They're all little kids.

But also because they are brats, these guys are really a bit lawless.

After school that day, Tang Ming was carrying his schoolbag and was about to go home, but a group of half-grown children blocked Tang Ming.

Tang Ming looked at the junior high school students in front of him expressionlessly.

The five of them belonged to the same school as Tang Ming, but they were not in the same class. They were students in the class next door.

"Hey, nerd!"

A blond boy standing in front of Tang Ming laughed and shouted, then looked Tang Ming up and down with extremely impolite eyes, and said: "I heard that you don't have any friends in school, do you want us to be your friend, as long as you every day"

He rubbed his thumb and forefinger.

Tang Ming cast a glance, "You want money?"

The blond boy smiled complacently, looked at his companion, and said, "Five dollars a day, that's the price we pay for being your friend, how cheap is it?"

Tang Ming smacked his lips, "It turns out that money can buy friendship."

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, money can buy friendship."

The blond boy and his companion laughed loudly when they heard Tang Ming's words.He smiled secretly in his heart: This guy seems not only a nerd, but also a fool, hahaha

"Hey, what are you kids doing?"

Suddenly a sassy and clear voice came from the side, the blond boy was startled, turned his head to look, and saw a tall woman with a long single ponytail walking towards him stepping on high heels.

The woman's face is very beautiful, but the beauty is not charming, but has the temperament of a Valkyrie, heroic.

The woman looked at the blond boy and the others, and said with a smile, "You don't want to bully your classmates in front of me."

"I, we didn't bully him."

Intimidated by the woman's aura, the blond boy replied in a low voice.

The woman looked at Tang Ming, bowed slightly, and asked gently: "Tell me, are they bullying you? Don't be afraid, I will help you."

Tang Ming nodded to the beautiful lady and thanked him: "Thank you, ma'am. They can't bully me yet."

The woman was a little surprised when she heard Tang Ming's words. She looked at Tang Ming and found that Tang Ming was much taller than the blond boy next to him, and his muscles were perfect. Full of power.

The woman nodded, "It seems that I am meddling in my own business."

"Hey Diana, what are you doing?"

"Sheila, me"

Diana looked at her friend, the lady who came from the corner of the street.She didn't know how to explain it.

Today, Sheila asked her to come here to drink coffee and go shopping. When she passed by here, she happened to see such a scene: She saw a few boys surrounding a handsome boy, thinking that the boy was being bullied, and her natural sense of justice made her go come.In the end, people didn't need her at all.

It's embarrassing.

When Sheila saw the scene, she knew that her good friend was "nosy" again.She smiled, Diana is always like this, she can't see any injustice, whenever she encounters it, she will always stop it.

"Is the kid all right?"

Sheila came to Diana's side, cast a glance at the handsome Tang Ming, and asked.

"Thank you for your concern, ma'am."

Before Diana could answer, Tang Ming responded.

At this time, the blond boy next to him asked timidly, "Ma'am, ma'am, can we leave?"

The blond boys are just junior high school students, and they shrink back when facing adults, especially the lady named Diana, who looks the most beautiful, but their intuition tells these little devils that this lady is not easy to mess with.

Diana glanced at the blond boy and the others, and said, "Of course you can leave. But remember, don't bully others, this is not what a man should do." She gave a final warning.

As soon as the five blond boys heard that they could leave, they quickly ran away.

Chapter 540 Basketball Game

"They don't seem to be listening to what you're saying."

Seeing the backs of the five boys running away, Sheila said to Diana.

"It's the same at this age."

Diana shrugged, looked at Tang Ming beside her, and asked, "My name is Diana, what's your name?"

"Hi, my name is Clark."

Tang Ming introduced his name in this world, "Clark Kent."

"Sheila Alley."

Diana's good friend Sheila also introduced herself to Tang Ming, and said with a smile: "You are so handsome, are you very popular in school? If I were ten years younger, I would definitely fall in love with you. Who would refuse? How about a handsome guy like you?"

Tang Ming shrugged, "The truth is just the opposite. I'm not welcome in school. Everyone calls me a nerd, a weird guy. Ma'am, at our age, looks are not valued, and everyone pays more attention to the labels on a person."

Sheila smiled.


Diana said: "Everyone calls you a nerd. Then your grades must be very good."

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