Tang Ming saw that there was a seat next to a little fat man, which was the only seat on the bus, but the little fat man obviously didn't want Tang Ming to sit next to him. Seeing Tang Ming get on the bus, he immediately put his schoolbag on the seat.

Tang Ming walked over.

The little fat man immediately shouted: "Go away, you freak!"

The sound was loud, and many of the other children in the car laughed when they heard the word freak.

Tang Ming didn't care.

He looks young now, but in his heart he is no longer a primary school student.

He glanced at the little fat man lightly, and his super memory quickly searched for the little fat man's name, Kirby Jannard, the little guy sitting in the third seat from the right in the second row in front of him.

No nonsense.

You can't talk nonsense to this kind of brat.

Tang Ming started directly and lifted the little chubby who weighed more than [-] kilograms from the seat. This shocking scene directly caused bursts of "wow" exclamation in the school bus.

Little Fatty was terrified, and Tang Mingti screamed, "Damn it, let me down."

"I let it go."

Lifting the little fat man to the aisle, Tang Ming let go of his hand, and with a bang, the little fat man Kirby landed on his buttocks, shaking the school bus.

Tang Ming ignored him, put Kirby's schoolbag on his seat, and sat down on the empty seat.

The school bus driver was also taken aback.

Tang Ming looks too thin, and Kirby is so fat, how did he lift Kirby up with one hand?

The driver was so confused that the school bus forgot to open.

Tang Ming had to remind him, "Mr. Mark, if we don't drive, we will be late for school."

"oh oh!"

Mark recovered from his shock and quickly started the car.

The little fat man was furious, but he was afraid of Tang Ming's strength, so he grabbed his schoolbag and dared not sit on his seat.

Chapter 539 Diana

Primary education in the United States is different from that in China.

In the United States, there is not much classroom education for elementary school students, and most of their studies are placed outside the classroom. Everyone only needs to attend two or three classes a day, and then they can go out to study.

This learning is independent, you can play, or find books to read by yourself, and you have a lot of time to spend on your own.

Most people will choose to go out to play, and teachers also encourage students to play.

Of course, this play is not just play, but to learn and strengthen a certain aspect of students in play, and enhance a certain aspect of students' abilities.

But kids are usually just playing.

Tang Ming didn't go to play, and no one asked him to play.

In the eyes of all the children, although Tang Ming didn't behave any weirdly again, he was still that weird guy.It's just because of what happened on the school bus this morning that everyone didn't dare to laugh at Tang Ming anymore.

No one came to play with Tang Ming, and he was happy to be alone.

When everyone was playing rugby and carrying footballs on the playground, Tang Ming sat quietly on the edge of the playground by himself, reading with a storybook.

The story was originally a story about fairy tales, and most of the stories were quite interesting. Tang Ming calmed down and read them slowly, but he also enjoyed them.

You see, most things in life, as long as you settle down and savor them carefully, you can also get some comfort from the ordinary.

Tang Ming turned a page, and suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air. He didn't even look at it, but tilted his head slightly, and the spinning football flew past his ear, landed on the ground and rolled into the distance.

The kids playing football were stunned.

Especially Kirby, he deliberately kicked the ball towards Tang Ming, just to avenge the morning's grievances, but Tang Ming seemed to have eyes on his head, and he just turned his head to avoid the football .

"Coincidence, must be a coincidence"

Kirby muttered to himself in disbelief. He looked at Tang Ming and shouted: "Hey, weird!" Halfway through speaking, Kirby shrunk subconsciously when he thought of Tang Ming's calm expression and huge strength in the morning. Shrinking his neck, he didn't dare to shout out.

In the eyes of others, Kirby lowered his head and said, "I'll pick it up!" He moved his fat body and ran towards the rolling football.When passing by Tang Ming, Kirby glanced sideways, but Tang Ming didn't look at him at all, just looked down at his book.

"Clark, how was school today?"

After returning to the farm from school, Jonathan asked with concern.He had just gone to the field to cut alfalfa for the cows on the farm. A large handful of green alfalfa was piled up next to it, exuding the aroma of green grass. Tang Ming sniffed it, and then nodded in response, "Not bad."

Jonathan smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go back, your mother should have dinner ready."

"These clover?"

"Put it here, I'll cook it later."

Tang Ming nodded, and went home with Jonathan.

As the days passed, Tang Ming quickly finished elementary school and was promoted to junior high school.

He was also famous in junior high school, because many of his elementary school classmates came to the same school as him, so the title of his eccentricity and nerd spread throughout the school.The title of nerd was obtained because Tang Ming often read books in elementary school and didn't communicate and play with others at all, so he got the title.

In American schools, eccentrics and nerds are the most looked down upon.So in junior high school, Tang Ming's situation was the same as in elementary school, and no one made friends with him. He was a marginalized person in the school. Except for the teacher who remembered him, no one else liked him at all.

Tang Ming didn't care anymore.

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