality.”

Qin Gelei was dumbfounded when she heard it, how could it be like this?

That person can actually upgrade the mutant ability of others, could it be that he is really God?

Qin Gelei can't imagine what kind of strength is needed to be able to upgrade other people's abilities at will, and to upgrade so abnormally!

She glanced at Charles cautiously. In the past, the professor's ability was perverted enough, but now his mind reflects reality, and he can modify everything in reality. That doesn't mean that the professor wants what kind of world he wants, and everyone can't notice it. Instant change?

"Don't worry, kid, I'll never do that."

Charles didn't even need to use his ability to see what Jean Grey was worried about. He smiled kindly and said, "God gave us this ability so that we can live better and create a better world."

Qin Gelei said with a complex expression: "Professor, you can directly modify the world and make the world a better place in an instant."

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